The Structural Biology Core Facility helps NIEHS researchers design projects to express, purify, and biophysically characterize proteins and macromolecular complexes. The core can perform or assists in all aspects of the process, from construct design and protein purification through structure function studies. The services include, but are not limited to, X-ray crystallization trials and structure determination. The core is divided into two functional units: The Protein Expression Facility and X-ray Crystallography Facility.
Types of Projects we do:
- Cloning and subcloning genes of interest
- Expression of heterologous proteins in E. coli
- Baculovirus generation, propagation and protein expression checks in insect cells
- Expression of proteins in transient transfected and generation of stable mammalian cells
- Generating Lenti viral transfer vectors
- Culturing and expansion of unique mammalian cell lines
- Scale up of protein expression systems
- Protein refolding
- Differential scanning fluorimetry
- Circular dichroism
- Structural determination by X-ray crystallography
- Structural analysis
![A computer render of biological structures.](/sites/default/files/research/atniehs/assets/images/structuralbiologyxraycore.png)
NIEHS Shared and Core Facilities are available to NIH researchers. Information for staff on utilizing these services may be found on the NIEHS Junction or by contacting the staff below.
Scientific Staff
Protein Expression Facility
Robert M. Petrovich, Ph.D.
Director, Protein Expression Facility -
P.O. Box 12233Mail Drop F1-02Durham, NC 27709
Tel 984-287-3453
[email protected]
Tom Stanley, M.S.
Contractor - Biologist -
P.O. Box 12233Mail Drop F1-02Durham, NC 27709
Tel 984-287-3438
[email protected]
X-ray Crystallography Facility
Lars C. Pedersen, Ph.D.
Director, X-ray Crystallography Facility and Principal Investigator -
P.O. Box 12233Mail Drop F3-09Durham, NC 27709
Tel 984-287-3538
[email protected]
Andrea Kaminski
Biologist -
Tel 984-287-3537
[email protected] -
P.O. Box 12233Mail Drop F3-09Durham, NC 27709