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Developmental Neurobiology Group
Sciolino NR, Hsiang M, Mazzone CM, Wilson LR, Plummer NW, Amin J, Smith KG, McGee CA, Fry SA, Yang CX, Powell JM, Bruchas MR, Kravitz AV, Cushman JD, Krashes MJ, Cui G, Jensen P. (2022). Natural locus coeruleus dynamics during feeding. Sci Adv . 2022;8(33):eabn9134. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abn9134 [Abstract Sciolino NR, Hsiang M, Mazzone CM, Wilson LR, Plummer NW, Amin J, Smith KG, McGee CA, Fry SA, Yang CX, Powell JM, Bruchas MR, Kravitz AV, Cushman JD, Krashes MJ, Cui G, Jensen P. (2022). Natural locus coeruleus dynamics during feeding. Sci Adv. 2022;8(33):eabn9134. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abn9134 ]
Lozoya OA, Xu F, Grenet D, Wang T, Stevanovic KD, Cushman JD, Hagler TB, Gruzdev A, Jensen P, Hernandez B, Riadi G, Moy SS, Santos JH, Woychik RP. (2022). A brain-specific pgc1α fusion transcript affects gene expression and behavioural outcomes in mice [published correction appears in Life Sci Alliance. 2021 Nov 24;5(2):]. Life Sci Alliance . 2021;4(12):e202101122. Published 2021 Oct 14. doi:10.26508/lsa.202101122 [Abstract Lozoya OA, Xu F, Grenet D, Wang T, Stevanovic KD, Cushman JD, Hagler TB, Gruzdev A, Jensen P, Hernandez B, Riadi G, Moy SS, Santos JH, Woychik RP. (2022). A brain-specific pgc1α fusion transcript affects gene expression and behavioural outcomes in mice [published correction appears in Life Sci Alliance. 2021 Nov 24;5(2):]. Life Sci Alliance. 2021;4(12):e202101122. Published 2021 Oct 14. doi:10.26508/lsa.202101122 ]
Plummer NW, Chandler DJ, Powell JM, Scappini EL, Waterhouse BD, Jensen P. 2020. An Intersectional Viral-Genetic Method for Fluorescent Tracing of Axon Collaterals Reveals Details of Noradrenergic Locus Coeruleus Structure. eNeuro ; doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0010-20.2020 [Online 15 May 2020]. [Abstract Plummer NW, Chandler DJ, Powell JM, Scappini EL, Waterhouse BD, Jensen P. 2020. An Intersectional Viral-Genetic Method for Fluorescent Tracing of Axon Collaterals Reveals Details of Noradrenergic Locus Coeruleus Structure. eNeuro; doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0010-20.2020 [Online 15 May 2020]. ]
Tillage RP, Sciolino NR, Plummer NW, Lustberg D, Liles LC, Hsiang M, Powell JM, Smith KG, Jensen P, Weinshenker D. 2020. Elimination of galanin synthesis in noradrenergic neurons reduces galanin in select brain areas and promotes active coping behaviors. Brain Struct Funct 225(2):785-803. [Abstract Tillage RP, Sciolino NR, Plummer NW, Lustberg D, Liles LC, Hsiang M, Powell JM, Smith KG, Jensen P, Weinshenker D. 2020. Elimination of galanin synthesis in noradrenergic neurons reduces galanin in select brain areas and promotes active coping behaviors. Brain Struct Funct 225(2):785-803. ]
Chandler DJ, Jensen P, McCall JG, Pickering AE, Schwarz LA, Totah NK. 2019. Redefining Noradrenergic Neuromodulation of Behavior: Impacts of a Modular Locus Coeruleus Architecture. J Neurosci. 39(42):8239-8249. [Abstract Chandler DJ, Jensen P, McCall JG, Pickering AE, Schwarz LA, Totah NK. 2019. Redefining Noradrenergic Neuromodulation of Behavior: Impacts of a Modular Locus Coeruleus Architecture. J Neurosci. 39(42):8239-8249. ]
