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Epidemiology Branch

LIFE and VALID Lung Studies

The Lung Imaging Fluorescence Endoscopy (LIFE) Study−a collaborative effort between NIEHS and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine−investigated both LIFE and various molecular techniques for detecting and following early lung lesions in patients with a high risk for developing lung cancer. After enrolling at the Multidisciplinary Thoracic Oncology Pulmonary Clinic (MTOP) at UNC Hospitals, patients received a questionnaire, submitted blood samples and underwent bronchoscopy. For all bronchoscopies, both white light and LIFE were used alternately to compare clinical evaluations from each patient. Subject enrollment for the pilot program began in November 1999. The study moved from pilot to regular status in August 2000. Enrollment in LIFE was completed in fall of 2004, and the study is now completed.

The Venous or Areterial Ligation and Intraoperative Dissemination (VALID) Study−conducted at UNC in collaboration with NIEHS−is a companion activity to the LIFE study. The main objective was to examine the effect of initial arterial ligation versus venous ligation during surgery for patients with lung cancer.

Principal Investigators

Jack Taylor, M.D., Ph.D. (Retired)
Scientist Emeritus
Tel 984-287-3684
[email protected]