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Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)

Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study

The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study generated data that the Epidemiology Branch and its collaborators published in peer-reviewed journal articles. To find out more about the study, please click the following links to journal articles and abstracts.


  1. Steinthorsdottir V, McGinnis R, Williams NO, Stefansdottir L, Thorleifsson G, Shooter S, Fadista J, Sigurdsson JK, Auro KM, Berezina G, Borges MC, Bumpstead S, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Colgiu I, Dolby VA, Dudbridge F, Engel SM, Franklin CS, Frigge ML, Frisbaek Y, Geirsson RT, Geller F, Gretarsdottir S, Gudbjartsson DF, Harmon Q, Hougaard DM, Hegay T, Helgadottir A, Hjartardottir S, Jääskeläinen T, Johannsdottir H, Jonsdottir I, Juliusdottir T, Kalsheker N, Kasimov A, Kemp JP, Kivinen K, Klungsøyr K, Lee WK, Melbye M, Miedzybrodska Z, Moffett A, Najmutdinova D, Nishanova F, Olafsdottir T, Perola M, Pipkin FB, Poston L, Prescott G, Saevarsdottir S, Salimbayeva D, Scaife PJ, Skotte L, Staines-Urias E, Stefansson OA, Sørensen KM, Thomsen LCV, Tragante V, Trogstad L, Simpson NAB; FINNPEC Consortium; GOPEC Consortium, Aripova T, Casas JP, Dominiczak AF, Walker JJ, Thorsteinsdottir U, Iversen AC, Feenstra B, Lawlor DA, Boyd HA, Magnus P, Laivuori H, Zakhidova N, Svyatova G, Stefansson K, Morgan L. 2020. Genetic predisposition to hypertension is associated with preeclampsia in European and Central Asian women. Nat Commun; doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19733-6 [Online 25 November 2020]. [Abstract Steinthorsdottir V, McGinnis R, Williams NO, Stefansdottir L, Thorleifsson G, Shooter S, Fadista J, Sigurdsson JK, Auro KM, Berezina G, Borges MC, Bumpstead S, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Colgiu I, Dolby VA, Dudbridge F, Engel SM, Franklin CS, Frigge ML, Frisbaek Y, Geirsson RT, Geller F, Gretarsdottir S, Gudbjartsson DF, Harmon Q, Hougaard DM, Hegay T, Helgadottir A, Hjartardottir S, Jääskeläinen T, Johannsdottir H, Jonsdottir I, Juliusdottir T, Kalsheker N, Kasimov A, Kemp JP, Kivinen K, Klungsøyr K, Lee WK, Melbye M, Miedzybrodska Z, Moffett A, Najmutdinova D, Nishanova F, Olafsdottir T, Perola M, Pipkin FB, Poston L, Prescott G, Saevarsdottir S, Salimbayeva D, Scaife PJ, Skotte L, Staines-Urias E, Stefansson OA, Sørensen KM, Thomsen LCV, Tragante V, Trogstad L, Simpson NAB; FINNPEC Consortium; GOPEC Consortium, Aripova T, Casas JP, Dominiczak AF, Walker JJ, Thorsteinsdottir U, Iversen AC, Feenstra B, Lawlor DA, Boyd HA, Magnus P, Laivuori H, Zakhidova N, Svyatova G, Stefansson K, Morgan L. 2020. Genetic predisposition to hypertension is associated with preeclampsia in European and Central Asian women. Nat Commun; doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19733-6 [Online 25 November 2020].] 


  1. Gruzieva O, Xu C, Breton C, Annesi-Maesano I, Anto J, Auffray C, Ballereau S, Bellander T, Bousquet J, Bustamante M, Charles M, de Kluizenaar Y, den Dekker H, Duijts L, Felix J, Gehring U, Guxens M, Jaddoe V, Jankipersadsing S, Merid S, Kere J, Kumar A, Lemonnier N, Lepeule J, Nystad W, Page C, Panasevich S, Postma D, Slama R, Sunyer J, Soderhall C, Yao J, London S, Pershagen G, Koppelman G, Melen E. Epigenome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Methylation in Children Related to Prenatal NO2 Air Pollution Exposure. Environ Health Perspect. 2017; Jan 125(1): 104-10. Epub 23 Jul 2016. PMID: 27448387. PMCID: PMC5226705. [Abstract Gruzieva O, Xu C, Breton C, Annesi-Maesano I, Anto J, Auffray C, Ballereau S, Bellander T, Bousquet J, Bustamante M, Charles M, de Kluizenaar Y, den Dekker H, Duijts L, Felix J, Gehring U, Guxens M, Jaddoe V, Jankipersadsing S, Merid S, Kere J, Kumar A, Lemonnier N, Lepeule J, Nystad W, Page C, Panasevich S, Postma D, Slama R, Sunyer J, Soderhall C, Yao J, London S, Pershagen G, Koppelman G, Melen E. Epigenome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Methylation in Children Related to Prenatal NO2 Air Pollution Exposure. Environ Health Perspect. 2017; Jan 125(1): 104-10. Epub 23 Jul 2016. PMID: 27448387. PMCID: PMC5226705.] 
  2. Parr C, Magnus M, Karlstad O, Haugen M, Refsum H, Ueland P, McCann A, Nafstad P, Haberg S, Nystad W, London S. Maternal Folate Intake during Pregnancy and Childhood Asthma in a Population-based Cohort. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017; Jan 195(2): 221-8. Epub 16 Aug 2016. PMID: 27518161. PMCID: In Process. [Abstract Parr C, Magnus M, Karlstad O, Haugen M, Refsum H, Ueland P, McCann A, Nafstad P, Haberg S, Nystad W, London S. Maternal Folate Intake during Pregnancy and Childhood Asthma in a Population-based Cohort. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017; Jan 195(2): 221-8. Epub 16 Aug 2016. PMID: 27518161. PMCID: In Process.] 


  1. Bohlin J, Haberg S, Magnus P, Reese S, Gjessing H, Magnus M, Parr C, Page C, London S, Nystad W. Prediction of gestational age based on genome-wide differentially methylated regions. Genome Biol. 2016; Oct 17(1):207. Epub 9 Oct 2016. PMID: 27717397. PMCID: PMC5054559. [Abstract Bohlin J, Haberg S, Magnus P, Reese S, Gjessing H, Magnus M, Parr C, Page C, London S, Nystad W. Prediction of gestational age based on genome-wide differentially methylated regions. Genome Biol. 2016; Oct 17(1):207. Epub 9 Oct 2016. PMID: 27717397. PMCID: PMC5054559.] 
