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PCR Analyzer v 1.0 Software Usage Agreement and Download

NOTICE: Registration is required; however you will not need to sign in to download the software.

Thank you very much for your interest in the software. You are welcome to download this free software and use it. Please contact the above for comments and questions regarding PCR Analyzer.

The terms and conditions for the use of PCR Analyzer are as outlined below. These terms are subject to change without notice and at the discretion of the developer. If you accept these terms and conditions then please complete the agreement form provided below, and download the software by clicking on "acquire the code". Information you provide is for tracking purposes only and will not be shared with anyone.

  1. All code included in PCR Analyzer is Copyrighted 2007.
  2. The software may not be repackaged or distributed under a different name or ownership.Please help us track the usage of PCR Analyzer by not giving the software to your associates.
  3. The software may not be redistributed to a third party without the permission from the developer.
  4. This software (PCR Analyzer) is provided "as is" and does not come with any warranties. In no circumstance will the developer, the programmers, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH, HHS or any of our associates, be liable for any direct or indirect damages.
  5. You should give proper credit to the developer by citing PCR Analyzer and the paper Portier et al (2007) listed in the documentation.
  6. Commercial use of this software is strictly prohibited.

Thank you very much for your interest in the software PCR Analyzer v 1.0. You are welcome to download this free software and use it. Please contact Marjo Smith for comments and questions regarding PCR Analyzer algorithm. Please contact Shawn Harris if you have any questions or problems with the software.

The program is written in Java and will therefore run on any computer platform with Java v1.5 or newer installed. Details on how to use the software is provided in readme.txt and initial_help.htm files.

Please do not redistribute this software. Some browsers may require you to RIGHT CLICK and pick SAVE LINKED FILE AS (or similar command) to download the linked file. Otherwise it may open in a new browser window and show garbage ASCII characters.

Download PCR Analyzer v1.0 (529KB)


Shawn F. Harris
Tel 919-287-4339
[email protected]