This program is used to visualize dose-response curves and relative potency functions based on two sets of Hill model parameters.
The parameters can be adjusted using the controls in the top right corner of the screen. Further refinement of the curves can be accomplished using the Advanced Settings window which is accessible from the File menu. In the Advanced Settings window, the settings shown are described in tooltip windows that appear when the cursor hovers over the parameter name.
The screen image can be saved by selecting the Save Screen Image item on the File menu. The following image file formats are supported: gif, png, jpg, and bmp.
To learn more about this program, please refer to the following article:
Dinse, G. and David Umbach (2011). Characterizing Non-Constant Relative Potency (submitted for publication).
Hill Viewer (1MB)
David M. Umbach, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist -
Tel 984-287-3703
[email protected]