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Michael B. Fessler, M.D.
Michael B. Fessler, M.D.
Chief, Clinical Research Branch;
Clinical Director and Chair - Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC);
Chief, Immunity, Inflammation, and Disease Laboratory and Principal Investigator
Tel 984-287-4081
[email protected]
P.O. Box 12233
Mail Drop D2-01
Durham, NC 27709
Anton M. Jetten, Ph.D.
Anton M. Jetten, Ph.D.
Deputy Chief, Immunity, Inflammation, and Disease Laboratory and Principal Investigator
Tel 984-287-4094
[email protected]
P.O. Box 12233
Mail Drop D2-01
Durham, NC 27709
circular diagram with immunity, inflammation, environment, development, disease, therapy and physiology

Research Summary

The Immunity, Inflammation, and Disease Laboratory focuses on understanding how the human body protects itself against environmental exposures. Diet, commercial chemicals, or bacterial allergens, may pose a threat to the body, and as a result, the immune system produces white blood cells that recognize and respond to these foreign substances called antigens. Sometimes the white blood cells release too many chemicals in the blood, which leads to inflammation. Laboratory members investigate the mechanisms that cause inflammatory diseases that occur in the thymus, heart, lungs, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and intestine.

Scientific Support Staff

Administrative Support

Latonya Washington
Latonya Washington
Administrative Specialist
Tel 984-287-3449
[email protected]

Biological Animal Support

Anne L. Perrow
Anne L. Perrow
Tel 984-287-4231
[email protected]
Laura Degraff
Laura Degraff
Tel 984-287-4230
[email protected]