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Biostatistics & Computational Biology Branch

Research Summary

Clarice Weinberg, Ph.D., is a principal investigator in the Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch. She holds a secondary appointment in the NIEHS Epidemiology Branch, and adjunct professorships at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in both Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

Epidemiology is one of the best tools for studying human health effects of environmental exposures. However, this tool is inherently imperfect and prone to imprecision and biases. Weinberg's research has focused on the development of improved methods for design and analysis that account for sources of bias, missing data, response heterogeneity and mismeasurement in epidemiologic studies. Methodologic research is most fruitful when it arises in the context of real applications to epidemiology. Her extensive collaborations with epidemiologists at NIEHS have inspired nearly all of this work.

She is also developing improved designs and methods of analysis to elucidate joint etiologic roles of multiple genetic variants and environmental susceptibility factors. Complex diseases, such as birth defects, heart diseases, neurodegenerative disease and cancer, are caused by time and the combined action of genetic susceptibility factors and exposures. Of particular interest is the interplay between genetic factors, both maternal and fetal, and maternal exposures in influencing fetal survival, embryologic development and postnatal long-term health. Methods being developed in this area will be applied to data from an international study of oral clefting and to a family-based study of young-onset breast cancer.

Weinberg and colleagues have also carried out a family-based study, called the Two Sister Study, with funding from Susan G. Komen for the Cure. This study built on the Sister Study cohort by recruiting some 1,600 families where one sister was already participating in the Sister Study and the sister who had breast cancer was recently diagnosed and was under the age of 50 at diagnosis. DNA, household dust samples, and extensive questionnaire data will allow elucidation of the role of interacting environmental and genetic factors in the development of young-onset disease. Many of the parents also contributed DNA. Follow-up of the affected sisters over the coming years will also allow characterization of factors that contribute to healthy survival following treatment for cancer.


  • Case Control
    This archive provides information for fitting log-linear models and carrying out statistical tests for a design that includes two samples from the same population: one sample of affected individuals and their mothers and a second sample of unaffected individuals and their mothers.
  • coMotif
    A three-component mixture framework to model the joint distribution of two motifs as well as the situation where some sequences contain only one or none of the motifs.
  • Ctrl-mom-hybrid
    This archive provides information for fitting log-linear models and carrying out statistical tests for a hybrid design that includes a sample of affected individuals and their parents and a sample of unaffected individuals and their mothers (case-parent triad/control-mother dyad design).
  • Extracting Patterns and Identifying co-expressed Genes (EPIG)
    A method for Extracting microarray gene expression Patterns and Identifying co-expressed Genes.
    This package includes the program GEI-TRIMM, which implements the method described in the manuscript Shi M, Umbach DM, Weinberg CR 2010 "Testing Haplotype-Environment Interactions Using Case-parent Triads."
  • Hybrid Design
    Provides information for fitting log-linear models and carrying out statistical tests.
  • LEM scripts
    This archive provides information for fitting log-linear models and carrying out statistical tests for preterm birth study.
  • LEM Scripts Case-Sibling
    This package contains R scripts for analyzing case-sibling data using missing-parents approach as described in the manuscript Shi M, Umbach DM, Weinberg CR 2012 "Case-sibling studies that acknowledge unstudied parents and enroll unmatched individuals".
    PIXLRT is a package can be used for the analysis of(non pseudo-autosomal) SNPs on the X chromosome in case-parent triads.
    This package contains two R scripts for generating scenarios 1-4 described in the manuscript Shi M, Weinberg CR 2011 "How much are we missing in SNP-by-SNP analyses of GWAS?"
  • SAS Code to Fit Genetic Models
    Various SAS code for identifying genes related to a quantitative trait, incorporating multiple siblings and missing parents.
  • TRIad Multi-Marker
    Performs association tests for a child's or mother's genetic effects using multiple markers from triad families.
    This package contains programs that fit log-linear models to estimate the relative risk associated with a candidate risk haplotype in a triad-based association study.

