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Matrix Biology Group


  1. Brass, D.M., Hollingsworth, J.W., McElvania-Tekippe, E., Garantziotis, S., Hossain, I., and Schwartz, D.A. 2007. CD14 is an essential mediator of LPS-induced airway disease. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 293:L77-83. [Abstract Brass, D.M., Hollingsworth, J.W., McElvania-Tekippe, E., Garantziotis, S., Hossain, I., and Schwartz, D.A. 2007. CD14 is an essential mediator of LPS-induced airway disease. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 293:L77-83.]
  2. Garantziotis, S., Hollingsworth, J.W., Ghanayem, R.B., Timberlake, S., Zhuo, L., Kimata, K., and Schwartz, D.A. 2007. Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor attenuates complement activation and complement-induced lung injury. J Immunol 179:4187-4192. [Abstract Garantziotis, S., Hollingsworth, J.W., Ghanayem, R.B., Timberlake, S., Zhuo, L., Kimata, K., and Schwartz, D.A. 2007. Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor attenuates complement activation and complement-induced lung injury. J Immunol 179:4187-4192.]
  3. Garantziotis, S., and Palmer, S.M. 2007. Genetics and genomics in human lung transplantation. Expert Rev Respir Med 1:271-278. [Abstract Garantziotis, S., and Palmer, S.M. 2007. Genetics and genomics in human lung transplantation. Expert Rev Respir Med 1:271-278.]
  4. Garantziotis, S., Palmer, S.M., Snyder, L.D., Ganous, T., Chen, B.J., Wang, T., Cook, D.N., and Schwartz, D.A. 2007. Alloimmune lung injury induced by local innate immune activation through inhaled lipopolysaccharide. Transplantation 84:1012-1019. [Abstract Garantziotis, S., Palmer, S.M., Snyder, L.D., Ganous, T., Chen, B.J., Wang, T., Cook, D.N., and Schwartz, D.A. 2007. Alloimmune lung injury induced by local innate immune activation through inhaled lipopolysaccharide. Transplantation 84:1012-1019.]
  5. Hollingsworth, J.W., Li, Z., Brass, D.M., Garantziotis, S., Timberlake, S.H, Kim A, Hossain, I., Savani, R.C., and Schwartz, D.A. 2007. CD44 regulates macrophage recruitment to the lung in lipopolysaccharide-induced airway disease. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 37:248-253. [Abstract Hollingsworth, J.W., Li, Z., Brass, D.M., Garantziotis, S., Timberlake, S.H, Kim A, Hossain, I., Savani, R.C., and Schwartz, D.A. 2007. CD44 regulates macrophage recruitment to the lung in lipopolysaccharide-induced airway disease. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 37:248-253.]
  6. Hollingsworth, J.W., Maruok,a S., Li, Z., Potts, E.N., Brass, D.M., Garantziotis, S., Fong, A., Foster, W.M., and Schwartz, D.A. 2007. Ambient ozone primes pulmonary innate immunity in mice. J Immunol 179:4367-4375. [Abstract Hollingsworth, J.W., Maruok,a S., Li, Z., Potts, E.N., Brass, D.M., Garantziotis, S., Fong, A., Foster, W.M., and Schwartz, D.A. 2007. Ambient ozone primes pulmonary innate immunity in mice. J Immunol 179:4367-4375.]


  1. Garantziotis, S., Hollingsworth, J.W., Zaas, A.K., and Schwartz, D.A. 2008. The effect of toll-like receptors and toll-like receptor genetics in human disease. Annu Rev Med 59:343-359. [Abstract Garantziotis, S., Hollingsworth, J.W., Zaas, A.K., and Schwartz, D.A. 2008. The effect of toll-like receptors and toll-like receptor genetics in human disease. Annu Rev Med 59:343-359.]
  2. Garantziotis, S., Zudaire, E., Trempus, C.S., Hollingsworth, J.W., Jiang, D., Lancaster, L.H., Richardson, E., Zhuo, L., Cuttitta, F., Brown, K.K., et al. 2008. Serum inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor and matrix hyaluronan promote angiogenesis in fibrotic lung injury. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 178:939-947. [Abstract Garantziotis, S., Zudaire, E., Trempus, C.S., Hollingsworth, J.W., Jiang, D., Lancaster, L.H., Richardson, E., Zhuo, L., Cuttitta, F., Brown, K.K., et al. 2008. Serum inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor and matrix hyaluronan promote angiogenesis in fibrotic lung injury. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 178:939-947.]
  3. Hollingsworth, J.W., Maruoka, S., Boon, K., Garantziotis, S., Li, Z., Tomfohr, J., Bailey, N., Potts, E.N., Whitehead, G., Brass, D.M., et al. 2008. In utero supplementation with methyl donors enhances allergic airway disease in mice. J Clin Invest 118:3462-3469. [Abstract Hollingsworth, J.W., Maruoka, S., Boon, K., Garantziotis, S., Li, Z., Tomfohr, J., Bailey, N., Potts, E.N., Whitehead, G., Brass, D.M., et al. 2008. In utero supplementation with methyl donors enhances allergic airway disease in mice. J Clin Invest 118:3462-3469.]


