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Principal Investigator / Institution

Darren Cohen
Principal Investigator
Tel 954-262-1405
[email protected]
Nova Southeastern University
3301 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796

Program Description

Institute for Disaster and Emergency Preparedness logo

The Institute for Disaster and Emergency Preparedness at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) will maintain and expand their successful maritime workers hazardous materials handling training program, Project SEAMIST (South East Area Maritime Industry Safety Training). Project SEAMIST has designed and implemented a set of safety training curricula targeted to workers in the maritime industry, including ship and dock workers, freight forwarders and related trades. In practice, NSU has trained not only these workers, but also safety trainers and compliance officers, medical personnel, and members of the military and academia in the Gulf and Atlantic states and throughout the country.

Hazardous Waste Worker Training Program (HWWTP)

For the HWWTP, SEAMIST will provide new and ongoing on-site preparedness training for more than 8,000 maritime employees over the next five years, including dock workers, ship workers, warehouse workers and their supervisors, as well as safety officers, to ensure timely and appropriate response to hazardous events. These required training courses prepare maritime workers for the possibility of exposure to hazardous materials in the course of their regular duties, during accidents, and incidents due to either natural disasters or the possibility of targeted terrorism attacks. The courses provide three levels of training, from basic worker awareness to training trainers, in order to reach the greatest number of at-risk personnel.

HAZMAT Disaster Preparedness Training Program (HDPTP)

Under the HDPTP, NSU administers the Hazardous Material Maritime Industry Response Training Safety Initiative (HazMIRTSI), where they have an established network of maritime industry clientele (companies and ports), safety training partners, and law enforcement representatives, primarily in the six North Atlantic states but expanding along the Atlantic coast and into the Gulf of Mexico. HazMIRTSI provides critical training on hazardous material disaster response to maritime incidents.

Project Duration

  • August 11, 2020 - May 31, 2025 (HWWTP, HDPTP)

Grant Numbers

  • U45 ES019350 (HWWTP, HDPTP)

Other Participating Organizations

  • None