CHORDS Project Team
Lead Group
- Aubrey Miller (Project Lead)
- Charles Schmitt (Project Co-Lead Data Infrastructure)
- Kyle Messier (Project Co-Lead Data Analysis)
- Trisha Castranio (Project Co-Lead Knowledge Dissemination & Evaluation)
- Ann Liu (Project Coordinator)
- David Fargo
- Alison Motsinger-Reif
- David Reif
- Adam Burkholder
- Pamela Owens (AHRQ, Interagency Partner)
- Patricia Keenan (AHRQ, Interagency Partner)
Implementation Team
- Lara Clark
- Mike Conway
- Rupali Gupta
- Mariana Alifa Kassien
- Mitchell Manware
- Skylar Marvel
- Sue Nolte
- Deep Patel
- Maria Shatz
- Insang Song
Technical Expertise Panel (TEP) Team
- Philip Awadalla, University of Toronto
- Cole Brokamp, University of Cincinnati
- Caleb Dresser, Harvard University
- David Green, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- Rima Habre, University of Southern California
- Kevin Lane, Boston University
- Yang Liu, Emory University
- Ken Mandl, Harvard University
- Genee Smith, Johns Hopkins University
- Angela Werner, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Patrick Wall, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Cavin Ward-Caviness, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Stakeholder Engagement Forum
This group shares a common interest in connecting environmental and human health data. They meet quarterly to get updates about the project, to share creative ideas, find new connections and advance knowledge in the field.