  1. Adair, J.E., Stober, V., Sobhany, M., Zhuo, L., Roberts, J.D., Negishi, M., Kimata, K., and Garantziotis, S. 2009. Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor promotes bronchial epithelial repair after injury through vitronectin binding. J Biol Chem 284:16922-16930. [Abstract Adair, J.E., Stober, V., Sobhany, M., Zhuo, L., Roberts, J.D., Negishi, M., Kimata, K., and Garantziotis, S. 2009. Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor promotes bronchial epithelial repair after injury through vitronectin binding. J Biol Chem 284:16922-16930.]
  2. Garantziotis, S., Li, Z., Potts, E.N., Kimata, K, Zhuo, L., Morgan, D.L., Savani, R.C., Noble, P.W., Foster, W.M., Schwartz, D.A., et al. 2009. Hyaluronan mediates ozone-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in mice. J Biol Chem 284:11309-11317. [Abstract Garantziotis, S., Li, Z., Potts, E.N., Kimata, K, Zhuo, L., Morgan, D.L., Savani, R.C., Noble, P.W., Foster, W.M., Schwartz, D.A., et al. 2009. Hyaluronan mediates ozone-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in mice. J Biol Chem 284:11309-11317.]
  3. Garantziotis, S., and Palmer, S.M. 2009. An unwelcome guest: Aspergillus colonization in lung transplantation and its association with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome. Am J Transplant 9:1705-1706. [Abstract Garantziotis, S., and Palmer, S.M. 2009. An unwelcome guest: Aspergillus colonization in lung transplantation and its association with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome. Am J Transplant 9:1705-1706.]
  4. Li, Z., Garantziotis, S., Jia, W., Potts, E.N., Lalani, S., Liu, Z., He, Y.W., Foster, W.M., and Hollingsworth, J.W. 2009. The extracellular matrix protein mindin regulates trafficking of murine eosinophils into the airspace. J Leukoc Biol 85:124-131. [Abstract Li, Z., Garantziotis, S., Jia, W., Potts, E.N., Lalani, S., Liu, Z., He, Y.W., Foster, W.M., and Hollingsworth, J.W. 2009. The extracellular matrix protein mindin regulates trafficking of murine eosinophils into the airspace. J Leukoc Biol 85:124-131.]


  1. Garantziotis, S., Li, Z., Potts, E.N., Lindsey, J.Y., Stober, V.P., Polosukhin, VV., Blackwell, T.S., Schwartz, D.A., Foster, W.M., and Hollingsworth, J.W. 2010. TLR4 is necessary for hyaluronan-mediated airway hyperresponsiveness after ozone inhalation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 181:666-675. [Abstract Garantziotis, S., Li, Z., Potts, E.N., Lindsey, J.Y., Stober, V.P., Polosukhin, VV., Blackwell, T.S., Schwartz, D.A., Foster, W.M., and Hollingsworth, J.W. 2010. TLR4 is necessary for hyaluronan-mediated airway hyperresponsiveness after ozone inhalation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 181:666-675.]
  2. Garantziotis, S., and Schwartz, D.A. 2010. Ecogenomics of respiratory diseases of public health significance. Annu Rev Public Health 31:37-51 31 p following 51. [Abstract Garantziotis, S., and Schwartz, D.A. 2010. Ecogenomics of respiratory diseases of public health significance. Annu Rev Public Health 31:37-51 31 p following 51.]