  2. Joubert B, den Dekker H, Felix J, Bohlin J, Ligthart S, Beckett E, Tiemeier H, van Meurs J, Uitterlinden A, Hofman A, Haberg S, Reese S, Peters M, Andreassen B, Steegers E, Nilsen R, Vollset S, Midttun O, Ueland P, Franco O, Dehghan A, de Jongste J, Wu M, Wang T, Peddada S, Jaddoe V, Nystad W, Duijts L, London S. Maternal plasma folate impacts differential DNA methylation in an epigenome-wide meta-analysis of newborns. Nat Commun. 2016; Feb 7:10577. Epub 11 Feb 2016. PMID: 26861414. PMCID: PMC4749955. [Abstract Joubert B, den Dekker H, Felix J, Bohlin J, Ligthart S, Beckett E, Tiemeier H, van Meurs J, Uitterlinden A, Hofman A, Haberg S, Reese S, Peters M, Andreassen B, Steegers E, Nilsen R, Vollset S, Midttun O, Ueland P, Franco O, Dehghan A, de Jongste J, Wu M, Wang T, Peddada S, Jaddoe V, Nystad W, Duijts L, London S. Maternal plasma folate impacts differential DNA methylation in an epigenome-wide meta-analysis of newborns. Nat Commun. 2016; Feb 7:10577. Epub 11 Feb 2016. PMID: 26861414. PMCID: PMC4749955.] 
  3. Joubert B, Felix J, Yousefi P, Bakulski K, Just A, Breton C, Reese S, Markunas C, Richmond R, Xu C, Kupers L, Oh S, Hoyo C, Gruzieva O, Soderhall C, Salas L, Baiz N, Zhang H, Lepeule J, Ruiz C, Ligthart S, Wang T, Taylor J, Duijts L, Sharp G, Jankipersadsing S, Nilsen R, Vaez A, Fallin M, Hu D, Litonjua A, Fuemmeler B, Huen K, Kere J, Kull I, Munthe-Kaas M, Gehring U, Bustamante M, Saurel-Coubizolles M, Quraishi B, Ren J, Tost J, Gonzalez J, Peters M, Haberg S, Xu Z, van Meurs J, Gaunt T, Kerkhof M, Corpeleijn E, Feinberg A, Eng C, Baccarelli A, Benjamin Neelon S, Bradman A, Merid S, Bergstrom A, Herceg Z, Hernandez-Vargas H, Brunekreef B, Pinart M, Heude B, Ewart S, Yao J, Lemonnier N, Franco O, Wu M, Hofman A, McArdle W, Van der Vlies P, Falahi F, Gillman M, Barcellos L, Kumar A, Wickman M, Guerra S, Charles M, Holloway J, Auffray C, Tiemeier H, Smith G, Postma D, Hivert M, Eskenazi B, Vrijheid M, Arshad H, Anto J, Dehghan A, Karmaus W, Annesi-Maesano I, Sunyer J, Ghantous A, Pershagen G, Holland N, Murphy S, DeMeo D, Burchard E, Ladd-Acosta C, Snieder H, Nystad W, Koppelman G, Relton C, Jaddoe V, Wilcox A, Melen E, London S. DNA Methylation in Newborns and Maternal Smoking in Pregnancy: Genome-wide Consortium Meta-analysis. Am J Hum Genet. 2016; Apr 98(4): 680-96. Epub 5 Apr 2016. PMID: 27040690. PMCID: PMC4833289. [Abstract Joubert B, Felix J, Yousefi P, Bakulski K, Just A, Breton C, Reese S, Markunas C, Richmond R, Xu C, Kupers L, Oh S, Hoyo C, Gruzieva O, Soderhall C, Salas L, Baiz N, Zhang H, Lepeule J, Ruiz C, Ligthart S, Wang T, Taylor J, Duijts L, Sharp G, Jankipersadsing S, Nilsen R, Vaez A, Fallin M, Hu D, Litonjua A, Fuemmeler B, Huen K, Kere J, Kull I, Munthe-Kaas M, Gehring U, Bustamante M, Saurel-Coubizolles M, Quraishi B, Ren J, Tost J, Gonzalez J, Peters M, Haberg S, Xu Z, van Meurs J, Gaunt T, Kerkhof M, Corpeleijn E, Feinberg A, Eng C, Baccarelli A, Benjamin Neelon S, Bradman A, Merid S, Bergstrom A, Herceg Z, Hernandez-Vargas H, Brunekreef B, Pinart M, Heude B, Ewart S, Yao J, Lemonnier N, Franco O, Wu M, Hofman A, McArdle W, Van der Vlies P, Falahi F, Gillman M, Barcellos L, Kumar A, Wickman M, Guerra S, Charles M, Holloway J, Auffray C, Tiemeier H, Smith G, Postma D, Hivert M, Eskenazi B, Vrijheid M, Arshad H, Anto J, Dehghan A, Karmaus W, Annesi-Maesano I, Sunyer J, Ghantous A, Pershagen G, Holland N, Murphy S, DeMeo D, Burchard E, Ladd-Acosta C, Snieder H, Nystad W, Koppelman G, Relton C, Jaddoe V, Wilcox A, Melen E, London S. DNA Methylation in Newborns and Maternal Smoking in Pregnancy: Genome-wide Consortium Meta-analysis. Am J Hum Genet. 2016; Apr 98(4): 680-96. Epub 5 Apr 2016. PMID: 27040690. PMCID: PMC4833289.]  
  4. Magnus M, Karlstad O, Midtun O, Haberg S, Tunheim G, Parr C, Nafstad P, London S, Nilsen R, Ueland P, Nystad W. Maternal plasma total neopterin and kynurenine/tryptophan levels during pregnancy in relation to asthma development in the offspring. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2016; Nov 138(5): 1319-25.e4. Epub 26 May 2016. PMID: 27221136. PMCID: PMC5073035. [Abstract Magnus M, Karlstad O, Midtun O, Haberg S, Tunheim G, Parr C, Nafstad P, London S, Nilsen R, Ueland P, Nystad W. Maternal plasma total neopterin and kynurenine/tryptophan levels during pregnancy in relation to asthma development in the offspring. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2016; Nov 138(5): 1319-25.e4. Epub 26 May 2016. PMID: 27221136. PMCID: PMC5073035.] 