Selected Publications

  1. Umbach DM, Weinberg CR. Designing and analyzing case-control studies to exploit independence of genotype and exposure. Statistics in Medicine 1997; 16:1731-1743. [Abstract Umbach DM, Weinberg CR. Designing and analyzing case-control studies to exploit independence of genotype and exposure. Statistics in Medicine 1997; 16:1731-1743.]  
  2. Rockhill, B., Newman, B., and Weinberg, C.R.  Use and misuse of population attributable fractions.  American Journal of Public Health, 88(1): 15-19, 1998. [Abstract Rockhill, B., Newman, B., and Weinberg, C.R.  Use and misuse of population attributable fractions.  American Journal of Public Health, 88(1): 15-19, 1998.]  
  3. Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J. and Lie, R.T.  A log-linear approach to case-parent triad data:  Assessing effects of disease genes that act directly or through maternal effects, and may be subject to parental imprinting.  American Journal of Human Genetics, 62(4): 969-978, 1998. [Abstract Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J. and Lie, R.T.  A log-linear approach to case-parent triad data:  Assessing effects of disease genes that act directly or through maternal effects, and may be subject to parental imprinting.  American Journal of Human Genetics, 62(4): 969-978, 1998.]  
  4. Wilcox, A.J., Weinberg, C.R. and Lie, R.T. Distinguishing the effects of maternal and offspring genes through studies of 'case-parent triads.'  American Journal of Epidemiology, 148(9): 893-901, 1998. [Abstract Wilcox, A.J., Weinberg, C.R. and Lie, R.T. Distinguishing the effects of maternal and offspring genes through studies of 'case-parent triads.'  American Journal of Epidemiology, 148(9): 893-901, 1998.]  
  5. Weinberg, C.R. and Umbach, D.M. Using pooled exposure assessment to improve efficiency in case-control studies. Biometrics, 55(3): 718-726, 1999. [Abstract Weinberg, C.R. and Umbach, D.M. Using pooled exposure assessment to improve efficiency in case-control studies. Biometrics, 55(3): 718-726, 1999.]  
  6. Wilcox, A.J., Baird, D.D. and Weinberg, C.R. Time of implantation of the conceptus and loss of pregnancy. New England Journal of Medicine, 340(23): 1796-9, 1999. [Abstract Wilcox, A.J., Baird, D.D. and Weinberg, C.R. Time of implantation of the conceptus and loss of pregnancy. New England Journal of Medicine, 340(23): 1796-9, 1999.]  
  7. Weinberg, C.R. Allowing for missing parents in genetic studies of case-parent triads. American Journal of Human Genetics 64(4): 1186-1193, 1999. [Abstract Weinberg, C.R. Allowing for missing parents in genetic studies of case-parent triads. American Journal of Human Genetics 64(4): 1186-1193, 1999.]  
  8. Janowsky, E.C., Lester, G.E., Weinberg, C.R., Millikan, R.C., Schildkraut, J. M., Garrett, P.A., Hulka, B.S. The association between low levels of 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D and breast cancer risk. Public Health Nutrition, 2(3): 283-91, 1999. [Abstract Janowsky, E.C., Lester, G.E., Weinberg, C.R., Millikan, R.C., Schildkraut, J. M., Garrett, P.A., Hulka, B.S. The association between low levels of 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D and breast cancer risk. Public Health Nutrition, 2(3): 283-91, 1999.]  
  9. Weinberg, C.R. Methods for detecting parent-of-origin effects in genetic studies of case-parents triads. American Journal of Human Genetics, 65: 229-235, 1999. [Abstract Weinberg, C.R. Methods for detecting parent-of-origin effects in genetic studies of case-parents triads. American Journal of Human Genetics, 65: 229-235, 1999.]  
  10. Umbach DM, Weinberg CR . The use of case-parent triads to study joint effects of genotype and exposure. American Journal of Human Genetics 2000; 66:251-261, 2000. [Abstract Umbach DM, Weinberg CR . The use of case-parent triads to study joint effects of genotype and exposure. American Journal of Human Genetics 2000; 66:251-261, 2000.]  
  11. Weinberg, C.R. and Dunson, D.B. Some issues in assessing human fertility. Invited Millennial vignette, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95(449): 300-303, 2000.  
  12. Dunson, D. and Weinberg, C.R. Modeling human fertility in the presence of measurement error. Biometrics, 56:288-92, 2000. [Abstract Dunson, D. and Weinberg, C.R. Modeling human fertility in the presence of measurement error. Biometrics, 56:288-92, 2000.]  