  1. Frush, S., Li, Z., Potts, E.N., Du, W., Eu, J.P., Garantziotis, S., He, Y.W., Foster, W.M., and Hollingsworth, J.W. The Role of the Extracellular Matrix Protein Mindin in Airway Response to Environmental Airways Injury. Environ Health Perspect. [Abstract Frush, S., Li, Z., Potts, E.N., Du, W., Eu, J.P., Garantziotis, S., He, Y.W., Foster, W.M., and Hollingsworth, J.W. The Role of the Extracellular Matrix Protein Mindin in Airway Response to Environmental Airways Injury. Environ Health Perspect.]
  2. Garantziotis, S. Modulation of plasma complement by the initial dose of epirubicin/docetaxel therapy in breast cancer and its predictive value. Br J Cancer 104:542; author reply 543-544. [Abstract Garantziotis, S. Modulation of plasma complement by the initial dose of epirubicin/docetaxel therapy in breast cancer and its predictive value. Br J Cancer 104:542; author reply 543-544.]
  3. Heise, R.L., Stober, V., Cheluvaraju, C., Hollingsworth, J.W., and Garantziotis, S. Mechanical Stretch Induces Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Alveolar Epithelia via Hyaluronan Activation of Innate Immunity. J Biol Chem 286:17435-17444. [Abstract Heise, R.L., Stober, V., Cheluvaraju, C., Hollingsworth, J.W., and Garantziotis, S. Mechanical Stretch Induces Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Alveolar Epithelia via Hyaluronan Activation of Innate Immunity. J Biol Chem 286:17435-17444.]
  4. Martinu, T., Kinnier, C.V., Gowdy, K.M., Kelly, F.L., Snyder, L.D., Jiang, D., Foster, W.M., Garantziotis, S., Belperio, J.A., Noble, P.W., et al. Innate immune activation potentiates alloimmune lung disease independent of chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 3. J Heart Lung Transplant 30:717-725. [Abstract Martinu, T., Kinnier, C.V., Gowdy, K.M., Kelly, F.L., Snyder, L.D., Jiang, D., Foster, W.M., Garantziotis, S., Belperio, J.A., Noble, P.W., et al. Innate immune activation potentiates alloimmune lung disease independent of chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 3. J Heart Lung Transplant 30:717-725.]
  5. Menendez, D., Shatz, M., Azzam, K., Garantziotis, S., Fessler, M.B., and Resnick, M.A. The Toll-like receptor gene family is integrated into human DNA damage and p53 networks. PLoS Genet 7:e1001360. [Abstract Menendez, D., Shatz, M., Azzam, K., Garantziotis, S., Fessler, M.B., and Resnick, M.A. The Toll-like receptor gene family is integrated into human DNA damage and p53 networks. PLoS Genet 7:e1001360.]
  6. Seibold, M.A., Wise, A.L., Speer, M.C., Steele, M.P., Brown, K.K., Loyd, J.E., Fingerlin, T.E., Zhang, W., Gudmundsson, G., Groshong, S.D., et al. A common MUC5B promoter polymorphism and pulmonary fibrosis. N Engl J Med 364:1503-1512. [Abstract Seibold, M.A., Wise, A.L., Speer, M.C., Steele, M.P., Brown, K.K., Loyd, J.E., Fingerlin, T.E., Zhang, W., Gudmundsson, G., Groshong, S.D., et al. A common MUC5B promoter polymorphism and pulmonary fibrosis. N Engl J Med 364:1503-1512.]
  7. Li Z, Potts-Kant EN, Garantziotis S, Foster WM, Hollingsworth JW. Hyaluronan signaling during ozone-induced lung injury requires TLR4, MyD88, and TIRAP. PLOS ONE 2011 6(11):e27137-. [Abstract Li Z, Potts-Kant EN, Garantziotis S, Foster WM, Hollingsworth JW. Hyaluronan signaling during ozone-induced lung injury requires TLR4, MyD88, and TIRAP. PLOS ONE 2011 6(11):e27137-.]
  8. Garantziotis S. 2011. Modulation of plasma complement by the initial dose of epirubicin/docetaxel therapy in breast cancer and its predictive value. Br J Cancer 1-4(3):542. [Abstract Garantziotis S. 2011. Modulation of plasma complement by the initial dose of epirubicin/docetaxel therapy in breast cancer and its predictive value. Br J Cancer 1-4(3):542.]


  1. Ranguelova, K., Rice, A.B., Khajo, A., Triquigneaux, M., Garantziotis, S., Magliozzo, R.S., and Mason, R.P.: Formation of reactive sulfite-derived free radicals by the activation of human neutrophils: An ESR study. Free Radical Biol. Med. 52:1264-1271. 2012. [Abstract Ranguelova, K., Rice, A.B., Khajo, A., Triquigneaux, M., Garantziotis, S., Magliozzo, R.S., and Mason, R.P.: Formation of reactive sulfite-derived free radicals by the activation of human neutrophils: An ESR study. Free Radical Biol. Med. 52:1264-1271. 2012.]
  2. Hussain S , Al-Nsour F, Rice AB, Marshburn J, Yingling B, Ji Z, Zink JI, Walker NJ , Garantziotis S. Cerium dioxide nanoparticles induce apoptosis and autophagy in human peripheral blood monocytes. ACS nano 6(7):5820-9. [Abstract Hussain S , Al-Nsour F, Rice AB, Marshburn J, Yingling B, Ji Z, Zink JI, Walker NJ , Garantziotis S. Cerium dioxide nanoparticles induce apoptosis and autophagy in human peripheral blood monocytes. ACS nano 6(7):5820-9.]
  3. Hussain S, Al-Nsour F, Rice AB, Marshburn J, Ji Z, Zink JI, Yingling B, Walker NJ, Garantziotis S. 2012. Cerium dioxide nanoparticles do not modulate the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in human monocytes.. International journal of nanomedicine (7):1387-97. [Abstract Hussain S, Al-Nsour F, Rice AB, Marshburn J, Ji Z, Zink JI, Yingling B, Walker NJ, Garantziotis S. 2012. Cerium dioxide nanoparticles do not modulate the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in human monocytes.. International journal of nanomedicine (7):1387-97.]
  4. Wilson RH, Maruoka S , Whitehead GS, Foley JF , Flake GP, Sever ML, Zeldin DC, Kraft M , Garantziotis S, Nakano H, Cook DN. 2012. The Toll-like receptor 5 ligand flagellin promotes asthma by priming allergic responses to indoor allergens. Nature medicine 18(11):1705-10. [Abstract Wilson RH, Maruoka S , Whitehead GS, Foley JF , Flake GP, Sever ML, Zeldin DC, Kraft M , Garantziotis S, Nakano H, Cook DN. 2012. The Toll-like receptor 5 ligand flagellin promotes asthma by priming allergic responses to indoor allergens. Nature medicine 18(11):1705-10.]


