Much of the work carried out by DTT is in support of the National Toxicology Program (NTP), an interagency partnership of the Food and Drug Administration, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and NIEHS.
This Digitized Atlas of Mouse Liver Lesions provides color photomicrographs illustrating examples of some spontaneous, aging as well as chemically induced non-neoplastic and neoplastic histopathological hepatobiliary lesions commonly observed in B6C3F1 and Genetically Modified mice from acute, subchronic and chronic toxicity and/or carcinogenicity studies conducted by the National Toxicology Program. In addition to the color photomicrographs, content includes internationally accepted (standardized) diagnostic nomenclature as well of descriptions for some of the lesions.

Search by Pathology:
- Normal
- Congenital Lesions of the Liver
- Degenerative Lesions of the Liver
- Necrotic, Inflammatory and Vascular Lesions of the Liver
- Hyperplastic and Neoplastic Lesions of the Liver
- Miscellaneous Lesions of the Liver
- Toxicologic Lesions of the Liver
- Lesions of the Gallbladder
- Unique Liver Lesions of Genetically Altered Mice
Filter by First Letter:
- Adenoma
- Alb-uPA mice - hepatocellular adenoma
- Alb-uPA mice - nodular regeneration
- Alb-uPA transgenic mice
- AL-TAg mice
- AL-ras x AL-myc bitransgenic mice
- AL-TAgxAL-myc dual transgenic mice
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - anaplasia
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - biliary cysts
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - basophilic focus
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - bile duct adenocarcinoma
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - bile duct adenoma
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - bile duct proliferation
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - bromodeoxyuridine
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - cholangiocarcinoma
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - ductular formation
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - foci of cellular alteration
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - hepatocellular adenoma
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - hepatocellular carcinoma
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - hepatocellular neoplasm
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - hepatocytomegaly
- AL-TAgxAL-myc mice - karyomegaly
- Amyloidosis
- Anaplasia - AL-TAgxAL-myc mice
- Anaplasia of hepatocytes & oval cell proliferation
- Angiectasis
- Apoptosis
- Apoptosis - TGF alpha mice
- Apoptotic bodies
- Carcinoma in adenoma
- Chlordane
- Cholangiocarcinoma
- Cholangiocarcinoma - AL-TAgxAL-myc mice
- Cholangiocarcinoma - scirrhous reaction
- Cholangioma
- Cholecystitis
- Clear cell focus
- Coagulation necrosis
- Congenital lesions of the liver
- Crystalline inclusions - gallbladder
- Cyst - gallbladder
- Cystic degeneration
- Cytomegaly
- Cytomegaly associated with chlordane exposure
- Cytomegaly associated with Helicobacter
- Cytomegaly of hepatocytes & oval cell proliferation<</a>
- Cytoplasmic alteration
- Cytoplasmic vacuolation
- Gallbladder
- Gallbladder - crystalline inclusions
- Gallbladder - cyst
- Gallbladder - ectopic pancreas
- Gallbladder - hyaline degeneration
- Gallbladder - hyperplasia
- Gallbladder - inclusions
- Gallbladder - inflammation
- Gallbladder - papillary adenoma
- Gallbladder - papillary hyperplasia
- Genetically altered mice
- Giant cells in histiocytic sarcoma
- Glycogen Deposition
- HBV transgenic mice
- HBV transgenic mice - hepatic neoplasia, gross
- HBV transgenic mice - hepatocellular adenoma
- Helicobacter hepaticus
- Hemangioma
- Hemangiosarcoma
- Hematopoiesis
- Hepatic atrophy with Ito cell tumors
- Hepatitis
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatoblastoma
- Hepatocellular adenoma
- Hepatocellular adenoma - Alb-uPA mice
- Hepatocellular adenoma - AL-TAgxAL-myc mice
- Hepatocellular adenoma - HBV transgenic mice
- Hepatocellular adenoma - TGFalpha mice
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
- Hepatocellular carcinoma - AL-TAgxAL-myc mice
- Hepatocellular hypertrophy
- Hepatocholangiocarcinoma
- Hepatocyte atrophy with hemangiosarcoma
- Hepatocyte degeneration in fatty change
- Hepatocytomegaly - AL-TAgxAL-myc mice
- Hepatocytomegaly - TGF alpha mice
- Hepatodiaphragmatic nodule
- Hepatopathy
- Histiocytic sarcoma
- Histiocytosis
- Hyaline bodies
- Hyaline change
- Hyaline degeneration
- Hyaline degeneration - gallbladder
- Hyperplasia - gallbladder
- Hyperplastic lesions of the liver
- Malignant lymphoma
- Malignant melanoma
- Mast cell tumor
- Melanoma
- Metastatic tumor, ovarian teratoma
- Metastatic tumor, malignant melanoma
- Metastatic tumor, lymphoma
- Microgranuloma
- Microinvasion
- Microvesicular fatty change
- Miscellaneous lesions of the liver
- Mixed focus
- Myelodysplasia - Tg.AC mice
- Myelopoiesis
- Myeloproliferation - Tg.AC mice
- Papillary adenoma - gallbladder
- Papillary hyperplasia - gallbladder
- Peliosis associated with hemangiosarcoma
- Peliosis hepatis
- Perisinusoidal lining cells
- Periodic acid Schiff stain
- Pigment - toxic change
- Ploidy
- Polyploidy
- Polyploidy associated with apoptosis
- Polyploidy associated with hepatocyte hypertrophy
- Pseudoinclusion with oval cell hyperplasia
- Telangiectasis
- Tension lipidosis
- Teratoma
- Tg.AC mice
- TGF alpha mice - apoptosis
- Tg.AC mice - myeloproliferation
- Tg.AC mice - myelodysplasia
- Tg.AC mice - erythroleukemia
- TGF alpha
- TGF alpha mice
- TGF alpha mice - hepatocellular adenoma
- TGF alpha mice - hepatomegaly
- TGF alpha mice - karyomegaly
- Torsion
- Toxic change
- Toxic change - Kupffer cell hyperplasia
- Toxic change - oval cell hyperplasia
- Toxic change - pigment
- Toxicologic lesions of the liver
- Trabecular carcinoma
- Transgenic mice
- Transgenic mice - Alb-uPA mice
- Transgenic mice - AL-TAg mice
- Transgenic mice - AL-TAgxAL-myc
- Transgenic mice - AL-ras x AL-myc
- Transgenic mice - HBV
- Transgenic mice - hepatocellular adenoma
- Transgenic mice - Tg.AC mice
- Transgenic mice - TGF alpha
Ron A. Herbert, D.V.M., Ph.D., F.I.A.T.P.
Senior Scientist;
Head, Pathology Support Group, Comparative & Molecular Pathogenesis Branch -
Tel 984-287-3841
[email protected] -
P.O. Box 12233Mail Drop B3-08Durham, NC 27709