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This table contains updated information on the conference funding time line.

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Receipt DateRequest Permission to SubmitCouncil Meeting DateEarliest Funding Date
April 12March 1mid-SeptemberSeptember 15
August 12July 1mid-FebruaryMarch 15
December 12November 1late May-early JuneJune 15

NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

NIH Conference Grant Kiosk

The mission of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is to discover how the environment affects people in order to promote healthier lives. The NIEHS Conference grant program is considered an integral part of the overall mission of the institute; thus it is critical that all conference grant applications have a direct relationship to advancing the mission of NIEHS. In order to be responsive, all conference grant proposals must focus on or clearly indicate relevance to advancing our understanding of the role of environment and/or gene-environment interactions in disease/dysfunction. This includes environmental science and engineering proposals, such as the following: methodologies to detect hazardous substances in the environment; and basic biological, chemical, and physical methods to reduce the amount and toxicity of hazardous substances. 

NIEHS is interested in supporting investigator initiated scientific meetings, defined as a "gathering, symposium, seminar, workshop, or other organized formal conference where persons assemble to coordinate, exchange, and disseminate information or to explore or clarify a defined subject, problem or area of knowledge," that will advance the field of environmental health sciences. NIEHS wishes to stress that it supports all these mechanisms, not just large conferences. It is also interested in receiving applications for the support of mini symposia or day long focused symposia at national meetings on topics of relevance to NIEHS.

With regard to larger workshops and conferences, NIEHS would prefer to support conferences that are multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary in nature and foster interactions and exchanges among individuals who normally would not engage in such activities. The inclusion of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior investigators is specifically encouraged, and funds can be requested for this purpose. In addition, NIEHS encourages community participation in conferences and workshops whenever feasible. This includes having breakout sessions and or extra sessions with advocacy and public interest groups to discuss ethical, legal and social issues as well as to sensitize scientists as to their role in translation of research to community benefit.

All NIEHS supported meetings must result in a specific product or measurable outcome that could be used to judge the success of the meeting. This includes one or more of the following: a published manuscript/monograph, a published meeting report, data made available through the Internet, evaluation data on participation and interactions fostered through the meeting, examination of specific outcomes such as interactions with community or advocacy groups or efforts to translate research to public health outcomes and community benefit.

Budget Guidelines

NIEHS will accept applications under the following budget guidelines: The maximum amount of support that may be requested is $25,000. Please contact the R13 Conference Coordinator for approval to submit an application in an amount greater than $25,000. Also, please note that an average award from NIEHS is $8,000. NIEHS actively participates in co-funding with other NIH institutes.

NIEHS does not accept multiple applications for a single scientific meeting. Applicants and/or organizers of the meeting are responsible for coordinating the submission of a single cohesive application. Exceptions will be made for a single satellite meeting to be held in conjunction with the larger meeting.

Funding Priorities and Funding Limits

Conferences that are more highly focused and more directly related to the NIEHS mission will receive higher priority than more general meetings. Currently, the maximum amount NIEHS will provide to any R13 application is $15,000. However, conferences from organizations with large funding resources may be limited to $8000.

Multi-year Funding

Due to budgetary considerations, NIEHS will accept investigator-initiated requests for multi-year funding of conference applications, not to exceed three years.

Advance Permission to Submit an Application

A letter requesting permission (LRP) to submit a conference application is required and must be received via email no later than six (6) weeks prior to the selected receipt date. The application receipt dates for conference grants are April 12, August 12, and December 12. All conference applications now must undergo a second level review by the Advisory Council of the funding institute. This is a change in procedure instituted under the most recent NIH reauthorization bill. In addition, NIH policy requires conference grants to be funded prior to the start of the conference. Therefore additional time is required between receipt of application and conference start dates. Please review the chart at the top of the webpage and carefully select a receipt date that will allow sufficient time for an award to be made.

Please include the following information in the LRP:

  • Meeting Title, Date and Location
  • Type of meeting: Local, Regional, National, International
  • Number of anticipated attendees
  • PI name and address
  • Meeting justification e.g. Meeting purpose and goals (2-3 sentences and justification of need)
  • Preliminary draft program with speakers if known or suggested possible speakers
  • Amount requested and purpose


Inquiries are encouraged. The opportunity to clarify any issues or questions from potential applicants is welcome. Applicants are encouraged to discuss possible submissions with the NIEHS conference coordinator who may suggest discussions with appropriate health science administrators. Please see Contacts for Applicants for the program contact for a specific area of science.

Conference Contact

Toccara A. Chamberlain, M.A.
Toccara A. Chamberlain, M.A.
Health Specialist
Tel 984-287-4482
[email protected]
530 Davis Drive (Keystone Bldg)