  1. Hussain S, Garantziotis S. Interplay between apoptotic and autophagy pathways after exposure to cerium dioxide nanoparticles in human monocytes. Autophagy 2013 9(1):101-103. [Abstract Hussain S, Garantziotis S. Interplay between apoptotic and autophagy pathways after exposure to cerium dioxide nanoparticles in human monocytes. Autophagy 2013 9(1):101-103.]
  2. Li H, Edin ML, Bradbury JA, Graves JP, DeGraff LM, Gruzdev A, Cheng J, Dackor RT, Wang PM, Bortner CD, Garantziotis S, Jetten AM, Zeldin DC. (2013) Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibits T Helper Cell Type 9 Differentiation during Allergic Lung Inflammation via Down-regulation of IL-17RB. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 187:812-822. [Abstract Li H, Edin ML, Bradbury JA, Graves JP, DeGraff LM, Gruzdev A, Cheng J, Dackor RT, Wang PM, Bortner CD, Garantziotis S, Jetten AM, Zeldin DC. (2013) Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibits T Helper Cell Type 9 Differentiation during Allergic Lung Inflammation via Down-regulation of IL-17RB. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 187:812-822.]
  3. Kang HS, Liao G, DeGraff LM, Bortner CD, Garantziotis S, Jetten AM. CD44 deficiency reduces the susceptibility to diet-induced adipose inflammation, hepatic steatosis, and insulin resistance. Diabetes 8(3):e58417- (2013). [Abstract Kang HS, Liao G, DeGraff LM, Bortner CD, Garantziotis S, Jetten AM. CD44 deficiency reduces the susceptibility to diet-induced adipose inflammation, hepatic steatosis, and insulin resistance. Diabetes 8(3):e58417- (2013).]
  4. Schug,TT , Johnson, AN, Balshaw DM, Garantziotis S, Walker NJ, Weis C, Nadadur, SS, Birnbaum, LS. 2013. ONE Nano: NIEHS's strategic initiative on the health and safety effects of engineered nanomaterials. Environmental health perspectives 121(4):410-414. [Abstract Schug,TT , Johnson, AN, Balshaw DM, Garantziotis S, Walker NJ, Weis C, Nadadur, SS, Birnbaum, LS. 2013. ONE Nano: NIEHS's strategic initiative on the health and safety effects of engineered nanomaterials. Environmental health perspectives 121(4):410-414.]


  1. Yokel RA, Hussain S, Garantziotis S, Demokritou P, Castranova V, Cassee FR. The Yin: An adverse health perspective of nanoceria: uptake, distribution, accumulation, and mechanisms of its toxicity. Environmental Science: Nano 2014 1(5):406-428. [Abstract Yokel RA, Hussain S, Garantziotis S, Demokritou P, Castranova V, Cassee FR. The Yin: An adverse health perspective of nanoceria: uptake, distribution, accumulation, and mechanisms of its toxicity. Environmental Science: Nano 2014 1(5):406-428.]
  2. Hoffman K, Fang M, Horman B, Patisaul HB, Garantziotis S, Birnbaum LS, Stapleton HM. Urinary tetrabromobenzoic acid (TBBA) as a biomarker of exposure to the flame retardant mixture Firemaster® 550. Environmental health perspectives 2014 122(9):963-969. [Abstract Hoffman K, Fang M, Horman B, Patisaul HB, Garantziotis S, Birnbaum LS, Stapleton HM. Urinary tetrabromobenzoic acid (TBBA) as a biomarker of exposure to the flame retardant mixture Firemaster® 550. Environmental health perspectives 2014 122(9):963-969.]
  3. Stober VP, Szczesniak C, Childress Q, Heise RL, Bortner C, Hollingsworth JW, Neuringer IP, Palmer SM, Garantziotis S. 2014. Bronchial epithelial injury in the context of alloimmunity promotes lymphocytic bronchiolitis through hyaluronan expression. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 306(11):L1045-L1055.  [Abstract Stober VP, Szczesniak C, Childress Q, Heise RL, Bortner C, Hollingsworth JW, Neuringer IP, Palmer SM, Garantziotis S. 2014. Bronchial epithelial injury in the context of alloimmunity promotes lymphocytic bronchiolitis through hyaluronan expression. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 306(11):L1045-L1055. ]
  4. Hussain S, Sangtian S, Anderson SM, Snyder RJ, Marshburn JD, Rice AB, Bonner JC, Garantziotis S. Inflammasome activation in airway epithelial cells after multi-walled carbon nanotube exposure mediates a profibrotic response in lung fibroblasts. Particle and fibre toxicology 2014 11():28-28. [Abstract Hussain S, Sangtian S, Anderson SM, Snyder RJ, Marshburn JD, Rice AB, Bonner JC, Garantziotis S. Inflammasome activation in airway epithelial cells after multi-walled carbon nanotube exposure mediates a profibrotic response in lung fibroblasts. Particle and fibre toxicology 2014 11():28-28.]
  5. Snyder RJ, Hussain S, Rice AB, Garantziotis S. 2014. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes induce altered morphology and loss of barrier function in human bronchial epithelium at noncytotoxic doses. International journal of nanomedicine 9():4093-4105. [Abstract Snyder RJ, Hussain S, Rice AB, Garantziotis S. 2014. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes induce altered morphology and loss of barrier function in human bronchial epithelium at noncytotoxic doses. International journal of nanomedicine 9():4093-4105.]
  6. Taylor AJ, McClure CD, Shipkowski KA, Thompson EA, Hussain S, Garantziotis S, Parsons GN, Bonner JC. Atomic layer deposition coating of carbon nanotubes with aluminum oxide alters pro-fibrogenic cytokine expression by human mononuclear phagocytes in vitro and reduces lung fibrosis in mice in vivo. PloS one 2014 9(9):e106870-. [Abstract Taylor AJ, McClure CD, Shipkowski KA, Thompson EA, Hussain S, Garantziotis S, Parsons GN, Bonner JC. Atomic layer deposition coating of carbon nanotubes with aluminum oxide alters pro-fibrogenic cytokine expression by human mononuclear phagocytes in vitro and reduces lung fibrosis in mice in vivo. PloS one 2014 9(9):e106870-.]
  7. Lazrak A, Jurkuvenaite A, Ness EC, Zhang S, Woodworth BA, Muhlebach MS, Stober VP, Lim YP, Garantziotis S, Matalon S. Inter-α-inhibitor blocks epithelial sodium channel activation and decreases nasal potential differences in ΔF508 mice. American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 2014 50(5):953-962.  [Abstract Lazrak A, Jurkuvenaite A, Ness EC, Zhang S, Woodworth BA, Muhlebach MS, Stober VP, Lim YP, Garantziotis S, Matalon S. Inter-α-inhibitor blocks epithelial sodium channel activation and decreases nasal potential differences in ΔF508 mice. American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 2014 50(5):953-962. ]


