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Fellows' Career Development



Fellows' Career Development

Mental health and well-being is critical to trainees’ performance as scientists and impacts all other aspects of their career path and training. At NIEHS, we recognize the importance of taking time to ensure trainees’ personal well-being and have multiple resources and activities to help you focus on your personal well-being.

NIH Well-being Resources

Resources for Distressed Trainees thumbnail
  • Under Stress? Need help now? Find helpful resources for getting help when you need it.
  • Resources for Distressed Trainees – A trans-NIMH group developed a Resource Webpage (184KB)(184KB)(184KB) to support supervisors and trainees. Information about topics such as the Employee Assistance Program, Civil Program, and Ombudsman can be found here.
  • The Office of Intramural Training and Education has a wealth of well-being resources that are open and available to NIEHS trainees.
  • Schedule an appointment with an OITE well-being advisor (For trainees in the Intramural Program only)

Resilience Discussion Groups and Workshops

OITE regularly holds resilience discussion groups. The discussion groups provide a welcoming and confidential space to explore positive and proactive ways to build resilience and self-care skills. Past topics include:

  • Applying to Graduate School
  • Holiday Stress
  • Interview Stress
  • Goal Setting and Time Allocation
  • Speaking Up in the Lab
  • Well-being and Resilience

Find more information and the schedule for upcoming groups.


CommuniTEA is a networking hour for NIEHS fellows and offers a supportive and welcoming environment to connect with other fellows. CommuniTEA takes place in the cafeteria. Please watch your email for specific dates and times.

NTA Social and Well-being Activities

The NIEHS Trainees' Assembly organizes social and service activities throughout the year. Prior examples of events include:

  • NTA Coffee Hour- the last Friday of the month, 10am in the cafeteria. Coffee and breakfast treats are provided. No government funds are used to buy coffee or food.
  • NTA Knitting/Craft Circle
  • Outreach and Volunteer Opportunities (Example: Habitat for Humanity, Girls on the Run)

Fellow Appreciation Week

Each year, NIEHS celebrates all of our fellows during National Postdoctoral Appreciation week. This annual event is sponsored by the National Postdoctoral Association, and is endorsed by NIH as a way to honor and thank the trainees who carry out a very large percentage of research nationwide. View past events at NIEHS.

NIEHS Fitness Center and Discovery Lake

man and woman running

Many trainees enjoy the NIEHS fitness center and our beautiful campus as part of their selfcare routine. Find more information here: