50th Anniversary in the News
NC Health News, November 18, 2016: The Hazard Hunters (167KB)
American Thoracic Society (ATS), November 15, 2106: A Generation of Discoveries: NIEHS Turns 50
Chemical and Engineering News, September 26, 2016: Inside the institute charged with exploring how chemicals affect human health. Fifty-year-old National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences is the U.S.'s top environmental health research agency.
American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine, online September 26, 2016: NIEHS: 50 Years of Advancing Science, Improving LUNG Health.
Fogarty International Center Newsletter, April 2016: The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: 50 years of research and training to improve global health.
Personal Tributes

Bernard D. Goldstein, M.D.
Anecdotes and Reflections in Celebration of the Fiftieth Birthday of NIEHS (144KB)
Environmental Factor from Early Days
Interviews from the Archives
Bruce Ames, Ph.D.
Biochemist and inventor of the Ames Test, Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley, Senior scientist at Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute
October 29, 2003
John Bucher, Ph.D.
Director, National Toxicology Program
November 14, 2003
James Huff, Ph.D.
DNTP Toxicologist, Retired & Guest Researcher
March 05, 2004
Kenneth Olden, Ph.D.
Director, NIEHS 1991-2005
April 29, 2004
Mike Shelby, Ph.D.
Sr. Advisor DNTP, Retired
April 12, 2004
Ray Tennant, Ph.D.
Chief of Cellular and Genetic Toxicology Branch
November 13, 2003
Kristine Witt, M.S.
Group Leader, DNTP Genetic Toxicology Branch
April 13, 2004