General Explanation of IDPs
Fellows' Career Development

General Explanation of IDPs
Fellows' Career Development
(Source: Jackie Lavigne, Ph.D., M.P.H., Chief, Office of Education, Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, National Cancer Institute)
An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a personalized, interactive, and dynamic action plan for use in establishing training and career goals and specific objectives. It can be used for the purposes of tracking progress, providing feedback, facilitating ongoing communication, and/or outlining a path to career success. The IDP leverages principles of adult learning to optimize the mentor-protégé relationship, the foundation upon which effective training rests. Preparing an IDP often requires a prior reflective or explicit self-assessment of values, skills and interests so that career objectives can be defined, short and long-term goals set, and an action plan developed.
Benefits of IDPs
- Improves satisfaction and relationships by serving as an effective expectation-setting mechanism
- Helps clarify career goals early on
- Helps manage time and resources more efficiently
- Increases chances of following–through on projects
- Increases productivity by focusing efforts
Key Points Regarding IDPs
- IDPs are intended to be used as CAREER PLANNING and COMMUNICATION TOOLS
- Fellows may develop, review, and revise their IDPs independently or in collaboration/consultation with an agreeable management official (generally, their Principal Investigator (PI) or supervisor), IC training office, OITE, or any additional career mentors of their choosing.
- A Fellow or their supervisor may request that a member of their IC training office or OITE attend an IDP discussion with them.
- In addition to the supervisor, the Fellows are encouraged to consult with additional career mentors in the development of an IDP.