  1. Cyphert JM, Trempus CS, Garantziotis S. Size Matters: Molecular Weight Specificity of Hyaluronan Effects in Cell Biology. International journal of cell biology 2015():563818-. [Abstract Cyphert JM, Trempus CS, Garantziotis S. Size Matters: Molecular Weight Specificity of Hyaluronan Effects in Cell Biology. International journal of cell biology 2015():563818-.]
  2. Lauer ME, Dweik RA, Garantziotis S, Aronica MA. The Rise and Fall of Hyaluronan in Respiratory Diseases. International journal of cell biology 2015():712507-. [Abstract Lauer ME, Dweik RA, Garantziotis S, Aronica MA. The Rise and Fall of Hyaluronan in Respiratory Diseases. International journal of cell biology 2015():712507-.]
  3. Lazrak A, Creighton J, Yu Z, Komarova S, Doran SF, Aggarwal S, Emala CW Sr, Stober VP, Trempus CS, Garantziotis S, Matalon S. Hyaluronan mediates airway hyperresponsiveness in oxidative lung injury. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 2015 308(9):L891-903. [Abstract Lazrak A, Creighton J, Yu Z, Komarova S, Doran SF, Aggarwal S, Emala CW Sr, Stober VP, Trempus CS, Garantziotis S, Matalon S. Hyaluronan mediates airway hyperresponsiveness in oxidative lung injury. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 2015 308(9):L891-903.]
  4. Thayer KA, Doerge DR, Hunt D, Schurman S, Twaddle NC, Churchwell MI, Garantziotis S, McCarver G, Kissling GE, Easterling MR, Bucher JR, Divakaran K, Birnbaum LS. Pharmacokinetics of bisphenol A in humans following a single oral administration. Environment international 2015 83():107-15-107-15. [Abstract Thayer KA, Doerge DR, Hunt D, Schurman S, Twaddle NC, Churchwell MI, Garantziotis S, McCarver G, Kissling GE, Easterling MR, Bucher JR, Divakaran K, Birnbaum LS. Pharmacokinetics of bisphenol A in humans following a single oral administration. Environment international 2015 83():107-15-107-15.]
  5. McMahen RL, Strynar MJ, Dagnino S, Herr DW, Moser VC, Garantziotis S, Andersen EM, Freeborn DL, McMillan L, Lindstrom AB. Identification of fipronil metabolites by time-of-flight mass spectrometry for application in a human exposure study. Environment international 2015 78():16-23. [Abstract McMahen RL, Strynar MJ, Dagnino S, Herr DW, Moser VC, Garantziotis S, Andersen EM, Freeborn DL, McMillan L, Lindstrom AB. Identification of fipronil metabolites by time-of-flight mass spectrometry for application in a human exposure study. Environment international 2015 78():16-23.]


