Partnerships for Environmental Public Health (PEPH)
January 10, 2024 • 11:00 a.m. - noon ET

In this webinar, we heard from the chief editors of three journals:
- Environmental Health Perspectives
- Journal of Health and Pollution
- Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology
The editors shared information about their journal to provide a better understanding of the journal’s vision, general focus, and new or emerging topics of interest. In addition, the editors provided news and updates, tips for submitting papers, and additional information relevant to the PEPH network.

Presentation One: Environmental Health Perspectives (484KB)

Joel D. Kaufman, M.D., M.P.H., became Editor-in-Chief at Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) in February 2020. He establishes journal policies and oversees all editorial and peer-review processes.
For more than 20 years, Kaufman has been on the faculty at the University of Washington, where he is currently a professor in the departments of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, Medicine (General Internal Medicine), and Epidemiology.
His research at UW focuses primarily on environmental factors in cardiovascular disease and on investigating the role of air pollutants in chronic diseases. This research integrates several disciplines, including epidemiology, inhalation toxicology, clinical medicine, and exposure sciences. Kaufman has served as principal investigator of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution, a prospective cohort study of the relationship between air pollutant exposures and the progression of cardiovascular disease over time. He has published more than 200 research articles and reviews.
In addition to his career in epidemiology and environmental health sciences, Kaufman is a practicing physician, board certified in internal medicine and occupational medicine. He is also a fellow of the American College of Physicians, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and the American Heart Association.
Kaufman has participated on numerous review panels and advisory committees for governmental and nongovernmental organizations. He currently serves on the executive council of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and is a member of the National Academy of Medicine. Kaufman received his M.D. from the University of Michigan and his M.P.H. from the University of Washington.
Presentation Two: Journal of Health and Pollution (256KB)

Kalpana Balakrishnan, Ph.D., FAMS, is the inaugural Editor-in-Chief for the relaunch of the Journal of Health and Pollution (JHP). Balakrishnan brings a wealth of global environmental health leadership to the journal, including the development of large-scale interdisciplinary research and graduate training programs in environmental epidemiology in India over the past 30 years. She had a previous appointment as a regional editor for EHP.
After obtaining her Ph.D. in biophysics from Johns Hopkins University, Balakrishnan returned to India to begin her work on exposure assessment and quickly transitioned to training as a field epidemiologist. This experience helped her identify and address some of the most pressing environmental health concerns on the ground, including household air pollution, where she has led some of the most extensive cohort studies among rural and peri-urban populations.
She currently serves as Professor of Biophysics and Dean of Research at the Sri Ramachandra Institute for Higher Education and Research in Chennai, India. Her research group serves as a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Occupational and Environmental Health and as a Center for Advanced Research on Air Quality, Climate and Health for the Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India.
Balakrishnan has published in many high-impact environmental health journals, including EHP. Her first EHP article in 2002 on exposures to particulate matter from biomass fuels in rural households of southern India marked a milestone for Balakrishnan; in her words, publishing in EHP continues to be an “aspirational benchmark” for all early-career environmental health researchers and “transformed her personal scientific journey in subsequent years." Her recent work can also be seen in The Lancet, The Lancet Planetary Health, the New England Journal of Medicine, and more.
Presentation Three: Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (-1B)

Elaine Cohen Hubal, Ph.D., is Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (JESEE). JESEE publishes novel results and significant advances in exposure science, exposure analysis, and environmental epidemiology to understand human health impacts of the full range of environmental stressors (chemical, biological, physical, psychosocial). JESEE is particularly interested in publishing research that integrates exposure knowledge with information from across scientific disciplines to contribute solutions for the most pressing environmental and public health concerns (refer to the Journal Information page for the journal’s aims and scope).
Cohen Hubal has over 25 years of experience in the field of environmental health with a broad scientific background in environmental science, human exposure, and chemical safety evaluation. Her primary research interests are in understanding complex systems at the nexus of the natural environment, built environment, and human health with an emphasis on impacts to vulnerable groups.
She currently works as a senior science advisor in the EPA Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment, Office of Research and Development. She also has contributed as an expert on a variety of scientific panels and committees, including as current member of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control’s Green Ribbon Science Panel and the National Science Foundation’s National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure External Advisory Board.
Cohen Hubal obtained her Ph.D. and M.S. in chemical engineering from North Carolina State University and a B.S. in chemical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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