PAB measures the impact of the NIEHS extramural research portfolio so we can show the value of the extramural investment. Below are some of the ways we gather data and measure impact.
- PAB Evaluation Planning Worksheet (151KB): The planning worksheet is used at the beginning of an evaluation as a planning tool to help gather preliminary data and all potential evaluation questions.
- Logic Models: Logic models are used to inform the success metrics of a program. PAB creates logic models to help see how grant resources and activities lead to outputs and both short- and long-term impacts.
- Metrics: Metrics are measures of a characteristic or aspect of a program. They can be qualitative or quantitative and are reportable, systematic descriptions of the desired or actual performance or achievement. PAB, in conjunction with grantees and program staff created the PEPH Evaluation Metrics Manual to help grantees measure their partnerships and other metrics that are difficult to measure.
- PAB has also developed some interactive tools that help measure the impact of the research programs. For more information on these systems, please refer to the Interactive Tools webpage.
- Automated Research Impact Assessment
- CareerTrac
- Environmental Health Economic Analysis
- High Impacts Tracking System