Whissell P, Bang J, Khan I, Xie Y, Parfitt G, Grenon M, Plummer NW, Jensen P, Bonin R, and Kim JC. (2019) Selective activation of cholecystokinin-expressing GABA (CCK-GABA) neurons enhances memory and cognition. eNeuro [Abstract Whissell P, Bang J, Khan I, Xie Y, Parfitt G, Grenon M, Plummer NW, Jensen P, Bonin R, and Kim JC. (2019) Selective activation of cholecystokinin-expressing GABA (CCK-GABA) neurons enhances memory and cognition. eNeuro ]
Powell JM, Plummer NW, Scappini EL, Tucker CJ, Jensen P. (2019) DEFiNE: A method for enhancement and quantification of fluorescently labeled axons. Front. Neuroanat. Jan 11;12:117. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2018.00117. eCollection 2018. PMID: 30687025; PMCID: PMC6336715. [Abstract Powell JM, Plummer NW, Scappini EL, Tucker CJ, Jensen P. (2019) DEFiNE: A method for enhancement and quantification of fluorescently labeled axons. Front. Neuroanat. Jan 11;12:117. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2018.00117. eCollection 2018. PMID: 30687025; PMCID: PMC6336715. ]
Chen YW, Das M, Oyarzabal EA, Cheng Q, Plummer NW, Smith KG, Jones GK, Malawsky D, Yakel JL, Shih YYI, Jensen P. (2018) Genetic identification of a population of noradrenergic neurons implicated in attenuation of stress-related responses. Molecular. Psychiatry. PMID: 30214043; PMCID: PMC In Process. [Abstract Chen YW, Das M, Oyarzabal EA, Cheng Q, Plummer NW, Smith KG, Jones GK, Malawsky D, Yakel JL, Shih YYI, Jensen P. (2018) Genetic identification of a population of noradrenergic neurons implicated in attenuation of stress-related responses. Molecular. Psychiatry. PMID: 30214043; PMCID: PMC In Process. ]
Alexander G, Brown L, Farris S, Lustberg D, Pantazis C, Gloss B, Plummer NW, Riddick N, Moy S, Jensen P, Dudek S. (2018) CA2 neuronal activity controls hippocampal low gamma and ripple oscillations. eLife . PMID: 30387713; PMCID: PMC6251629. [Abstract Alexander G, Brown L, Farris S, Lustberg D, Pantazis C, Gloss B, Plummer NW, Riddick N, Moy S, Jensen P, Dudek S. (2018) CA2 neuronal activity controls hippocampal low gamma and ripple oscillations. eLife. PMID: 30387713; PMCID: PMC6251629. ]
Plummer NW, Ungewitter EK, Smith KG, Yao HH, Jensen P (2017) A new mouse line for cell ablation by diphtheria toxin subunit A controlled by a cre-dependent FLEx switch. Genesis 55 (10) PMID: 28875587; PMCID: PMC56741. [Abstract Plummer NW, Ungewitter EK, Smith KG, Yao HH, Jensen P (2017) A new mouse line for cell ablation by diphtheria toxin subunit A controlled by a cre-dependent FLEx switch. Genesis 55 (10) PMID: 28875587; PMCID: PMC56741. ]
Plummer NW, Scappini EL, Smith KG, Tucker CJ, Jensen P (2017) Two subpopulations of noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus complex distinguished by expression of the dorsal neural tube marker pax7. Front. Neuroanat . 11:60 eCollection. [Abstract Plummer NW, Scappini EL, Smith KG, Tucker CJ, Jensen P (2017) Two subpopulations of noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus complex distinguished by expression of the dorsal neural tube marker pax7. Front. Neuroanat. 11:60 eCollection. ]
Damborsky JC, Smith KG, Jensen P, Yakel JL (2017) Local cholinergic-GABAergic circuitry within the basal forebrain is modulated by galanin. Brain Struct. Func. Apr;222(3):1385-1400. PMID: 27496091 PMCID: PMC In Process. [Abstract Damborsky JC, Smith KG, Jensen P, Yakel JL (2017) Local cholinergic-GABAergic circuitry within the basal forebrain is modulated by galanin. Brain Struct. Func. Apr;222(3):1385-1400. PMID: 27496091 PMCID: PMC In Process. ]
