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PI, Institution:
Carmen Joseph Marsit, Emory University
Laura Stroud, Miriam Hospital

Grant: R24ES028507

The Rhode Island Child Health Study (RICHS), comprised of 840 mother and child pairs from Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts, examines the impact of the environment on newborn and early childhood health outcomes. RICHS is particularly interested in understanding molecular functions of the placenta, and how placental epigenetic regulation and genomic variation mediates the impact of the environment on infant and child health and disease.

Cohort Maintenance & Enrichment Activities:
Re-contacting cohort to follow up on the health of the child. Collecting neurodevelopmental measures and obtaining permission to re-contact to obtain medical records, additional assessments, and biospecimens for future research studies.

Data Management & Sharing Activities:
Utilizing a web-based data collection system for ongoing data collection using REDCap. Developing or augmenting existing systems for broad sharing of cohort data with the larger research community. Developing a RICHS dataverse site for the sharing of analytical datasets used in analyses.

Data Access:
Genomic and epigenomic data for RICHS samples with available data can be found through the following repositories:

Additional covariate information is available on request and interested individuals should contact Derek Jobe for more details.

Please see NIH RePORTER for publications associated with this R24 grant.