  1. Hussain S, Ji Z, Taylor AJ, Miller-DeGraff L, George M, Tucker J, Chang CH, Li R, Bonner JC, Garantziotis S. Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Functionalization with High Molecular Weight Hyaluronan Significantly Reduces Pulmonary Injury. ACS nano 2016 10(8):7675-7688. [Abstract Hussain S, Ji Z, Taylor AJ, Miller-DeGraff L, George M, Tucker J, Chang CH, Li R, Bonner JC, Garantziotis S. Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Functionalization with High Molecular Weight Hyaluronan Significantly Reduces Pulmonary Injury. ACS nano 2016 10(8):7675-7688.]
  2. Thayer KA, Doerge DR, Taylor KW, Garantziotis S, Schurman S, Kissling GE, Hunt D, Herbert B, Church R, Crozier R, Churchwell MI, Scheri RC, Birnbaum L, Bucher JR. Bisphenol A, Bisphenol S, and 4-Hydro​xyphenyl 4-Isopro​oxyphenyl​sulfone (BPSIP) in Urine and Blood of Cashiers. Environmental health perspectives 2016 124(4):437-444. [Abstract Thayer KA, Doerge DR, Taylor KW, Garantziotis S, Schurman S, Kissling GE, Hunt D, Herbert B, Church R, Crozier R, Churchwell MI, Scheri RC, Birnbaum L, Bucher JR. Bisphenol A, Bisphenol S, and 4-Hydro​xyphenyl 4-Isopro​oxyphenyl​sulfone (BPSIP) in Urine and Blood of Cashiers. Environmental health perspectives 2016 124(4):437-444.]
  3. Lamas A, Marshburn J, Stober VP, Donaldson S, Garantziotis S. Effects of inhaled high-molecular weight hyaluronan in inflammatory airway disease. Respiratory research 2016 17(1):123-. [Abstract Lamas A, Marshburn J, Stober VP, Donaldson S, Garantziotis S. Effects of inhaled high-molecular weight hyaluronan in inflammatory airway disease. Respiratory research 2016 17(1):123-.]
  4. Hussain S, Kodavanti PP, Marshburn JD, Janoshazi A, Marinakos SM, George M, Rice A, Wiesner MR, Garantziotis S. Decreased Uptake and Enhanced Mitochondrial Protection Underlie Reduced Toxicity of Nanoceria in Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophages. J Biomed Nanotechnol. 2016 Dec;12(12):2139-2150. doi: 10.1166/jbn.2016.2320. [Abstract Hussain S, Kodavanti PP, Marshburn JD, Janoshazi A, Marinakos SM, George M, Rice A, Wiesner MR, Garantziotis S. Decreased Uptake and Enhanced Mitochondrial Protection Underlie Reduced Toxicity of Nanoceria in Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophages. J Biomed Nanotechnol. 2016 Dec;12(12):2139-2150. doi: 10.1166/jbn.2016.2320.] 


  1. Walker JKL, Theriot BS, Ghio M, Trempus CS, Wong JE, McQuade VL, Liang J, Jiang D, Noble PW, Garantziotis S, Kraft M, Ingram JL. Targeted HAS2 Expression Lessens Airway Responsiveness in Chronic Murine Allergic Airway Disease. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 2017 57(6):702-710. [Abstract Walker JKL, Theriot BS, Ghio M, Trempus CS, Wong JE, McQuade VL, Liang J, Jiang D, Noble PW, Garantziotis S, Kraft M, Ingram JL. Targeted HAS2 Expression Lessens Airway Responsiveness in Chronic Murine Allergic Airway Disease. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 2017 57(6):702-710.]
  2. Stober VP, Johnson CG, Majors A, Lauer ME, Cali V, Midura RJ, Wisniewski HG, Aronica MA, Garantziotis S. TNF-stimulated gene 6 promotes formation of hyaluronan-inter-α-inhibitor heavy chain complexes necessary for ozone-induced airway hyperresponsiveness. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 2017 292(51):20845-20858. [Abstract Stober VP, Johnson CG, Majors A, Lauer ME, Cali V, Midura RJ, Wisniewski HG, Aronica MA, Garantziotis S. TNF-stimulated gene 6 promotes formation of hyaluronan-inter-α-inhibitor heavy chain complexes necessary for ozone-induced airway hyperresponsiveness. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 2017 292(51):20845-20858.]
  3. Snyder RJ, Hussain S, Tucker CJ, Randell SH, Garantziotis S. Impaired Ciliogenesis in Differentiating Human Bronchial Epithelia Exposed to Non-Cytotoxic Doses of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2017 14():44-. [Abstract Snyder RJ, Hussain S, Tucker CJ, Randell SH, Garantziotis S. Impaired Ciliogenesis in Differentiating Human Bronchial Epithelia Exposed to Non-Cytotoxic Doses of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2017 14():44-.]
  4. Trempus CS, Song W, Lazrak A, Yu Z, Creighton JR, Young BM, Heise RL, Yu YR, Ingram JL, Tighe RM, Matalon S, Garantziotis S. A novel role for primary cilia in airway remodeling. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2017 May 4:ajplung.00284.2016. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00284.2016. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28473325 [Abstract Trempus CS, Song W, Lazrak A, Yu Z, Creighton JR, Young BM, Heise RL, Yu YR, Ingram JL, Tighe RM, Matalon S, Garantziotis S. A novel role for primary cilia in airway remodeling. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2017 May 4:ajplung.00284.2016. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00284.2016. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28473325]