Sciolino NR, Plummer NW, Chen YW, Alexander GM, Robertson SD, Dudek SM, McElligott ZA, Jensen P (2016) Recombinase-dependent mouse lines for chemogenetic activation of genetically defined cell types. Cell Reports 15(11):2563-73. PMID: 27264177 PMCID: PMC4915594. [Abstract Sciolino NR, Plummer NW, Chen YW, Alexander GM, Robertson SD, Dudek SM, McElligott ZA, Jensen P (2016) Recombinase-dependent mouse lines for chemogenetic activation of genetically defined cell types. Cell Reports 15(11):2563-73. PMID: 27264177 PMCID: PMC4915594. ] [Full Text Sciolino NR, Plummer NW, Chen YW, Alexander GM, Robertson SD, Dudek SM, McElligott ZA, Jensen P (2016) Recombinase-dependent mouse lines for chemogenetic activation of genetically defined cell types. Cell Reports 15(11):2563-73. PMID: 27264177 PMCID: PMC4915594. ]
Plummer NW, de Marchena J, Jensen P. A knock-in allele of En1 expressing dre recombinase. Genesis. 54(8):447-54. PMID: 27313055 PMCID: PMC4990467. [Abstract Plummer NW, de Marchena J, Jensen P. A knock-in allele of En1 expressing dre recombinase. Genesis. 54(8):447-54. PMID: 27313055 PMCID: PMC4990467. ] [Full Text Plummer NW, de Marchena J, Jensen P. A knock-in allele of En1 expressing dre recombinase. Genesis. 54(8):447-54. PMID: 27313055 PMCID: PMC4990467. ]
Robertson SD, Plummer NW, Jensen P (2016) Uncovering diversity in the development of central noradrenergic neurons and their efferents. Brain Res . 1641(Pt B)():234-244. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Noradrenergic System. PMID:26612521; PMCID: PMC4901874. [Abstract Robertson SD, Plummer NW, Jensen P (2016) Uncovering diversity in the development of central noradrenergic neurons and their efferents. Brain Res. 1641(Pt B)():234-244. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Noradrenergic System. PMID:26612521; PMCID: PMC4901874. ] [Full Text Robertson SD, Plummer NW, Jensen P (2016) Uncovering diversity in the development of central noradrenergic neurons and their efferents. Brain Res. 1641(Pt B)():234-244. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Noradrenergic System. PMID:26612521; PMCID: PMC4901874. ]
Plummer NW, Evsyukova,IY , Robertson SD, de Marchena J, Tucker CJ, Jensen P. (2015) Expanding the power of recombinase-based labeling to uncover cellular diversity. Development . 142(24):4385-4393. PMID: 26586220; PMCID: PMC4689223. [Abstract Plummer NW, Evsyukova,IY , Robertson SD, de Marchena J, Tucker CJ, Jensen P. (2015) Expanding the power of recombinase-based labeling to uncover cellular diversity. Development. 142(24):4385-4393. PMID: 26586220; PMCID: PMC4689223. ] [Full Text Plummer NW, Evsyukova,IY , Robertson SD, de Marchena J, Tucker CJ, Jensen P. (2015) Expanding the power of recombinase-based labeling to uncover cellular diversity. Development. 142(24):4385-4393. PMID: 26586220; PMCID: PMC4689223. ]
Robertson SD, Plummer NW, de Marchena J, Jensen P (2013) Developmental origins of central norepinephrine neuron diversity. Nature Neurosci . 16(8):1016-23. F1000 Recommendation. PMID: 23852112; PMCID: PMC4319358. [Abstract Robertson SD, Plummer NW, de Marchena J, Jensen P (2013) Developmental origins of central norepinephrine neuron diversity. Nature Neurosci. 16(8):1016-23. F1000 Recommendation. PMID: 23852112; PMCID: PMC4319358. ] [Full Text Robertson SD, Plummer NW, de Marchena J, Jensen P (2013) Developmental origins of central norepinephrine neuron diversity. Nature Neurosci. 16(8):1016-23. F1000 Recommendation. PMID: 23852112; PMCID: PMC4319358. ]
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