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Fellow Recruitment

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The Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides internships to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students interested in pursuing careers in the biomedical/biological sciences to work on a research project that entails exposure to the latest biochemical, molecular, and analytical techniques in a given field. Participants are selected by scientific mentors from the NIEHS Division of Intramural Research.

Who Is Eligible?

To apply, applicants must:

  • Be 17 years of age or older on June 15
  • Be a U.S. citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR)
  • Meet one of the two requirements:
    1. Be in college (including community college) or graduate/professional school at the time of application
    2. Be high school graduates at the time of application and have been accepted into accredited college or university programs


Starting from $3,010/month, see the Stipend Table for detail.

How to Apply

  • Apply online at NIH SIP Application Portal.
  • Provide the following materials:
    • A brief cover letter (including your name, mailing address, phone number, current school and grade or classification in school) describing academic plans for the fall, your interest in the biomedical sciences, and reasons for seeking a summer research position.
    • A resume (be sure to include research activities, honors, awards, and any other relevant accomplishments)
    • A listing of current coursework grades from the school you are attending
    • Two reference letters of recommendation preferably from individuals having direct knowledge of your scientific interests and abilities
  • The SIP application is available online from mid-November through March 1.

Open Positions

No individual open positions are advertised. Prospective trainees are encouraged to apply as soon as the application is open.


Go to “Branches & Laboratories” to find the NIEHS investigators and their research projects.

Submit CV or contact us: [email protected].