  5. Markunas C, Wilcox A, Xu Z, Joubert B, Harlid S, Panduri V, Haberg S, Nystad W, London S, Sandler D, Lie R, Wade P, Taylor J. Maternal Age at Delivery Is Associated with an Epigenetic Signature in Both Newborns and Adults. PLoS One. 2016; 11(7): e0156361. Epub 8 Jul 2016. PMID: 27383059. PMCID: PMC4934688. [Abstract Markunas C, Wilcox A, Xu Z, Joubert B, Harlid S, Panduri V, Haberg S, Nystad W, London S, Sandler D, Lie R, Wade P, Taylor J. Maternal Age at Delivery Is Associated with an Epigenetic Signature in Both Newborns and Adults. PLoS One. 2016; 11(7): e0156361. Epub 8 Jul 2016. PMID: 27383059. PMCID: PMC4934688.] 
  6. Panasevich S, Haberg S, Aamodt G, London S, Stigum H, Nystad W, Nafstad P. Association between pregnancy exposure to air pollution and birth weight in selected areas of Norway. Arch Public Health. 2016; 74:26. Epub 1 Jul 2016. PMID: 27358731. PMCID: PMC4926306. [Abstract Panasevich S, Haberg S, Aamodt G, London S, Stigum H, Nystad W, Nafstad P. Association between pregnancy exposure to air pollution and birth weight in selected areas of Norway. Arch Public Health. 2016; 74:26. Epub 1 Jul 2016. PMID: 27358731. PMCID: PMC4926306.] 
  7. Reese S, Zhao S, Wu M, Joubert B, Parr C, Haberg S, Ueland P, Nilsen R, Midttun O, Vollset S, Peddada S, Nystad W, London S. DNA Methylation Score as a Biomarker in Newborns for Sustained Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy. Environ Health Perspect. 2016; Jun. Epub 22 Jun 2016. PMID: 27323799. PMCID: In Process. [Abstract Reese S, Zhao S, Wu M, Joubert B, Parr C, Haberg S, Ueland P, Nilsen R, Midttun O, Vollset S, Peddada S, Nystad W, London S. DNA Methylation Score as a Biomarker in Newborns for Sustained Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy. Environ Health Perspect. 2016; Jun. Epub 22 Jun 2016. PMID: 27323799. PMCID: In Process.] 
  8. Rotroff D, Joubert B, Marvel S, Haberg S, Wu M, Nilsen R, Ueland P, Nystad W, London S, Motsinger-Reif A. Maternal smoking impacts key biological pathways in newborns through epigenetic modification in Utero. BMC Genomics. 2016; Nov 17(1):976. Epub 27 Nov 2016. PMID: 27887572. PMCID: PMC5124223. [Abstract Rotroff D, Joubert B, Marvel S, Haberg S, Wu M, Nilsen R, Ueland P, Nystad W, London S, Motsinger-Reif A. Maternal smoking impacts key biological pathways in newborns through epigenetic modification in Utero. BMC Genomics. 2016; Nov 17(1):976. Epub 27 Nov 2016. PMID: 27887572. PMCID: PMC5124223.] 
  9. Suderman M, Stene L, Bohlin J, Page C, Holvik K, Parr C, Magnus M, Haberg S, Joubert B, Wu M, London S, Relton C, Nystad W. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in pregnancy and genome wide cord blood DNA methylation in two pregnancy cohorts (MoBa and ALSPAC). J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2016; May 159: 102-9. Epub 10 Mar 2016. PMID: 26953979. PMCID: PMC4829940. [Abstract Suderman M, Stene L, Bohlin J, Page C, Holvik K, Parr C, Magnus M, Haberg S, Joubert B, Wu M, London S, Relton C, Nystad W. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in pregnancy and genome wide cord blood DNA methylation in two pregnancy cohorts (MoBa and ALSPAC). J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2016; May 159: 102-9. Epub 10 Mar 2016. PMID: 26953979. PMCID: PMC4829940.] 
  10. Verner MA, Ngueta G, Jensen ET, Fromme H, Völkel W, Nygaard UC, Granum B, Longnecker MP. A Simple Pharmacokinetic Model of Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs). Environ Sci Technol. 2016 Jan 19;50(2):978-86. PMID: 26691063. PMCID pending. [Abstract Verner MA, Ngueta G, Jensen ET, Fromme H, Völkel W, Nygaard UC, Granum B, Longnecker MP. A Simple Pharmacokinetic Model of Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs). Environ Sci Technol. 2016 Jan 19;50(2):978-86. PMID: 26691063. PMCID pending. ] 
  11. Whitworth KW, Haug LS, Sabaredzovic A, Eggesbo M, Longnecker MP. Plasma concentrations of perfluorooctane sulfonamide (PFOSA) and time to pregnancy among primiparous women. Epidemiology. 2016 Sep;27(5):712-5. PMID: 27276029. PMCID pending. [Abstract Whitworth KW, Haug LS, Sabaredzovic A, Eggesbo M, Longnecker MP. Plasma concentrations of perfluorooctane sulfonamide (PFOSA) and time to pregnancy among primiparous women. Epidemiology. 2016 Sep;27(5):712-5. PMID: 27276029. PMCID pending. ] 
  12. Forthun I, Wilcox AJ, Strandberg-Larsen K, Moster D, Nohr EA, Lie RT, Surén P, Tollånes MC. Maternal Prepregnancy BMI and Risk of Cerebral Palsy in Offspring. Pediatrics. 2016 Oct;138(4). pii: e20160874. PMID: 27609826. PMCID: PMC5051208. [Abstract Forthun I, Wilcox AJ, Strandberg-Larsen K, Moster D, Nohr EA, Lie RT, Surén P, Tollånes MC. Maternal Prepregnancy BMI and Risk of Cerebral Palsy in Offspring. Pediatrics. 2016 Oct;138(4). pii: e20160874. PMID: 27609826. PMCID: PMC5051208.]  
  13. Tollånes MC, Strandberg-Larsen K, Forthun I, Petersen TG, Moster D, Andersen AM, Stoltenberg C, Olsen J, Wilcox AJ. Cohort profile: cerebral palsy in the Norwegian and Danish birth cohorts (MOBAND-CP). BMJ Open. 2016 Sep 2;6(9):e012777. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012777. PMID: 27591025. PMCID: PMC5020679. [Abstract Tollånes MC, Strandberg-Larsen K, Forthun I, Petersen TG, Moster D, Andersen AM, Stoltenberg C, Olsen J, Wilcox AJ. Cohort profile: cerebral palsy in the Norwegian and Danish birth cohorts (MOBAND-CP). BMJ Open. 2016 Sep 2;6(9):e012777. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012777. PMID: 27591025. PMCID: PMC5020679.] 
  14. Tollånes MC, Strandberg-Larsen K, Eichelberger KY, Moster D, Lie RT, Brantsæter AL, Meltzer HM, Stoltenberg C, Wilcox AJ. Intake of Caffeinated Soft Drinks before and during Pregnancy, but Not Total Caffeine Intake, Is Associated with Increased Cerebral Palsy Risk in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. J Nutr. 2016 Sep;146(9):1701-6. doi: 10.3945/jn.116.232272. PMID: 27489007. PMCID: PMC4997283. [Abstract Tollånes MC, Strandberg-Larsen K, Eichelberger KY, Moster D, Lie RT, Brantsæter AL, Meltzer HM, Stoltenberg C, Wilcox AJ. Intake of Caffeinated Soft Drinks before and during Pregnancy, but Not Total Caffeine Intake, Is Associated with Increased Cerebral Palsy Risk in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. J Nutr. 2016 Sep;146(9):1701-6. doi: 10.3945/jn.116.232272. PMID: 27489007. PMCID: PMC4997283.] 


  1. Harmon QE, Huang L, Umbach DM, Klungsøyr K, Engel SM, Magnus P, Skjærven R, Zhang J, Wilcox AJ. Risk of fetal death with preeclampsia. Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Mar;125(3):628-35. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000000696. PMID: 25730226. PMCID: PMC4347876. [Abstract Harmon QE, Huang L, Umbach DM, Klungsøyr K, Engel SM, Magnus P, Skjærven R, Zhang J, Wilcox AJ. Risk of fetal death with preeclampsia. Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Mar;125(3):628-35. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000000696. PMID: 25730226. PMCID: PMC4347876.]  
  2. Papadopoulou E, Haug LS, Sabaredzovic A, Eggesbø M, Longnecker MP. Reliability of perfluoroalkyl substances in plasma of 100 women in two consecutive pregnancies. Environ Res. 2015 Jul;140:421-9. PMID: 25957838. PMC4492849. [Abstract Papadopoulou E, Haug LS, Sabaredzovic A, Eggesbø M, Longnecker MP. Reliability of perfluoroalkyl substances in plasma of 100 women in two consecutive pregnancies. Environ Res. 2015 Jul;140:421-9. PMID: 25957838. PMC4492849. ] 
  3. Jensen ET, Daniels JL, Sturmer T, Robinson WR, Williams CJ, Vejrup K, Magnus P, Longnecker MP. Hormonal contraceptive use before and after conception in relation to preterm birth and small for gestational age: an observational cohort study. BJOG. 2015 Sep;122(10):1349-61. PMID: 25318662. PMC4400183. [Abstract Jensen ET, Daniels JL, Sturmer T, Robinson WR, Williams CJ, Vejrup K, Magnus P, Longnecker MP. Hormonal contraceptive use before and after conception in relation to preterm birth and small for gestational age: an observational cohort study. BJOG. 2015 Sep;122(10):1349-61. PMID: 25318662. PMC4400183. ] 
  4. Wang Y, Cupul-Uicab LA, Rogan WJ, Eggesbo M, Travlos G, Wilson R, Longnecker MP. Recreational exercise before and during pregnancy in relation to plasma C-reactive protein concentration in pregnant women. J Phys Act Health. 2015 Jun;12(6):770-5. PMID: 25111060. PMC4320677. [Abstract Wang Y, Cupul-Uicab LA, Rogan WJ, Eggesbo M, Travlos G, Wilson R, Longnecker MP. Recreational exercise before and during pregnancy in relation to plasma C-reactive protein concentration in pregnant women. J Phys Act Health. 2015 Jun;12(6):770-5. PMID: 25111060. PMC4320677. ] 
  5. Guidry VT, Longnecker MP, Aase H, Eggesbø M, Zeiner P, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Knudsen GP, Bertelsen RJ, Ye X, Calafat AM, Engel SM. Measuring Total and Free Urinary Phenol and Paraben Concentrations over the Course of Pregnancy in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study: Assessing Reliability and Contamination of Specimens. Environ Health Perspect. 2015 Jul;123(7):705-11. PMID: 25782115. PMC4492266. [Abstract Guidry VT, Longnecker MP, Aase H, Eggesbø M, Zeiner P, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Knudsen GP, Bertelsen RJ, Ye X, Calafat AM, Engel SM. Measuring Total and Free Urinary Phenol and Paraben Concentrations over the Course of Pregnancy in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study: Assessing Reliability and Contamination of Specimens. Environ Health Perspect. 2015 Jul;123(7):705-11. PMID: 25782115. PMC4492266. ] 
  6. Verner MA, Loccisano AE, Morken NH, Yoon M, Wu H, McDougall R, Maisonet M, Marcus M, Kishi R, Miyashita C, Chen MH, Hsieh WS, Andersen ME, Clewell HJ 3rd, Longnecker MP. Associations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) with Lower Birth Weight: An Evaluation of Potential Confounding by Glomerular Filtration Rate Using a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model (PBPK). Environ Health Perspect. 2015 Dec;123(12):1317-24. PMID: 26008903. PMC4671243. [Abstract Verner MA, Loccisano AE, Morken NH, Yoon M, Wu H, McDougall R, Maisonet M, Marcus M, Kishi R, Miyashita C, Chen MH, Hsieh WS, Andersen ME, Clewell HJ 3rd, Longnecker MP. Associations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) with Lower Birth Weight: An Evaluation of Potential Confounding by Glomerular Filtration Rate Using a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model (PBPK). Environ Health Perspect. 2015 Dec;123(12):1317-24. PMID: 26008903. PMC4671243. ] 
  7. Bohlin J, Andreassen B, Joubert B, Magnus M, Wu M, Parr C, Haberg S, Magnus P, Reese S, Stoltenberg C, London S, Nystad W. Effect of maternal gestational weight gain on offspring DNA methylation: a follow-up to the ALSPAC cohort study. BMC Res Notes. 2015; Jul 8:321. Epub 30 Jul 2015. PMID: 26219460. PMCID: PMC4518864. [Abstract Bohlin J, Andreassen B, Joubert B, Magnus M, Wu M, Parr C, Haberg S, Magnus P, Reese S, Stoltenberg C, London S, Nystad W. Effect of maternal gestational weight gain on offspring DNA methylation: a follow-up to the ALSPAC cohort study. BMC Res Notes. 2015; Jul 8:321. Epub 30 Jul 2015. PMID: 26219460. PMCID: PMC4518864.]  
  8. Magnus M, Haberg S, Karlstad O, Nafstad P, London S, Nystad W. Grandmother's smoking when pregnant with the mother and asthma in the grandchild: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Thorax. 2015; Mar 70(3): 237-43. Epub 13 Jan 2015. PMID: 25572596. PMCID: PMC5034931. [Abstract Magnus M, Haberg S, Karlstad O, Nafstad P, London S, Nystad W. Grandmother's smoking when pregnant with the mother and asthma in the grandchild: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Thorax. 2015; Mar 70(3): 237-43. Epub 13 Jan 2015. PMID: 25572596. PMCID: PMC5034931.]  
  9. Magnus M, Stigum H, Haberg S, Nafstad P, London S, Nystad W. Peak weight and height velocity to age 36 months and asthma development: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. PLoS One. 2015; 10(1): e0116362. Epub 31 Jan 2015. PMID: 25635872. PMCID: PMC4312021. [Abstract Magnus M, Stigum H, Haberg S, Nafstad P, London S, Nystad W. Peak weight and height velocity to age 36 months and asthma development: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. PLoS One. 2015; 10(1): e0116362. Epub 31 Jan 2015. PMID: 25635872. PMCID: PMC4312021.] 


  1. Bertelsen RJ, Brantsæter AL, Magnus MC, Haugen M, Myhre R, Jacobsson B, Longnecker MP, Meltzer HM, London SJ. Probiotic milk consumption in pregnancy and infancy and subsequent childhood allergic disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Jan;133(1):167-71. PMID: 24034345. PMC3912862. [Abstract Bertelsen RJ, Brantsæter AL, Magnus MC, Haugen M, Myhre R, Jacobsson B, Longnecker MP, Meltzer HM, London SJ. Probiotic milk consumption in pregnancy and infancy and subsequent childhood allergic disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Jan;133(1):167-71. PMID: 24034345. PMC3912862. ] 
  2. Starling AP, Engel SM, Whitworth KW, Richardson DB, Stuebe AM, Daniels JL, Haug LS, Eggesbø M, Becher G, Sabaredzovic A, Thomsen C, Wilson RE, Travlos GS, Hoppin JA, Baird DD, Longnecker MP. Perfluoroalkyl substances and lipid concentrations in plasma during pregnancy among women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Environ Int. 2014 Jan;62:104-12. PMID: 24189199. PMC3870471. [Abstract Starling AP, Engel SM, Whitworth KW, Richardson DB, Stuebe AM, Daniels JL, Haug LS, Eggesbø M, Becher G, Sabaredzovic A, Thomsen C, Wilson RE, Travlos GS, Hoppin JA, Baird DD, Longnecker MP. Perfluoroalkyl substances and lipid concentrations in plasma during pregnancy among women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Environ Int. 2014 Jan;62:104-12. PMID: 24189199. PMC3870471. ] 
  3. Starling AP, Engel SM, Richardson DB, Baird DD, Haug LS, Stuebe AM, Klungsøyr K, Harmon Q, Becher G, Thomsen C, Sabaredzovic A, Eggesbø M, Hoppin JA, Travlos GS, Wilson RE, Trogstad LI, Magnus P, Longnecker MP. Perfluoroalkyl substances during pregnancy and validated preeclampsia among nulliparous women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2014 Apr 1;179(7):824-33. PMID: 24557813. PMC3969534. [Abstract Starling AP, Engel SM, Richardson DB, Baird DD, Haug LS, Stuebe AM, Klungsøyr K, Harmon Q, Becher G, Thomsen C, Sabaredzovic A, Eggesbø M, Hoppin JA, Travlos GS, Wilson RE, Trogstad LI, Magnus P, Longnecker MP. Perfluoroalkyl substances during pregnancy and validated preeclampsia among nulliparous women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2014 Apr 1;179(7):824-33. PMID: 24557813. PMC3969534. ] 
  4. Magnus M, DeRoo L, Haberg S, Magnus P, Nafstad P, Nystad W, London S. Prospective study of maternal alcohol intake during pregnancy or lactation and risk of childhood asthma: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2014; Apr 38(4): 1002-11. Epub 28 Jan 2014. PMID: 24460824. PMCID: PMC3984297. [Abstract Magnus M, DeRoo L, Haberg S, Magnus P, Nafstad P, Nystad W, London S. Prospective study of maternal alcohol intake during pregnancy or lactation and risk of childhood asthma: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2014; Apr 38(4): 1002-11. Epub 28 Jan 2014. PMID: 24460824. PMCID: PMC3984297.]  
  5. Engel S, Joubert B, Wu M, Olshan A, Haberg S, Ueland P, Nystad W, Nilsen R, Vollset S, Peddada S, London S. Neonatal genome-wide methylation patterns in relation to birth weight in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort. Am J Epidemiol. 2014; Apr 179(7): 834-42. Epub 25 Feb 2014. PMID: 24561991. PMCID: PMC3969535. [Abstract Engel S, Joubert B, Wu M, Olshan A, Haberg S, Ueland P, Nystad W, Nilsen R, Vollset S, Peddada S, London S. Neonatal genome-wide methylation patterns in relation to birth weight in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort. Am J Epidemiol. 2014; Apr 179(7): 834-42. Epub 25 Feb 2014. PMID: 24561991. PMCID: PMC3969535.] 
  6. Joubert B, Haberg S, Bell D, Nilsen R, Vollset S, Midttun O, Ueland P, Wu M, Nystad W, Peddada S, London S. Maternal smoking and DNA methylation in newborns: in utero effect or epigenetic inheritance? Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2014; Jun 23(6): 1007-17. Epub 18 Apr 2014. PMID: 24740201. PMCID: PMC4140220. [Abstract Joubert B, Haberg S, Bell D, Nilsen R, Vollset S, Midttun O, Ueland P, Wu M, Nystad W, Peddada S, London S. Maternal smoking and DNA methylation in newborns: in utero effect or epigenetic inheritance? Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2014; Jun 23(6): 1007-17. Epub 18 Apr 2014. PMID: 24740201. PMCID: PMC4140220.] 
  7. Breton C, Siegmund K, Joubert B, Wang X, Qui W, Carey V, Nystad W, Haberg S, Ober C, Nicolae D, Barnes K, Martinez F, Liu A, Lemanske R, Strunk R, Weiss S, London S, Gilliland F, Raby B. Prenatal tobacco smoke exposure is associated with childhood DNA CpG methylation. PLoS One. 2014; 9(6): e99716. Epub 26 Jun 2014. PMID: 24964093. PMCID: PMC4070909. [Abstract Breton C, Siegmund K, Joubert B, Wang X, Qui W, Carey V, Nystad W, Haberg S, Ober C, Nicolae D, Barnes K, Martinez F, Liu A, Lemanske R, Strunk R, Weiss S, London S, Gilliland F, Raby B. Prenatal tobacco smoke exposure is associated with childhood DNA CpG methylation. PLoS One. 2014; 9(6): e99716. Epub 26 Jun 2014. PMID: 24964093. PMCID: PMC4070909.] 
  8. Wu M, Joubert B, Kuan P, Haberg S, Nystad W, Peddada S, London S. A systematic assessment of normalization approaches for the Infinium 450K methylation platform. Epigenetics. 2014; Feb 9(2): 318-29. Epub 19 Nov 2013. PMID: 24241353. PMCID: PMC3962542. [Abstract Wu M, Joubert B, Kuan P, Haberg S, Nystad W, Peddada S, London S. A systematic assessment of normalization approaches for the Infinium 450K methylation platform. Epigenetics. 2014; Feb 9(2): 318-29. Epub 19 Nov 2013. PMID: 24241353. PMCID: PMC3962542.]  
  9. Bertelsen RJ, Engel SM, Jusko TA, Calafat AM, Hoppin JA, London SJ, Eggesbø MA, Aase H, Zeiner P, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Knudsen GP, Guidry VT, Longnecker MP. Reliability of triclosan measures in repeated urine samples from Norwegian pregnant women. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2014 Sep-Oct;24(5):517-21. PMID: 24472755. PMC4115053. [Abstract Bertelsen RJ, Engel SM, Jusko TA, Calafat AM, Hoppin JA, London SJ, Eggesbø MA, Aase H, Zeiner P, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Knudsen GP, Guidry VT, Longnecker MP. Reliability of triclosan measures in repeated urine samples from Norwegian pregnant women. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2014 Sep-Oct;24(5):517-21. PMID: 24472755. PMC4115053. ] 
  10. Ding J, Zhou H, Liu Y, Cai J, Longnecker MP. Estimating effect of environmental contaminants on women’s subfecundity for the MoBa Study data with an outcome-dependent sampling scheme. Biostatistics. 2014 Oct;15(4):636-50. PMID: 24812419. PMC4168316. [Abstract Ding J, Zhou H, Liu Y, Cai J, Longnecker MP. Estimating effect of environmental contaminants on women’s subfecundity for the MoBa Study data with an outcome-dependent sampling scheme. Biostatistics. 2014 Oct;15(4):636-50. PMID: 24812419. PMC4168316. ] 
  11. Jensen ET, Daniels JL, Stürmer T, Robinson WR, Williams CJ, Moster D, Juliusson PB, Vejrup K, Magnus P, Longnecker MP. Maternal hormonal contraceptive use and offspring overweight or obesity. Int J Obes. 2014 Oct;38(10):1275-81. PMID: 24984751. PMC4365991. [Abstract Jensen ET, Daniels JL, Stürmer T, Robinson WR, Williams CJ, Moster D, Juliusson PB, Vejrup K, Magnus P, Longnecker MP. Maternal hormonal contraceptive use and offspring overweight or obesity. Int J Obes. 2014 Oct;38(10):1275-81. PMID: 24984751. PMC4365991. ] 
  12. Morken NH, Travlos GS, Wilson RE, Eggesbø M, Longnecker MP. Maternal glomerular filtration rate in pregnancy and fetal size. PLoS One. 2014 Jul 8;9(7):e101897. PMID: 25003331. PMC4087025. [Abstract Morken NH, Travlos GS, Wilson RE, Eggesbø M, Longnecker MP. Maternal glomerular filtration rate in pregnancy and fetal size. PLoS One. 2014 Jul 8;9(7):e101897. PMID: 25003331. PMC4087025. ] 


  1. Verner MA, McDougall R, Glynn A, Andersen ME, Clewell HJ 3rd, Longnecker MP. Is the Relationship between Prenatal Exposure to PCB-153 and Decreased Birth Weight Attributable to Pharmacokinetics? Environ Health Perspect. 2013 Oct;121(10):1219-24. PMID: 23934733. PMC3801461. [Abstract Verner MA, McDougall R, Glynn A, Andersen ME, Clewell HJ 3rd, Longnecker MP. Is the Relationship between Prenatal Exposure to PCB-153 and Decreased Birth Weight Attributable to Pharmacokinetics? Environ Health Perspect. 2013 Oct;121(10):1219-24. PMID: 23934733. PMC3801461.]  
  2. Longnecker MP, Harbak K, Kissling GE, Hoppin JA, Eggesbo M, Jusko TA, Eide J, Koch HM. The concentration of bisphenol A in urine is affected by specimen collection, a preservative, and handling. Environ Res. 2013 Oct;126:211-4. PMID: 23899777. PMC3805685. [Abstract Longnecker MP, Harbak K, Kissling GE, Hoppin JA, Eggesbo M, Jusko TA, Eide J, Koch HM. The concentration of bisphenol A in urine is affected by specimen collection, a preservative, and handling. Environ Res. 2013 Oct;126:211-4. PMID: 23899777. PMC3805685. ]  
  3. Wang Y, Starling AP, Haug LS, Eggesbo M, Becher G, Thomsen C, Travlos G, King D, Hoppin JA, Rogan WJ, Longnecker MP. Association between perfluoroalkyl substances and thyroid stimulating hormone among pregnant women from a cross-sectional study in Norway. Environ Health. 2013 Sep 8;12(1):76. PMID: 24010716. PMC3847507. [Abstract Wang Y, Starling AP, Haug LS, Eggesbo M, Becher G, Thomsen C, Travlos G, King D, Hoppin JA, Rogan WJ, Longnecker MP. Association between perfluoroalkyl substances and thyroid stimulating hormone among pregnant women from a cross-sectional study in Norway. Environ Health. 2013 Sep 8;12(1):76. PMID: 24010716. PMC3847507. ] 
  4. Magnus M, Stene L, Haberg S, Nafstad P, Stigum H, London S, Nystad W. Prospective study of maternal mid-pregnancy 25-hydroxyvitamin D level and early childhood respiratory disorders. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2013; Nov 27(6): 532-41. Epub 19 Oct 2013. PMID: 24134527. PMCID: PMC3811147. [Abstract Magnus M, Stene L, Haberg S, Nafstad P, Stigum H, London S, Nystad W. Prospective study of maternal mid-pregnancy 25-hydroxyvitamin D level and early childhood respiratory disorders. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2013; Nov 27(6): 532-41. Epub 19 Oct 2013. PMID: 24134527. PMCID: PMC3811147.]  


  1. Brantsæter AL, Whitworth KW, Ydersbond TA, Haug LS, Haugen M, Knutsen HK, Thomsen C, Meltzer HM, Becher G, Sabaredzovic A, Hoppin JA, Eggesbø M, Longnecker MP. Determinants of plasma concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances in pregnant Norwegian women. Environ Int 2013;54:74-84. [Abstract Brantsæter AL, Whitworth KW, Ydersbond TA, Haug LS, Haugen M, Knutsen HK, Thomsen C, Meltzer HM, Becher G, Sabaredzovic A, Hoppin JA, Eggesbø M, Longnecker MP. Determinants of plasma concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances in pregnant Norwegian women. Environ Int 2013;54:74-84.] 
  2. Joubert BR, Håberg SE, Nilsen RM, Wang X, Vollset SE, Murphy SK, Huang Z, Hoyo C, Midttun Ø, Cupul-Uicab LA, Ueland PM, Wu MC, Nystad W, Bell DA, Peddada SD, London SJ. 450K epigenome-wide scan identifies differential DNA methylation in newborns related to maternal smoking during pregnancy. Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Oct;120(10):1425-31. [Abstract Joubert BR, Håberg SE, Nilsen RM, Wang X, Vollset SE, Murphy SK, Huang Z, Hoyo C, Midttun Ø, Cupul-Uicab LA, Ueland PM, Wu MC, Nystad W, Bell DA, Peddada SD, London SJ. 450K epigenome-wide scan identifies differential DNA methylation in newborns related to maternal smoking during pregnancy. Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Oct;120(10):1425-31.] 
  3. Magnus MC, Vestrheim DF, Nystad W, Håberg SE, Stigum H, London SJ, Bergsaker MR, Caugant DA, Aaberge IS , Nafstad P. Decline in early childhood respiratory tract infections in the Norwegian mother and child cohort study after introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2012 3(9):951-955. [Abstract Magnus MC, Vestrheim DF, Nystad W, Håberg SE, Stigum H, London SJ, Bergsaker MR, Caugant DA, Aaberge IS , Nafstad P. Decline in early childhood respiratory tract infections in the Norwegian mother and child cohort study after introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2012 3(9):951-955.] 
  4. Whitworth KW, Haug LS, Baird DD, Becher G, Hoppin JA, Skjaerven R, Thomsen C, Eggesbo M, Travlos G, Wilson, R, Longnecker MP. Perfluorinated compounds and subfecundity in pregnant women. Epidemiology 23:257-263, 2012. 
  5. Cupul-Uicab LA, Skjaerven R, Haug K, Longnecker MP. In utero exposure to maternal tobacco smoke and subsequent metabolic syndrome-related outcomes among women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort (MoBa). Environmental health perspectives 120(3):355-60, 2012 [Abstract Cupul-Uicab LA, Skjaerven R, Haug K, Longnecker MP. In utero exposure to maternal tobacco smoke and subsequent metabolic syndrome-related outcomes among women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort (MoBa). Environmental health perspectives 120(3):355-60, 2012] 
  6. Whitworth KW, Haug LS, Baird DD, Becher G, Hoppin JA, Skjærven R, Thomsen C, Eggesbo E, Travlos G, Wilson R, Cupul-Uicab LA, Brantsaeter AL, Longnecker MP. Perfluorinated Compounds in Relation to Birth Weight in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Am J Epidemiol 2012;175:1209-16. [Abstract Whitworth KW, Haug LS, Baird DD, Becher G, Hoppin JA, Skjærven R, Thomsen C, Eggesbo E, Travlos G, Wilson R, Cupul-Uicab LA, Brantsaeter AL, Longnecker MP. Perfluorinated Compounds in Relation to Birth Weight in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Am J Epidemiol 2012;175:1209-16.] 
  7. Cupul-Uicab LA, Skjaerven R, Haug K, Travlos GS, Wilson RE, Eggesbø M, Hoppin JA, Whitworth KW, Longnecker MP. Exposure to tobacco smoke in utero and subsequent plasma lipids, ApoB, and CRP among adult women in the MoBa cohort. Environ Health Perspect 2012;120:1532-7. [Abstract Cupul-Uicab LA, Skjaerven R, Haug K, Travlos GS, Wilson RE, Eggesbø M, Hoppin JA, Whitworth KW, Longnecker MP. Exposure to tobacco smoke in utero and subsequent plasma lipids, ApoB, and CRP among adult women in the MoBa cohort. Environ Health Perspect 2012;120:1532-7.] 


  1. Magnus MC, Håberg SE, Stigum H, Nafstad P, London SJ, Vangen S, Nystad W. Delivery by Cesarean section and early childhood respiratory symptoms and disorders: the Norwegian mother and child cohort study. Am J Epidemiol. 2011 Dec 1;174(11):1275-85. [Abstract Magnus MC, Håberg SE, Stigum H, Nafstad P, London SJ, Vangen S, Nystad W. Delivery by Cesarean section and early childhood respiratory symptoms and disorders: the Norwegian mother and child cohort study. Am J Epidemiol. 2011 Dec 1;174(11):1275-85.] 
  2. Hancock DB, Haberg SE, Furu K, Whitworth KW, Nafstad P, Nystad W, London SJ. Oral contraceptive pill use before pregnancy and respiratory outcomes in early childhood. Pediatric allergy and immunology 22(5):528-536, 2011. [Abstract Hancock DB, Haberg SE, Furu K, Whitworth KW, Nafstad P, Nystad W, London SJ. Oral contraceptive pill use before pregnancy and respiratory outcomes in early childhood. Pediatric allergy and immunology 22(5):528-536, 2011.] 
  3. Furu K, Karlstad O, Skurtveit S, Håberg SE, Nafstad P, London SJ, Nystad W. High validity of mother-reported use of antiasthmatics among children: a comparison with a population-based prescription database. Journal of clinical epidemiology 64(8):878-884, 2011. [Abstract Furu K, Karlstad O, Skurtveit S, Håberg SE, Nafstad P, London SJ, Nystad W. High validity of mother-reported use of antiasthmatics among children: a comparison with a population-based prescription database. Journal of clinical epidemiology 64(8):878-884, 2011.] 
  4. Håberg SE, London SJ, Nafstad P, Nilsen RM, Ueland PM, Vollset SE, Nystad W. Maternal folate levels in pregnancy and asthma in children at age 3 years. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011 Jan;127(1):262-4, 264.e1. [Abstract Håberg SE, London SJ, Nafstad P, Nilsen RM, Ueland PM, Vollset SE, Nystad W. Maternal folate levels in pregnancy and asthma in children at age 3 years. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011 Jan;127(1):262-4, 264.e1.] 
