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Capacity and Infrastructure - Scientific Workforce and Development Training

NIEHS is committed to supporting training and workforce development across the environmental health sciences and all Research Areas of Emphasis. Support of training and workforce development is a key component of how NIEHS advances environmental health sciences. NIEHS aims to promote a diverse, inclusive culture in the environmental health sciences enterprise, where all members of the environmental health sciences workforce are empowered to do their most collaborative, productive, and best work in a civil, respectful atmosphere.

  • Recruit and staff an office led by a Scientific Diversity Officer to help advance DEIAC issues within NIEHS and throughout the broader environmental health sciences community.
  • Recruit and train the next generation of environmental health sciences leaders and researchers.
  • Develop innovative approaches to training, development, and recruitment.
  • Focus on increasing access and reducing and addressing barriers to training for underrepresented groups, to promote development and retention of a diverse research workforce and scientific leadership.
  • Train across the full range of disciplines important to environmental health sciences, as well as interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary training.
  • Promote team science and collaborations across the global biomedical research enterprise.
  • Foster cooperation and collaboration among researchers of various disciplines, communities, public health professionals, and others to identify and bridge evidence gaps.
  • Educate and engage students beginning with K-12 to generate knowledge and enthusiasm for environmental health sciences and create a pipeline for the professional workforce, as well as an EHS-informed public.
  • Provide opportunities for researchers across the biomedical community to incorporate environmental exposures into their research strategies for studying the etiology of human disease.

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