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Global Toxicologic Pathology Training Program Training Modules

H&E stained Image

Systems based training modules provide detailed information on the normal anatomy and features of each organ system, as well as particularly common or challenging nonproliferative and proliferative lesions.

Endocrine System

Parathyroid Gland

Reproductive System, Female


  • Anatomy and Histology of the Normal Rodent Uterus (5MB): This training module features a downloadable PDF describing the anatomy and histology of the normal rodent uterus, including information on tissue trimming, histologic changes during the estrous cycle, congenital lesions, and common artifacts.
  • Histology and Cytology of the Rodent Estrous Cycle (4MB): This training module features a downloadable PDF describing the histology of normal rodent estrous cycle in the uterus, ovary, and vagina, including vaginal cytology.