The mission of NIEHS is to research how the environment affects biological systems across the lifespan and to translate this knowledge to reduce disease and promote human health. In order to carry out this mission, the institute needs many talented people with a variety of skills.
- Chief, Genome Integrity and Structural Biology Laboratory
- Clinical Director and Chief, Clinical Research Branch
- Discipline-Specific Postdoctoral Fellow, Inhalation Toxicology
- Postbaccalaureate Fellow, Fabrication and Repair Studio, Neurobiology Laboratory
- Postbaccalaureate Fellow, Mechanisms of Genome Dynamics Group
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Comparative and Molecular Pathogenesis Branch (CMPB), Division of Translational Toxicology
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Epidemiology Branch
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Molecular Microscopy Group, Genome Integrity and Structural Biology Laboratory
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Neurobehavioral Circuits Group, Neurobiology Laboratory
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Perinatal & Early Life Epidemiology Group, Epidemiology Branch
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Epigenetics & RNA Biology Laboratory
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Fertility & Reproductive Health Group
- Postdoctoral, Predoctoral, Postbaccalaureate Fellow, Geospatial Wildfire Air Pollutant Exposure Modeling, Spatiotemporal Exposures and Toxicology Group
- Postdoctoral, Predoctoral, Postbaccalaureate Fellow, Informaticist or Epidemiologist, Spatiotemporal Exposures and Toxicology Group
- Staff Scientist, Comparative and Molecular Pathogenesis Branch
- Staff Scientist, Environment and Cancer Epidemiology Group
- Staff Scientist, Predictive Toxicology Branch
- STrIDE Postbaccalaureate Fellow, Neurobehavioral Circuits Group
- Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
- Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
- Supervisory Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
- Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
- Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
- Supervisory Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
- Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
- Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
- Supervisory Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
- Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
- Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
- Supervisory Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer & Scientific Review Officer)
More Positions at USAJOBS
Please Note: The above joblistings from USAJOBS are automatically pulled daily.
USAJOBS is the official job website of the United States Federal Government and a source for Federal jobs and employment information. USAJOBS does not include a full listing for independent investigator jobs, so please refer to the NIEHS scientific jobs section above.
Please see this list of all open NIEHS Postdoc Positions through the Office of Intramural Training & Education.
NIH Job Postings
For job postings from throughout the National Institutes of Health, please go to Jobs at NIH
TTY Line: 800-735-2258.
NIH Summer Internship Program
The NIH Summer Internship Program provides internships to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students interested in pursuing careers in the biomedical/biological sciences.
Job Verification
You can find instructions for Job Verification for NIEHS non-contract staff on this website.