  13. Dunson, D.B. and Weinberg, C.R. Accounting for unreported and missing intercourse in human fertility studies. Statistics in Medicine, 19: 665-79, 2000. [Abstract Dunson, D.B. and Weinberg, C.R. Accounting for unreported and missing intercourse in human fertility studies. Statistics in Medicine, 19: 665-79, 2000.]  
  14. Weinberg, C.R. and Umbach, D.M. Choosing a retrospective design to assess joint genetic and environmental contributions to risk. American Journal of Epidemiology, 152(3): 197-203, 2000 [Abstract Weinberg, C.R. and Umbach, D.M. Choosing a retrospective design to assess joint genetic and environmental contributions to risk. American Journal of Epidemiology, 152(3): 197-203, 2000]
  15. Dunson, D.B., Weinberg, C.R., Baird, D.D., Kesner, J., and Wilcox, A.J. Assessing human fertility using several markers of ovulation.  Statistics in Medicine20(6): 965-78, 2001. [Abstract Dunson, D.B., Weinberg, C.R., Baird, D.D., Kesner, J., and Wilcox, A.J. Assessing human fertility using several markers of ovulation.  Statistics in Medicine, 20(6): 965-78, 2001.]
  16. Dunson, D.B. Weinberg, C.R. and Wilcox, A.J. Modelling multiple ovulation, fertilization, and embryo loss in human fertility studies. Biostatistics, 2(2): 131-145, 2001. [Abstract Dunson, D.B. Weinberg, C.R. and Wilcox, A.J. Modelling multiple ovulation, fertilization, and embryo loss in human fertility studies. Biostatistics, 2(2): 131-145, 2001.]  
  17. Rieger, R., Kaplan, N. and Weinberg, C.R. Efficient use of sibling data for testing for linkage and association.  Genetic Epidemiology, 20(2): 175-91, 2001. [Abstract Rieger, R., Kaplan, N. and Weinberg, C.R. Efficient use of sibling data for testing for linkage and association.  Genetic Epidemiology, 20(2): 175-91, 2001.]  
  18. Li, L., Darden, T.A., Weinberg, C.R., Levine, A.J. and Pedersen, L.G.  Gene assessment and sample classification for gene expression data using a genetic algorithm/k-nearest neighbor method. Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening, 4(8): 727-39, 2001. [Abstract Li, L., Darden, T.A., Weinberg, C.R., Levine, A.J. and Pedersen, L.G.  Gene assessment and sample classification for gene expression data using a genetic algorithm/k-nearest neighbor method. Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening, 4(8): 727-39, 2001.]  
  19. Weinberg, C.R.  It's time to rehabilitate the P-value.  Invited editorial, Epidemiology, 12(3): 288-290,  2001. [Abstract Weinberg, C.R.  It's time to rehabilitate the P-value.  Invited editorial, Epidemiology, 12(3): 288-290,  2001.]  
  20. Hoffman, Elaine Borland, Sen, P.K., and Weinberg, C.R.  Within-cluster resampling. Biometrika, 88(4):1121-34, 2001.  
  21. Schroeder, J. and Weinberg, C.R.  Use of missing-data methods to correct bias and improve precision in case-control studies where cases are subtyped but subtype information is incomplete. American Journal of Epidemiology, 154(10): 954-62, 2001. [Abstract Schroeder, J. and Weinberg, C.R.  Use of missing-data methods to correct bias and improve precision in case-control studies where cases are subtyped but subtype information is incomplete. American Journal of Epidemiology, 154(10): 954-62, 2001.]  
  22. Li, L., Weinberg, C.R., Darden, T.A. and Pedersen, L.G.  Gene selection for sample classification based on gene expression data:  study of sensitivity  to choice of parameters of the GA/KNN method. Bioinformatics, 17(12): 1131-42, 2001. [Abstract Li, L., Weinberg, C.R., Darden, T.A. and Pedersen, L.G.  Gene selection for sample classification based on gene expression data:  study of sensitivity  to choice of parameters of the GA/KNN method. Bioinformatics, 17(12): 1131-42, 2001.]  
  23. Rieger, R. and Weinberg, C.R. Analysis of clustered binary outcomes using within-cluster paired resampling. Biometrics, 58:332-341, 2002. [Abstract Rieger, R. and Weinberg, C.R. Analysis of clustered binary outcomes using within-cluster paired resampling. Biometrics, 58:332-341, 2002.]  
  24. Infante-Rivard, C., Rivard, G-E, Yotov, W., Genin, E., Guiguet, M., Weinberg, C., Gauthier R., Feoli-Fonseca, J-C  Absence of association of thrombophilia polymorthisms with intrauterine growth restriction. New England Journal of Medicine347(1): 19-25, 2002. [Abstract Infante-Rivard, C., Rivard, G-E, Yotov, W., Genin, E., Guiguet, M., Weinberg, C., Gauthier R., Feoli-Fonseca, J-C  Absence of association of thrombophilia polymorthisms with intrauterine growth restriction. New England Journal of Medicine,  347(1): 19-25, 2002.]  
