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Many Centres in the WHO CC Network for Children’s Environmental Health (Network) use population-based epidemiologic cohorts to study how environmental exposures affect children’s health. Data from these cohort studies can help scientists better understand the key determinants of environmentally-related diseases, especially as they occur in certain locations or in population subgroups. Because epidemiologic cohorts are time-consuming and expensive to establish and maintain, it is important to share protocols, data, and findings from cohort studies with scientists around the world. The Network fosters communication among researchers and promotes the sharing of resources, data, and expertise to launch collaborative children’s environmental health research projects.

Browse the table below for an overview of the various cohort studies conducted by researchers in the Network, and click on the links in the table to learn more about a specific cohort.

CohortCohort LocationInstitution
Air Pollution in Karachi Pakistan Cohort(, PakistanUniversity at Albany
Air Pollution in the Holy Cities of Saudi Arabia(, Jeddah and Medina, Saudi ArabiaUniversity at Albany
Anniston, Alabama Cohort(, AlabamaUniversity at Albany
Children’s Environmental Health Clinic Patient Population(, ChEHC Clinic at the Misericordia Community HospitalMisericordia Community Hospital
ELEMENT (Early Life Exposures in Mexico and Environmental Toxicology)( City, MexicoMount Sinai
Hokkaido Birth Cohort on Environment and Children’s Health Cohort- Large Scale Hokkaido Cohort(, JapanHokkaido University
Hokkaido Birth Cohort on Environment and Children’s Health Cohort- Sapporo Cohort(, JapanHokkaido University
Indoor Air Quality and Health in Japan( areas in Japan, including SapporoHokkaido University
Lead Poisoning and Exposure Cohort(, UruguayUniversity of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Mercury Levels in Pregnant Women and Newborns( of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Mohawk Tribe Cohort( New York, USA Southern Ontario and Quebec, CanadaUniversity at Albany
Mother’s and Children’s Environmental Health (MOCEH)(, Cheonan, and Ulsan, Republic of KoreaNational Institute of Environmental Research
Neurobehavioral Effects of Lead Exposure, Montevideo Cohort(, UruguayUniversity of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay
New York State Hospitalizations Cohort( of New YorkUniversity at Albany
PROGRESS (Programming Research in Obesity, Growth, Environment and Social Stressors)( City, MexicoMount Sinai
Slum Communities in Uganda Cohort(, UgandaUniversity at Albany
St. Lawrence Island, Alaska Cohort( Lawrence Island, AlaskaUniversity at Albany
Timis County, Romania Cohort( County, RomaniaUniversity of Albany