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Exposure, Response, and Technology Branch (ERTB)

Jacqui Marzec, M.S.
Jacqui Marzec, M.S.
Health Specialist
Tel 984-287-4229
Fax 301-480-3735
[email protected]
P.O. Box 12233
Mail Drop K3-04
Durham, NC 27709

Jacqui Marzec, M.S., is a Health Specialist in NIEHS Division of Extramural Research and Training (DERT) in the Exposure, Response, and Technology Branch. She provides evaluative support to the Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT) program. CounterACT is a trans-NIH chemical countermeasures research program that integrates innovative research with technological advances in science and medicine for a rapid, effective response in the event of a chemical emergency.

She also provides programmatic support for the Air Pollution portfolio. She is currently the Keystone Lecture series coordinator and served as the interim Inclusion Specialist for human subjects’ research protection at NIEHS.

Marzec transitioned to the DERT in 2020 after 20 years as a Biologist for the Division of Intramural Research within the Immunity, Inflammation and Disease Laboratory at NIEHS. As the Lab Coordinator for the Environmental Genetics Group, she managed multiple studies evaluating inflammation, stress response and oxidative phosphorylation defects in various lung disease models. In addition, she collaborated with international investigators on epidemiological studies of cardiopulmonary toxicants, environmental pollutants and viral pathogens. Marzec has a B.S. in Chemistry (1996) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a M.S. in Molecular and Structural Biochemistry (2006) from North Carolina State University.
