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PI, Institution:
Karen Eileen Peterson and Peter X. Song, University of Michigan

Grant: R24ES028502

Early Life Exposures in Mexico to ENvironmental Toxicants (ELEMENT) is an ongoing multigenerational sequentially-enrolled epidemiologic birth cohort study in Mexico City focused on the association of toxicants to metabolic and neurocognitive outcomes throughout the life course. For more information about this cohort, visit the NIEHS Epidemiology Resources webpage for ELEMENT.

Cohort Maintenance & Enrichment Activities:
Conserving and enhancing the scientific integrity of the ELEMENT birth cohorts by maintaining its biorepository. Preparing for future studies on the roles of epigenetics, oral health, and oral microbiome. Following participants through middle age and menopause. Following a subset of their children through the transition to young adulthood and reproductive age and recruiting grandchildren. Implementing strategies to encourage participation, improve retention, and prevent loss to follow-up.

Data Management & Sharing Activities:
Developing and testing novel data management techniques to improve and enrich data integration and harmonization, data sharing, and cross-project communication. Sharing data internally, externally online, and with research participants. Maintaining high-quality data management operations with Quality Control audits updating the Data Management Plan. Completing, releasing, and testing a beta-version of an online data-sharing platform. Continuing to drive methodologic research to handle both high-dimensional mediators and data privacy in the integration of multiple cohorts.

Data Access:
Information on the data available through the ELEMENT study can be found online under the UM Children’s Environmental Health Center website. This platform includes sections documenting data and samples, protocols for requesting and accessing data, historical cohort information, and a complete list of publications.

Please see NIH RePORTER for publications associated with this R24 grant.