Leadership and Management

Fellows' Career Development

Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management

Fellows' Career Development

NIEHS and NIH provide trainees with workshops and resources to prepare them for leadership and management roles and to help them thrive in a team environment. Below, you will find examples of past workshops focused on helping trainees develop competence in leadership and management.

Management Shortcourse

A 2-day workshop offered every other year at the NIEHS campus by NIH OITE.

Management of people and resources is a key component to being successful as you move forward in your career. The OITE has developed an intense course to give advanced postdocs and fellows an overview of common management concepts that are not often taught in a research environment. The topics covered will be applicable to all sectors (academics, industry, non-profits, government, etc.).

Sample Schedule:

Unit 1: Managing you

  • Transitioning to a management role
  • Introduction to emotional intelligence
  • Time management
  • Learning concepts: This session will encourage participants to assess how they interact with people, the environment, and projects to effectively manage workflows.

Unit 2: Managing staffing

  • Hiring and interviewing

Unit 3: Managing Interpersonal Interactions

  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Conflict management and resolution
  • Difficult conversations
  • Learning concepts: Effectively managing your interactions with others will help you build stronger relationships in the workplace and prevent the conflict that can undermine them. Among the most critical skills are the ability to give feedback clearly and tactfully; listen and respond to feedback from others; analyze and address conflict in the workplace; and prepare for and engage in difficult conversations. Thoughtful development and application of these skills will serve you whether you are talking to an employee on your team, a peer, or a member of leadership.

Unit 4: Managing the team

  • Motivating your staff
  • Planning ahead
  • Dealing with setbacks
  • Learning concepts: Motivating a staff means knowing how to communicate project goals and expectations. This session will define strategies to motivate staff and what to do when setbacks occur.

Examples of Leadership Opportunities

  • Chair of NIEHS Trainees’ Assembly (NTA): The Chair and Co-Chair positions are instrumental in helping influence the direction of training at NIEHS. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase and develop leadership skills and experience. This leadership opportunity can help set you apart from other candidates when applying for jobs in the future. 
  • Chair of NIEHS Career Symposium: As one of two Co-Chairs of the Career Symposium Planning Committee, you are going to lead a team of about 20 committee members to develop and organize one of the most popular symposiums for scientific professional development in Research Triangle Park (RTP). You will have plentiful opportunities to improve your leadership and management skills, including determining the agenda, selecting and inviting speakers, and making logistic arrangements for accommodating more than 400 participants.
  • Chair of ELITE Consortium: The leaders of the Enhancing Local Industry Transitions through Exploration (ELITE) consortium will organize visits to local biomedical industry firms. It’s also a great opportunity to practice networking and communication skills.
  • Host of Brown Bag Lunch (BBL) Career Series: Being a host for the BLL Career Series is a great opportunity to meet and network with local professionals in different careers.
  • NTA Steering Committee Liaison Positions: The liaisons serve as communication channels between the NTA members and NIEHS as a whole. Example positions: Website Development, Social Chair, NIEHS Newsletter (Environmental Factor) Liaison, etc.