  1. Schurman SH, Bravo MA, Innes CL, Jackson WB 2nd, McGrath JA, Miranda ML, Garantziotis S. Toll-like Receptor 4 Pathway Polymorphisms Interact with Pollution to Influence Asthma Diagnosis and Severity. Scientific Reports 2018 8(1):12713-. [Abstract Schurman SH, Bravo MA, Innes CL, Jackson WB 2nd, McGrath JA, Miranda ML, Garantziotis S. Toll-like Receptor 4 Pathway Polymorphisms Interact with Pollution to Influence Asthma Diagnosis and Severity. Scientific Reports 2018 8(1):12713-.]
  2. Sivakumar A, Mahadevan A, Lauer ME, Narvaez RJ, Ramesh S, Demler CM, Souchet NR, Hascall VC, Midura RJ, Garantziotis S, Frank DB, Kimata K, Kurpios NA. Midgut Laterality Is Driven by Hyaluronan on the Right. Developmental Cell 2018 46(5):533-551.e5. [Abstract Sivakumar A, Mahadevan A, Lauer ME, Narvaez RJ, Ramesh S, Demler CM, Souchet NR, Hascall VC, Midura RJ, Garantziotis S, Frank DB, Kimata K, Kurpios NA. Midgut Laterality Is Driven by Hyaluronan on the Right. Developmental Cell 2018 46(5):533-551.e5.]
  3. Zhou T, Yu Z, Jian MY, Ahmad I, Trempus C, Wagener BM, Pittet JF, Aggarwal S, Garantziotis S, Song W, Matalon S. Instillation of Hyaluronan Reverses Acid Instillation Injury to the Mammalian Blood Gas Barrier. American journal of physiology. Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2018 314(5):L808-L821. [Abstract Zhou T, Yu Z, Jian MY, Ahmad I, Trempus C, Wagener BM, Pittet JF, Aggarwal S, Garantziotis S, Song W, Matalon S. Instillation of Hyaluronan Reverses Acid Instillation Injury to the Mammalian Blood Gas Barrier. American journal of physiology. Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2018 314(5):L808-L821.]
  4. Hussain S, Kodavanti PP, Marshburn JD, Janoshazi A, Marinakos SM, George M, Rice A, Wiesner MR, Garantziotis S. Decreased Uptake and Enhanced Mitochondrial Protection Underlie Reduced Toxicity of Nanoceria in Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophages. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 2018 12(12):2139-2150. [Abstract Hussain S, Kodavanti PP, Marshburn JD, Janoshazi A, Marinakos SM, George M, Rice A, Wiesner MR, Garantziotis S. Decreased Uptake and Enhanced Mitochondrial Protection Underlie Reduced Toxicity of Nanoceria in Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophages. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 2018 12(12):2139-2150.]
  5. Trempus CS, Song W, Lazrak A, Yu Z, Creighton JR, Young BM, Heise RL, Yu YR, Ingram JL, Tighe RM, Matalon S, Garantziotis S. A novel role for primary cilia in airway remodeling. American journal of physiology. Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2018 313(2):L328-L338. [Abstract Trempus CS, Song W, Lazrak A, Yu Z, Creighton JR, Young BM, Heise RL, Yu YR, Ingram JL, Tighe RM, Matalon S, Garantziotis S. A novel role for primary cilia in airway remodeling. American journal of physiology. Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2018 313(2):L328-L338.]
  6. Ni K, Gill A, Cao D, Koike K, Schweitzer KS, Garantziotis S, Petrache I. 2018. Intravascular heavy chain-modification of hyaluronan during endotoxic shock. Biochem Biophys Rep. 17:114-121. [Abstract Ni K, Gill A, Cao D, Koike K, Schweitzer KS, Garantziotis S, Petrache I. 2018. Intravascular heavy chain-modification of hyaluronan during endotoxic shock. Biochem Biophys Rep. 17:114-121.]
  7. Ni K, Gill A, Tseng V, Mikosz AM, Koike K, Beatman EL, Xu CY, Cao D, Gally F, Mould KJ, Serban KA, Schweitzer KS, March KL, Janssen WJ, Nozik-Grayck E, Garantziotis S, Petrache I. Rapid clearance of heavy chain-modified hyaluronan during resolving acute lung injury. Respiratory Research 2018 19(1):107. [Abstract Ni K, Gill A, Tseng V, Mikosz AM, Koike K, Beatman EL, Xu CY, Cao D, Gally F, Mould KJ, Serban KA, Schweitzer KS, March KL, Janssen WJ, Nozik-Grayck E, Garantziotis S, Petrache I. Rapid clearance of heavy chain-modified hyaluronan during resolving acute lung injury. Respiratory Research 2018 19(1):107.]


