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mPopTag: The Multi-Population Tag SNP Picker

The Multi-Population Tag Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Picker (mPopTag) is a tool used to select or evaluate linkage disequilibrium (LD) tag SNPs for multiple populations. The program analyzes patterns of LD--measured by composite linkage disequilibrium (CLD) or r2--between polymorphic sites in a genome region for multiple populations. It also uses a greedy algorithm to select a single set of near-minimum numbers of LD tag SNPs for multiple populations.



The mPopTag was developed in and is maintained at the by Zongli Xu, Norman L. Kaplan and Jack A Taylor.


Xu Z, Kaplan NL, Taylor JA. Tag SNP selection for candidate gene association studies using HapMap and gene resequencing data. Eur J Hum Genet 2007 Oct;15(10):1063-70.


It can be run on Linux operating system.


Jack Taylor, M.D., Ph.D. (Retired)
Scientist Emeritus
Tel 984-287-3684
[email protected]
Zongli Xu, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist
Tel 984-287-3730
Fax 301-480-3290
[email protected]