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NIEHS offers several public mailing lists in order to provide easy access to news, updates and other important announcements. These are free; secure (we will not share your email); and you can subscribe at any time.

Mailing Lists Through NIH-Listserv

Sign up to receive news and information from multiple NIEHS mailing lists delivered via NIH-Listserv.

General Interest Lists

  • NIEHS-News — Receive news and updates from NIEHS - stay informed of our science breakthroughs and events.
  • NTP-News — Receive National Toxicology Program (NTP) related news, information on upcoming events and new publications.

Special Interest Lists

  • NICEATM News — Receive information on the activities of the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM) or the NTP Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM). Members of this list include toxicologists, regulators, laboratories and others involved in developing new testing methods and/or interested in animal welfare issues.
  • NIEHS-Exposome-Webinars — Receive information on upcoming NIEHS Exposome webinars.
  • NIEHS-INFLAMMATION-NEWS — Receive an email with updates on special events and other Cross-Divisional Inflammation news.