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Superfund Research Program

This webpage contains information to assist SRP grant recipients.

SRP Administrative Supplements

General Administrative Supplements are requests for additional funds to meet emergency or other unanticipated situations that result in unforeseen costs or to follow up on unanticipated results or to enhance components of research that have been unexpectedly productive. Visit the General Administrative Supplements webpage for more information. The SRP also provides general administrative supplements to promote diversity in the biomedical, environmental science and engineering, and social science (e.g., community engagement and research translation) workforce. For more information, see the Administrative Supplements to Promote Diversity in SRP-Related Research webpage.

KC Donnelly Externship Supplements provide current SRP-funded trainees (graduate students / postdoctoral researchers) with translational/transdisciplinary opportunities and experiences within other SRP-funded centers, government laboratories (EPA, ATSDR, NIEHS), or other agencies (state, local, Tribal). For more information, please see the KC Donnelly Externship Guidelines or contact your assigned SRP Program Administrator (Danielle Carlin - [email protected], Michelle Heacock - [email protected], or Heather Henry - [email protected]).

Requests to fund meetings or conferences should be processed through the R13 Mechanism (see SRP Funding Opportunities).

SRP Best Practices and Non-Competing Guidelines

The Best Practices (429KB) guidelines are intended for existing, awarded SRP grant recipients regarding best practices related to events or issues that may arise throughout the duration of a grant cycle. These guidelines address key topics for Center Directors and Principal Investigators. Included in this document are instructions for changes in Key Personnel, Significant Changes to Project/Core Scope, Carry Forward Requests (for P42 Grants only), Requests for Supplemental Funds, Closeout Procedures, Conference/Workshop Support, Foreign Projects or Studies, etc. New: You also can download the PHS 398 Form for use with the Carryover Requests.

NIH began implementing the Federal-wide Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) in fall 2012 and requires use of the RPPR module in eRA Commons to submit ALL annual progress reports. The NIH RPPR instructions provide an overview of the RPPR process and provides resources to help you understand how to submit a progress report. These reports are required annually to document grant recipient accomplishments and compliance with terms of award. They describe scientific progress, identify significant changes, report on personnel, and describe plans for the subsequent budget period or year.

NIEHS and NIH Logos

If you would like to use the NIEHS or NIH logos on any electronic or printed materials, please contact Christine Bruske Flowers, Director of the NIEHS Office of Communications & Public Liaison, for guidance on proper use of the logos and to request the image files. Ms. Flowers can be reached at [email protected] or (919) 541-3665.

SRP Data Collection Tool

We are continuously collecting data about scientific accomplishments, community engagement, and research translation activities. Please help us by using the SRP Data Collection Tool to share your updates.

Lobbying Guidance for Grant Recipient Activities

The NIH has provided guidance on the use of appropriated funds by NIH and its grant recipients for advocacy, lobbying, and related activities. For more information, please see the Lobbying Guidance for Grant Recipient Activities and the Reminder of Lobbying Prohibition on Federal Funds for All NIH-Supported Institutions.

Superfund Research Program CareerTrac - Tracking Trainees to Success

CareerTrac is an NIH/NIEHS-funded system to enable evaluation of the training program for SRP trainees (i.e., pre- and postdoctoral trainees either directly supported or conducting research/activities supported by SRP P42 or R01 grants) specializing in the environmental health sciences. CareerTrac is intended to be a tool for NIEHS/SRP staff and SRP P42 and R01 grant recipients to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the SRP training program and also to help NIEHS in overall coordination of its various research training programs. CareerTrac can be accessed through the NIEHS Research Partners website.

EPA and ATSDR Resources

National Priorities List Sites
If you or one of your colleagues is interested in conducting research at a Superfund site, the BEST time to get involved is when the site is proposed or newly added to the National Priorities List (NPL). The EPA releases the lists of proposed and added NPL sites twice a year, in the spring and fall.

Toxics Release Inventory Program
The EPA Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program tracks the management of certain toxic chemicals that may pose a threat to human health and the environment. U.S. facilities in different industry sectors must report annually how much of each chemical is released to the environment and/or managed through recycling, energy recovery, and treatment. The information submitted by facilities is compiled in the Toxics Release Inventory. TRI helps support informed decision making by industry, government, non-governmental organizations, and the public. To access TRI data and to learn more about the program, visit the EPA TRI Program website.

Additional Resources
For general information about Superfund and other EPA and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) resources, visit the SRP Funding Opportunities webpage.

How to Gain and Maintain Access to Superfund Sites

The Best Practice Tips for SRP Grant Recipients: How to Gain and Maintain Access to Superfund Sites (452KB) document was prepared by the SRP in cooperation with EPA and ATSDR participants in the Research to Risk Assessment (R2RA) Interagency Working Group. The intent of the document is to provide SRP grant recipients with best practices for establishing and maintaining constructive working relationships with officials at hazardous waste sites.

e-Posted Notes Archive

Need to find an e-Posted story? SRP is making available a PDF archive of the past year of e-Posted Notes editions. The headlines from each issue are listed for easy navigation. For more information, visit the archive.

SRP Annual Meetings

Please save the date for December 4-6, 2023, for the SRP Annual Grant Recipient Meeting, to be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This NIEHS-hosted meeting is in collaboration with the University of New Mexico (UNM) SRP Center. More information on venue, hotels, registration, abstract submission, and agendas will be released in the coming months.

For information about past meetings, see the SRP Annual Meetings webpage.

Partnerships for Environmental Public Health (PEPH)

The Partnerships for Environmental Public Health (PEPH) is a great place to find out what other researchers are doing and to share knowledge.