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Population Health Branch (PHB)

Kimberly Gray, Ph.D. is an epidemiologist and manages a portfolio in neuroepidemiology and directs the NIEHS Collaborative Centers for Children's Environmental Health & Translation Disease and Maintaining and Enriching Environmental Epidemiology Cohorts program. She is an active member of the NIEHS WHO Collaborative Center, Fogarty GeoHealth Hub, ABCD and HBCD NIH Consortium, the NIH Environmental Children’s Health Outcomes program and the NIH Pediatric Research Consortium. Gray serves as the NIEHS liaison to the American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee of Environmental Health and Climate Change and the co-chair of President’s Task Force on Children’s Environmental Health and Safety subcommittee on chemical exposures.

She received her Ph.D in Epidemiology from the University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School in Public Health and a postdoctoral fellowship in the NIEHS Epidemiology Branch examining the long-term effects of polychlorinated biphenyl exposure during pregnancy on childhood development in the NIH Collaborative Perinatal Project. Gray’s previous research experience included working on several cohort studies including the Cardiovascular Health Study, Women’s Health Initiative, the Maternal Health Practices and Child Development Project, the Collaborative Perinatal Project, and the ALS Gulf-War Veterans study.

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