These programs are run from a MS-DOS or UNIX command prompt. They are not run using a mouse and pretty windows ! They also can make use of a number of different file formats. Thus, they are portable to many different computer systems.
7.1 AUTOCOR Auto correlation utility
The Auto correlation function finds periodicities in time series data. When applied to epr data, the function returns splitting constant values without respect to nuclear spin.
- autocor [-a #.#] [-f#] filename
- -a #.# Max hyperfine (G) for searching, default= 20.0
- -f# filetype:
0 | LMB binary (default) |
1 | ASCII text w/o header |
2 | ASCII text with header |
3 | Bruker SPC |
4 | HP BDAT to ASCII |
Example: autocor -a 10.0 -f0 test.lmb
This would autocorrelate the NIEHS binary format file test.lmb for hyperfine couplings up to 10 G.
7.2 - FREP - File Reporting utility
Prints out header information from EPR data files.
Usage: frep [-e] [-n] [-s text] [-p psfile] [-f#] filename
-e | print extended text |
-n | print filenames only. Useful for automation |
-p | print postscript plot and parameters |
-r | resize the plot |
-s | search for 'text'. If not found nothing is printed. |
-f# | filetype: |
0 | LMB binary (default) |
1 | ASCII text w/o header |
2 | ASCII text with header |
3 | Bruker SPC |
4 | HP BDAT to ASCII |
Automation example
You can use the command prompt shell to automate the process. For instance, If you have several files with the ".lmb" suffix, you can use the following command to search for "nitro" ( UNIX users try 'foreach' ) :
for %1 in (*.lmb) do frep -s nitro %1 >> output.txt
All the files with the suffix ".lmb" will be searched for the text "nitro" and, if successful, the information text lines will be redirected into the file "output.txt" which can be examined or printed.
Printing example
Using the "-p" option will instruct frep to produce postscript output suitable for any postscript viewer or printer. This command creates a postscript file "":
frep -p 080295-1.lmb >
To resize the data to the page and output the data directly to a postscript printer:
frep -p 080295-1.lmb >
7.3 - FCON - File Conversion utility
Usage: fcon filename1 filetype1 filename2 filetype2
filename1 | source filename |
filename2 | target filename |
0 | LMB binary (default) |
1 | ASCII text w/o header |
2 | ASCII text with header |
3 | Bruker SPC |
4 | HP BDAT to ASCII |
Example: fcon test.spc 3 test.lmb 0
This would convert the file test.spc from Bruker format to a new file test.lmb in the NIEHS binary format.
Conversion to HTML by DRD, Feb 1996