Connect With NIEHS Experts
The environment impacts human health in many ways. Research in NIEHS laboratories and branches lead to discoveries and innovations in various subject areas from cutting edge toxicological tools to therapies and diagnostics related to infectious diseases including COVID-19, cancer, diabetes, inflammatory diseases, neurological diseases, and reproductive disorders. NIEHS laboratories and branches are categorized under two divisions, the Division of Intramural Research and the National Toxicology Program. The following are NIEHS laboratories and branches where you can find a subject matter expert.
Partners interested in obtaining NIEHS developed materials or establishing collaborations with NIEHS scientists should contact OTT for assistance. Please see Licensing Opportunities for available technologies.
Sharon Soucek, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Technology Transfer -
Tel 984-287-4152
[email protected]
Contact OTT to propose a collaboration with our subject matter experts.