
Fellows' Career Development



Fellows' Career Development

Below, you will find financial information of various types, ranging from home & auto loan options to educational loan deferment. We also address a common FAQ related to taxes.

NIH Federal Credit Union (NIHFCU)

Man signing financial document

The NIHFCU is proud to offer the Fellows Advantage Program - a comprehensive program designed to help fellows – including those without existing credit - succeed financially. This includes:

  • Access to credit commonly unavailable at other financial institutions.
  • Tools & resources to help build a positive credit profile.
  • Financial education opportunities to help reach personal financial goals.

Loan Deferment

Participants in NIH training programs may wish to have their loans deferred while in training. The OITE can help process loan deferment paperwork, but the final decision rests with the lender. For more information about this process, click here.

Loan Repayment (IRTAs & Visiting Fellows not eligible)

(Source: NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education)

The NIH Intramural Loan Repayment Program is an incentive program to bring outstanding researchers and clinicians to the NIH as employees. If you are a Research or Clinical Fellow, you are eligible to apply for loan repayment. Depending on your research program, qualifying educational debt can be repaid per year. It addition, the tax liability associated with the repayment will be covered.


The Treasury Department building

What advice can you give me about taxes?

(Source: NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education)

We cannot advise you on tax liabilities; if you need assistance, please find a qualified tax expert. We can share the following facts:

  1. If you are appointed as an IRTA/CRTA, you are a trainee and not an employee.
  2. Your stipend will be reported on a form 1099G.
  3. No FICA (Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid) taxes will be deducted from your stipend.
  4. No income taxes, Federal or state, will be withheld.

You will be responsible for filing Federal and state income tax returns.  This means you should (1) save some funds to pay your taxes and (2) file estimated tax returns.