  1. Stober VP, Lim YP, Zhuo L, Kimata K, Garantziotis S. Inter-α-inhibitor Ameliorates Endothelial Inflammation in Sepsis. Lung 2019 197(3):361-369. [Abstract Stober VP, Lim YP, Zhuo L, Kimata K, Garantziotis S. Inter-α-inhibitor Ameliorates Endothelial Inflammation in Sepsis. Lung 2019 197(3):361-369.]
  2. Garantziotis S, Savani RC. 2019. Hyaluronan Biology: A Complex Balancing Act of Structure, Function, Location and Context. Matrix Biology 78-79:1-10. [Abstract Garantziotis S, Savani RC. 2019. Hyaluronan Biology: A Complex Balancing Act of Structure, Function, Location and Context. Matrix Biology 78-79:1-10.]
  3. Garantziotis S, Matalon S. 2019. Sugarcoating Lung Injury: A Novel Role for High-Molecular-Weight Hyaluronan in Pneumonia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 200(10):1197-1198. [Abstract Garantziotis S, Matalon S. 2019. Sugarcoating Lung Injury: A Novel Role for High-Molecular-Weight Hyaluronan in Pneumonia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 200(10):1197-1198.] 


  1. Myles IA, Castillo CR, Barbian KD, Kanakabandi K, Virtaneva K, Fitzmeyer E, Paneru M, Otaizo-Carrasquero F, Myers TG, Markowitz TE, Moore IN, Liu X, Ferrer M, Sakamachi Y, Garantziotis S, Swamydas M, Lionakis MS, Anderson ED, Earland NJ, Ganesan S, Sun AA, Bergerson JRE, Silverman RA, Petersen M, Martens CA, Datta SK. 2020. Therapeutic responses to Roseomonas mucosa in atopic dermatitis may involve lipid-mediated TNF-related epithelial repair. Sci Transl Med 12(560):eaaz8631. [Abstract Myles IA, Castillo CR, Barbian KD, Kanakabandi K, Virtaneva K, Fitzmeyer E, Paneru M, Otaizo-Carrasquero F, Myers TG, Markowitz TE, Moore IN, Liu X, Ferrer M, Sakamachi Y, Garantziotis S, Swamydas M, Lionakis MS, Anderson ED, Earland NJ, Ganesan S, Sun AA, Bergerson JRE, Silverman RA, Petersen M, Martens CA, Datta SK. 2020. Therapeutic responses to Roseomonas mucosa in atopic dermatitis may involve lipid-mediated TNF-related epithelial repair. Sci Transl Med 12(560):eaaz8631.]
  2. Lazrak A, Song W, Zhou T, Aggarwal S, Jilling T, Garantziotis S, Matalon S. 2020. Hyaluronan and halogen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness and lung injury. Ann N Y Acad Sci; doi: 10.1111/nyas.14415 [Online 23 June 2020]. [Abstract Lazrak A, Song W, Zhou T, Aggarwal S, Jilling T, Garantziotis S, Matalon S. 2020. Hyaluronan and halogen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness and lung injury. Ann N Y Acad Sci; doi: 10.1111/nyas.14415 [Online 23 June 2020].]
  3. Hussain S, Johnson CG, Sciurba J1, Stober VP, Rice AB, Cyphert JM, Bulek K, Liu C, Aloor J, Gowdy K, Foster WM, Hollingsworth JW, Tighe RM, Li X, Fessler MB, Garantziotis S. 2020. TLR5 participates in the TLR4 receptor complex and promotes MyD88-dependent signaling in environmental lung injury. Elife; doi: 10.7554/eLife.50458 [Online 28 January 2020]. [Abstract Hussain S, Johnson CG, Sciurba J1, Stober VP, Rice AB, Cyphert JM, Bulek K, Liu C, Aloor J, Gowdy K, Foster WM, Hollingsworth JW, Tighe RM, Li X, Fessler MB, Garantziotis S. 2020. TLR5 participates in the TLR4 receptor complex and promotes MyD88-dependent signaling in environmental lung injury. Elife; doi: 10.7554/eLife.50458 [Online 28 January 2020].]
  4. Carney SM, Clemente JC, Cox MJ, Dickson RP, Huang YJ, Kitsios GD, Kloepfer KM, Leung JM, LeVan TD, Molyneaux PL, Moore BB, O'Dwyer DN, Segal LN, Garantziotis S. 2020. Methods in Lung Microbiome Research. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 62(3):283-299. [Abstract Carney SM, Clemente JC, Cox MJ, Dickson RP, Huang YJ, Kitsios GD, Kloepfer KM, Leung JM, LeVan TD, Molyneaux PL, Moore BB, O'Dwyer DN, Segal LN, Garantziotis S. 2020. Methods in Lung Microbiome Research. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 62(3):283-299.]


  1. Garantziotis S. 2021. Myofibroblast-Macrophage Interactions Turn Sour in Fibrotic Lungs. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 64(1):14-15. [Abstract Garantziotis S. 2021. Myofibroblast-Macrophage Interactions Turn Sour in Fibrotic Lungs. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 64(1):14-15.]