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Economic impacts are one of the most important changes NIEHS can support in funding environmental health science research. To facilitate the incorporation of economic analyses into environmental health research, NIEHS has developed tools and resources that can be accessed here. The tools showcase the evaluation of economic impacts from policies, practices, and behaviors that reduce exposure to environmental toxicants, prevent disease, and improve public health.

Air pollution, Lead exposure, Climate Change, Water Pollution, Transportation, Pesticides over a piggy bank

We encourage researchers interested in environmental health economic analysis (EHEA) to review the resources below and consider ways to add EHEA to ongoing environmental health studies. We do not plan to support specific EHEA funding opportunities at this time, but we welcome questions.


Resources from NIEHS

Worker Training Program (WTP): The WTP awards grants to nonprofit organizations that train workers in the safe handling of hazardous materials or emergency response to hazardous spills. WTP uses economic analyses to understand the extent to which the program saves businesses and municipalities money or increases job opportunities for community members. 

National Toxicology Program (NTP): The NTP conducts systematic reviews of links between environmental factors and health outcomes. The NTP has data that could be used to measure and conduct EHEA.

Grantee Examples: NIEHS does not have a formal EHEA program, but we have identified NIEHS-funded grants that include economic analyses in their research questions and findings. Grantee examples listed here included current and previously funded applications.

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