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The NIEHS Division of Extramural Research and Training (DERT) is committed to providing the support and resources needed to encourage the growth and success of our grantee community.  DERT recognizes that providing technical assistance and training to our grantees, potential grantees, and community partners provides us with an opportunity to foster new relationships, provide technical knowledge and feedback, and significant benefits, including:

  • Encouraging grantees to anticipate research needs and gaps;
  • Increasing the diversity and inclusion of staff and community partners involved;
  • Ensuring that community partners in the full spectrum of the research process.


The Division offers technical assistance and training in the following areas:

  • Grantwriting
  • Peer review
  • Logic Models and Evaluation
  • Translational research
  • Team science


If you would like to request technical assistance or training from DERT, please complete this request form. We will review your request and contact you to discuss your specific needs and training options.

Before you submit a request, we invite you to explore the many training options already available from NIH and NIEHS:

Request Form

All required fields have the word (required) after the label.

Evaluation Technical Assistance Questions:

What kind of assistance are you requesting? Select all that apply... (required)

Assistances Request Questions:

Choose at least one kind of assistance to continue...

Grantwriting Questions

Peer Review


Logic Models


Translational Research


Privacy Act Statement

The primary use of the collection of your question or comment is for replying to your question or comment. It is optional to provide your name, your email address or phone number, or your organization. If you do not provide this information, you would not be able to be contacted with a reply. Collection of this information is authorized under 42 U.S.C. 203, 241, 289l-1 and 44 U.S.C. 3101, and Section 301 and 493 of the Public Health Service Act. The Privacy Act System of Records Notice (SORN) that covers collection of this information is 09-25-0156 Records of Participants in Programs and Respondents in Surveys Used to Evaluate Programs of the Public Health Service, HHS/PHS/NIH/OD and 09-90-1901 HHS Correspondence, Comment, Customer Service, and Contact List Records. Please see our Web Policies for additional information regarding our Privacy Policy.