The Neurobehavioral Core Facility allows intramural researchers to study rodent responses to internal and external stimuli, with the goal of gaining insight into nervous system function and dysfunction associated with neurological and psychiatric disorders. Our goal is to provide the latest cutting edge neurobehavioral techniques including in vivo electrophysiology, optical imaging and optogenetics.
Mouse behavioral testing is used to evaluate the behavioral effects of both genetic and environmental perturbations.
- Environment interaction studies that assess susceptibility to neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders
- Behavioral tests that reflect symptoms of psychiatric and neurological conditions
- Assays that track the development of abnormal phenotypes
- Advanced techniques that allow for direct perturbation and readout from genetically and anatomically defined neural circuitry during behavior such as in vivo electrophysiology, optical imaging and optogenetics
Behavioral assays:
- Elevated Plus Maze
- Y-Maze
- T-Maze
- Open Field
- Light/Dark Box
- Object Location Memory Task
- Object Recognition Memory Task
- Barnes Maze
- Bussey-Saksida Touchscreen
- Marble Burying Assay
- Fear Conditioning
NIEHS Shared and Core Facilities are available to NIH researchers. Information for staff on utilizing these services can be found on the NIEHS Junction or by contacting the staff below.
Scientific Staff
Jesse D. Cushman, Ph.D.
Director, Neurobehavioral Core Laboratory -
Tel 984-287-3463
[email protected] -
P.O. Box 12233Mail Drop F2-12Durham, NC 27709
Korey D. Stevanovic, M.Sc.
Biologist -
Tel 984-287-3456
[email protected] -
P.O. Box 12233Mail Drop F2-12Durham, NC 27709
Leslie R. Aksu, Ph.D.
Biologist -
Tel 984-287-3415
[email protected] -
111 Tw Alexander DrDavid P Rall BuildingResearch Triangle Park, NC 27709
Neurobehavioral Core Fellows
Margaret A. Hayes
Fellow - Postbaccalaureate -
Tel 984-287-3463
[email protected] -
111 Tw Alexander DrResearch Triangle Park, NC 27709
Dalisa Kendricks, Ph.D.
Fellow -
Tel 984-287-4184
[email protected] -
111 Tw Alexander DrDavid P Rall BuildingResearch Triangle Park, NC 27709
Dakota J. Nipper
Fellow -
Tel 931-409-9514
[email protected] -
111 Tw Alexander DrDavid P Rall BuildingResearch Triangle Park, NC 27709
Jariatu Stallone
Fellow -
Tel 703-986-4973
[email protected] -
111 Tw Alexander DrDavid P Rall BuildingResearch Triangle Park, NC 27709