  5. Cupul-Uicab LA, Skjaerven R, Haug K, Melve KK, Engel SM, Longnecker MP. 2011. In utero exposure to maternal tobacco smoke and subsequent obesity, hypertension, and gestational diabetes among women in The MoBa Cohort. Environ Health Perspect; doi:10.1289/ehp.1103789 [Online 29 November 2011]. [Abstract Cupul-Uicab LA, Skjaerven R, Haug K, Melve KK, Engel SM, Longnecker MP. 2011. In utero exposure to maternal tobacco smoke and subsequent obesity, hypertension, and gestational diabetes among women in The MoBa Cohort. Environ Health Perspect; doi:10.1289/ehp.1103789 [Online 29 November 2011].]
  6. Whitworth KW, Baird DD, Stene LC, Skjaerven R, Longnecker MP. 2011. Fecundability among women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Diabetologia 54(3):516-522. [Abstract Whitworth KW, Baird DD, Stene LC, Skjaerven R, Longnecker MP. 2011. Fecundability among women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Diabetologia 54(3):516-522.]
  7. Cupul-Uicab LA, Baird DD, Skjaerven R, Saha-Chaudhuri P, Haug K, Longnecker MP. 2011. In utero exposure to maternal smoking and women’s risk of fetal loss in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort (MoBa). Hum Reprod 26(2):468-465. [Abstract Cupul-Uicab LA, Baird DD, Skjaerven R, Saha-Chaudhuri P, Haug K, Longnecker MP. 2011. In utero exposure to maternal smoking and women’s risk of fetal loss in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort (MoBa). Hum Reprod 26(2):468-465.]
  8. Cupul-Uicab LA, Ye X, Skjaerven R, Haug K, Longnecker MP. 2011. Reproducibility of reported in utero exposure to tobacco smoke. Ann Epidemiol 21(1):48-52. [Abstract Cupul-Uicab LA, Ye X, Skjaerven R, Haug K, Longnecker MP. 2011. Reproducibility of reported in utero exposure to tobacco smoke. Ann Epidemiol 21(1):48-52.]
  9. Whitworth KW, Haug LS, Baird DD, Becher G, Hoppin JA, Skjaerven R, Thomsen C, Eggesbo M, Travlos G, Wilson R, Longnecker MP. 2011. Perfluorinated compounds and subfecundity in pregnant women. Epidemiology [Online 10 Nov 2011]. [Abstract Whitworth KW, Haug LS, Baird DD, Becher G, Hoppin JA, Skjaerven R, Thomsen C, Eggesbo M, Travlos G, Wilson R, Longnecker MP. 2011. Perfluorinated compounds and subfecundity in pregnant women. Epidemiology [Online 10 Nov 2011].]


  1. Håberg SE, Bentdal YE, London SJ, Kvaerner KJ, Nystad W, Nafstad P. Prenatal and postnatal parental smoking and acute otitis media in early childhood. Acta Paediatr. 2010 Jan;99(1):99-105. [Abstract Håberg SE, Bentdal YE, London SJ, Kvaerner KJ, Nystad W, Nafstad P. Prenatal and postnatal parental smoking and acute otitis media in early childhood. Acta Paediatr. 2010 Jan;99(1):99-105.] 
  2. Ye X, Skjaerven R, Basso O, Baird DD, Eggesbo M, Uicab LA, Haug K, Longnecker MP. 2010. In utero exposure to tobacco smoke and subsequent reduced fertility in females. Hum Reprod 25(11):2901-2906. [Abstract Ye X, Skjaerven R, Basso O, Baird DD, Eggesbo M, Uicab LA, Haug K, Longnecker MP. 2010. In utero exposure to tobacco smoke and subsequent reduced fertility in females. Hum Reprod 25(11):2901-2906.]
  3. Brantsaeter AL, Owe KM, Haugen M, Alexander J, Meltzer HM, Longnecker MP. 2010. Validation of self-reported recreational exercise in pregnant women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Scand K Med Sci Sports. 20(1):e48-e55. [Abstract Brantsaeter AL, Owe KM, Haugen M, Alexander J, Meltzer HM, Longnecker MP. 2010. Validation of self-reported recreational exercise in pregnant women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Scand K Med Sci Sports. 20(1):e48-e55.]


  1. Ye X, Pierik FH, Angerer J, Meltzer HM, Jaddoe VW, Tiemeier H, Hoppin JA, Longnecker MP. 2009. Levels of metabolites of organophosphate pesticides, phthalates, and bisphenol A in pooled urine specimens from pregnant women participating in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Int J Hyg Environ Health 212(5):481-491. [Abstract Ye X, Pierik FH, Angerer J, Meltzer HM, Jaddoe VW, Tiemeier H, Hoppin JA, Longnecker MP. 2009. Levels of metabolites of organophosphate pesticides, phthalates, and bisphenol A in pooled urine specimens from pregnant women participating in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Int J Hyg Environ Health 212(5):481-491.]


  1. Paltiel L, Rønningen KS, Meltzer HM, Baker SV, Hoppin JA. 2008. Evaluation of freeze thaw cycles on stored plasma in the Biobank of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Cell Preservation Technology 6(3):223-230. [Abstract Paltiel L, Rønningen KS, Meltzer HM, Baker SV, Hoppin JA. 2008. Evaluation of freeze thaw cycles on stored plasma in the Biobank of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Cell Preservation Technology 6(3):223-230.]


  1. Rønningen KS, Paltiel L, Meltzer HM, Nordhagen R, Lie KK, Hovengen R, Haugen M, Nystad W, Hoppin JA, Magnus P. 2006. Biobanken i Den norske mor og barn undersokelsen. [The biobank of the Norwegian mother and child cohort study] Norsk Epidemiologi [Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology] 16:59-62 (in Norwegian).
  2. Hoppin JA, Ulmer R, Calafat AM, Barr DB, Baker SV, Meltzer HM, Rønningen KS. 2006. Impact of urine preservation methods and duration of storage on measured levels of environmental contaminants. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 16(1): 39-48. [Abstract Hoppin JA, Ulmer R, Calafat AM, Barr DB, Baker SV, Meltzer HM, Rønningen KS. 2006. Impact of urine preservation methods and duration of storage on measured levels of environmental contaminants. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 16(1): 39-48.]
  3. Rønningen KS, Paltiel L, Meltzer HM, Nordhagen R, Lie KK, Hovengen R, Haugen M, Nystad W, Magnus P, Hoppin JA. 2006. The Biobank of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study—a resource for the next 100 years. Eur J Epidemiol 21(8):619-25. [Abstract Rønningen KS, Paltiel L, Meltzer HM, Nordhagen R, Lie KK, Hovengen R, Haugen M, Nystad W, Magnus P, Hoppin JA. 2006. The Biobank of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study—a resource for the next 100 years. Eur J Epidemiol 21(8):619-25.]