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Much of the work carried out by DTT is in support of the National Toxicology Program (NTP), an interagency partnership of the Food and Drug Administration, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and NIEHS.

Mr. Mark Rubino is a Biologist in the Pathology Support Group’s Immunohistochemistry Core Laboratory within the Comparative and Molecular Pathogenesis Branch of the Division of Translational Toxicology. Mr. Rubino joined Immunohistochemistry Core Laboratory as a biologist in 2016. Before joining the Immunohistochemistry Core, he served as a biologist in the Chromatin & Gene Expression Group of the Epigenetics & RNA Biology Laboratory (ERBL). He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and Math from North Carolina Central University. He has been with NIEHS for 20 years.


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