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Revised: 7-Nov-05

-- A short breakfast meeting is being planned for Sunday November 13, 2005 at 0700 -0900 prior to the American College of Rheumatology meeting in San Diego, California.

-- Location: San Diego Ballroom A, North Tower, Lobby Level, San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina

Final Agenda

1. CARRA JDM Treatment Standards Initiative Dr. Brian Feldman
2. UK JDM Registry and Repository Dr. Clarissa Pilkington
3. Long-term Outcome of Juvenile IIM Dr. Angelo Ravelli
4. NIEHS Twin-Sib Environmental Autoimmunity Study Dr. Frederick Miller
5. Rituximab in Myositis (RIM) Trial Drs. Ann Reed and Chet Oddis
6. Infliximab Trial in Adult Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis Dr. Paul Plotz
7. Phase II effectiveness trials in new onset JDM (PRINTO) Dr. Nicola Ruperto
8. JDM Diagnostic Criteria Study Dr. Clarissa Pilkington
9. IIM Diagnostic and Classification Criteria Study Dr. Ingrid Lundberg
10. Update on IMACS Website and Database Repository Drs. Lisa Rider and Frederick Miller
11. Introducing the Cure JM Foundation Shari Hume, Harriet Bollar, and Tom Hume
12. Update from The Myositis Association Bob Goldberg