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Much of the work carried out by DTT is in support of the National Toxicology Program (NTP), an interagency partnership of the Food and Drug Administration, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and NIEHS.

Office of Portfolio Strategy and Research Management

Scott Masten, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., is Director of Office of Portfolio Strategy within Office of Portfolio Strategy and Research Management within the Division of the Translational Toxicology at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). His primary responsibility is implementing a strategic research portfolio that efficiently and effectively leverages the breadth of Divisional scientific capabilities and advances the scientific mission of the DTT. Other important activities within the OPS include portfolio, program and project management, analysis and evaluation, and coordination of priority scientific initiatives within the Division.

In research prioritization and planning, Masten actively interfaces with a variety of stakeholders on public health issues of national and international significance. He engages with scientific advisory committees, federal and state agencies, commercial entities and advocacy organizations. He represents the NIEHS and NTP on interagency coordinating groups focused on a range of topics including disaster research and dietary supplements, and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Sustainable Chemistry Strategy Team.

Masten is a Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology and has broad research interests in toxicology testing strategies, predictive toxicology, safer alternatives, and regulatory decision-making. Masten received a B.S. in Marine Biology from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and his Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Toxicology from the University of Florida. He came to NIEHS in 1995 for post-doctoral training in the Laboratory of Computational Biology and Risk Analysis and joined the NIEHS as a Research Fellow in 1998.

Portfolio Strategy scientists contribute to NTP report and monograph series and publish findings in the NIEHS report series and peer-reviewed scientific literature. Staff publications can be viewed on the webpage.

Scientist and Staff

Pamela Bayles
Pamela Bayles
Tel 984-287-4497
[email protected]