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Powering Research Through Innovative Methods for Mixtures in Epidemiology (PRIME)

New or Expanded Methods

The following publications represent novel statistical methods or expansions of existing methods.

Methods were recently reviewed in Joubert BR, Kioumourtzoglou MA, Chamberlain T, Chen HY, Gennings C, Turyk ME, Miranda ML, Webster TF, Ensor KB, Dunson DB, Coull BA. 2022. Powering research through innovative methods for mixtures in epidemiology (PRIME) program: novel and expanded statistical methods. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19(3):1378. [Full Text Joubert BR, Kioumourtzoglou MA, Chamberlain T, Chen HY, Gennings C, Turyk ME, Miranda ML, Webster TF, Ensor KB, Dunson DB, Coull BA. 2022. Powering research through innovative methods for mixtures in epidemiology (PRIME) program: novel and expanded statistical methods. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19(3):1378.]

Other Highlighted Publications From PRIME Projects

All publications linked to PRIME funding support can be found in the NIH RePORTER search results. Some highlighted applications using new methods are noted below.

Epidemiology Applications

The following publication(s) represent notable applications of PRIME methods in epidemiology studies. Other applications using existing methods for mixtures can be found in the RePORTER search results for all PRIME-funded publications.