NIEHS has several resources available to researchers, both inside and outside of the institute.
Filter by First Letter:
- Accountability
- Accreditation
- Adverse event (AE)
- Amendment
- Animal care committee
- Animal rights
- Animal welfare
- Asilomar Conference
- Assent
- Audit
- Author
- Authorship, honorary
- Authorship, ghost
- Autonomy
- CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) certified laboratory
- Censorship
- Citation amnesia
- Classified research
- Clinical investigator
- Clinical trial, active controlled
- Clinical trial, equipoise
- Clinical trial, phases
- Clinical trial, placebo controlled
- Clinical trial, registration
- Clinical trial, surrogate endpoint
- Clinical trial
- Clinical utility
- Coercion
- Collaboration agreement
- Commercialization
- Commodification
- Common law
- Common rule
- Community review
- Competence
- Compliance
- Conduct
- Confidentiality
- Conflict of interest (COI)
- Conflict of interest, apparent or perceived
- Conflict of interest, institutional
- Conflict of interest, management
- Consent
- Consequentialism
- Continuing review
- Copyright
- Correction (or errata)
- Culture of integrity
- Engagement, community
- Engagement, public
- Emergency research
- Epistemology
- Error
- Ethical dilemma
- Ethical reasoning
- Ethical relativism
- Ethical universalism
- Ethics (or morals)
- Ethics, applied
- Ethics, meta-
- Ethics, normative vs. descriptive
- Exempt research
- Exculpatory language
- Expedited review
- Experiment
- Exploitation
- Expression of concern
- Fabrication
- Falsification
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
- Good clinical practices (GCPs)
- Good laboratory practices (GLPs)
- Good manufacturing practices (GMPs)
- Good record-keeping practices (GRKPs)
- Guideline
- Image manipulation
- Incidental finding
- Individualized research results
- Informed consent
- Informed consent, blanket (general)
- Informed consent, documentation
- Informed consent, specific
- Informed consent, tiered
- Informed consent, waiver
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Integrity
- Intellectual Property
- Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
- Media Embargo
- Mentor
- Minimal Risk
- Misconduct
- Mismanagement of Funds
- Morality
- National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Inspector General (OIG)
- Nazi Research on Human Subjects
- Negligence
- Non-compliance
- Nuremberg Code
- Objectivity
- Observer (or Hawthorne) effect
- Openness
- Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP)
- Office of Research Integrity (ORI)
- Paternalism
- Patent
- Peer review
- Peer review, double-blind
- Peer review, open
- Peer review, single-blind
- Placebo
- Placebo effect
- Plagiarism
- Plagiarism, "self"
- Politics
- Precautionary principle (PP)
- Precision environmental health
- Preponderance of evidence
- Privacy
- Proprietary research
- Protocol
- Protocol, deviation
- Publication
- Publication bias
- Randomization
- Randomized controlled trial (RCT)
- Regulation
- Reliance agreement
- Remuneration
- Reproducibility
- Research
- Research compliance
- Research ethics
- Research integrity
- Research institution
- Research integrity official (RIO)
- Research misconduct
- Research misconduct, inquiry vs. investigation
- Research record
- Research sponsor
- Research subject (also called research participant)
- Respect for persons
- Responsible conduct of research (RCR)
- Retraction
- Right
- Risk
- Risk/benefit analysis
- Risk management
- Risk minimization
- Risks, reasonable
- Salami science
- Scientific (or academic) freedom
- Scientific validity (or rigor)
- Scientism
- Self-deception
- Self-regulation
- Singapore Statement
- Social responsibility
- Social value
- Speciesism
- Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
- Statistical significance
- Subject selection
- Surrogate decision-maker
- Technocracy
- Technological-fix
- Testability
- Text recycling
- Therapeutic misconception
- Three Rs
- Transparency
- Tuskegee Syphilis Study
- Unanticipated problem (UP)
- Uncertainty, epistemic
- Uncertainty, moral
- Undue influence
- Utilitarianism