  25. Basso, O., Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J., Baird D.D., Olsen J.  Subfecundity as a correlate of pre-eclampsia:  A study within the Danish National Birth Cohort.  American Journal of Epidemiology, 157(3):195-202 2003. [Abstract Basso, O., Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J., Baird D.D., Olsen J.  Subfecundity as a correlate of pre-eclampsia:  A study within the Danish National Birth Cohort.  American Journal of Epidemiology, 157(3):195-202 2003.]  
  26. Baird, D.D., Weinberg, C.R., McConnaughey, D.R., and Wilcox, A.J. Rescue of the corpus luteum in human pregnancy. Biology of Reproduction, Feb; 68(2):448-56, 2003. [Abstract Baird, D.D., Weinberg, C.R., McConnaughey, D.R., and Wilcox, A.J. Rescue of the corpus luteum in human pregnancy. Biology of Reproduction, Feb; 68(2):448-56, 2003.]  
  27. Weinberg, C.R.  Studying parents and grandparents to assess genetic contributions to early-onset disease.  American Journal of Human Genetics, 72(2):438-47, 2003. [Abstract Weinberg, C.R.  Studying parents and grandparents to assess genetic contributions to early-onset disease.  American Journal of Human Genetics, 72(2):438-47, 2003.]  
  28. Peddada, S.D., Lobenhofer, E.K., Li, L., Afshari, C.A., Weinberg, C.R., Umbach, D.M.  Gene selection and clustering for time-course and dose-response microarray experiments using order-restricted inference. Bioinformatics, 19(7):834-41, 2003. [Abstract Peddada, S.D., Lobenhofer, E.K., Li, L., Afshari, C.A., Weinberg, C.R., Umbach, D.M.  Gene selection and clustering for time-course and dose-response microarray experiments using order-restricted inference. Bioinformatics, 19(7):834-41, 2003.]  
  29. Weinberg, C.R. and Morris, R.  Invited Commentary:  Testing for Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium using a genome SNP scan based on cases only.   American Journal of Epidemiology, 158(5):401-3, 2003. [Abstract Weinberg, C.R. and Morris, R.  Invited Commentary:  Testing for Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium using a genome SNP scan based on cases only.   American Journal of Epidemiology, 158(5):401-3, 2003.]  
  30. Harville, E.W., Wilcox, A.J., Baird, D.D., and Weinberg, C.R. Vaginal bleeding in very early pregnancy. Human Reproduction, 18(9): 1944-7, 2003. [Abstract Harville, E.W., Wilcox, A.J., Baird, D.D., and Weinberg, C.R. Vaginal bleeding in very early pregnancy. Human Reproduction, 18(9): 1944-7, 2003.]  
  31. Weinberg, C.R. Invited Commentary:  Making the most of genotype asymmetries. American Journal of Epidemiology, 158(11): 1033-5, 2003. [Abstract Weinberg, C.R. Invited Commentary:  Making the most of genotype asymmetries. American Journal of Epidemiology, 158(11): 1033-5, 2003.]  
  32. Basso, O., Wilcox, A.J., Baird, D.D., Weinberg, C.R., and Olsen, J.  Height and risk of severe pre-eclampsia: A study within the Danish National Birth Registry. International Journal of Epidemiology, 33(4): 858-63, 2004. [Abstract Basso, O., Wilcox, A.J., Baird, D.D., Weinberg, C.R., and Olsen, J.  Height and risk of severe pre-eclampsia: A study within the Danish National Birth Registry. International Journal of Epidemiology, 33(4): 858-63, 2004.]  
  33. Kistner, E.O. and Weinberg, C.R. A method for using complete and incomplete trios to identify genes related to a quantitative trait. Genetic Epidemiology, 27(1): 33-42, 2004. [Abstract Kistner, E.O. and Weinberg, C.R. A method for using complete and incomplete trios to identify genes related to a quantitative trait. Genetic Epidemiology, 27(1): 33-42, 2004.]  
  34. Liu, D., Umbach, D., Peddada, S., Li, L., Crockett, P., Weinberg, C.R. A random-periods model for expression of cell-cycle genes.  Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, 101(19): 7240-45, 2004. [Abstract Liu, D., Umbach, D., Peddada, S., Li, L., Crockett, P., Weinberg, C.R. A random-periods model for expression of cell-cycle genes.  Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, 101(19): 7240-45, 2004.]  
  35. Wilcox, A.J., Baird DD, Weinberg, CR, Dunson, D, McConnaughey, DR., Kesner, J.S. On the frequency of intercourse around ovulation: Evidence for biologic influences.  Human Reproduction, 19(7):1539-43, 2004. [Abstract Wilcox, A.J., Baird DD, Weinberg, CR, Dunson, D, McConnaughey, DR., Kesner, J.S. On the frequency of intercourse around ovulation: Evidence for biologic influences.  Human Reproduction, 19(7):1539-43, 2004.]  
  36. Liu, D., Weinberg, C.R. and Peddada, S.D.  A geometric approach to determine association and coherence of the activation times of cell-cycling genes under differing experimental conditions. Bioinformatics, 20(16): 2521-8, 2004. [Abstract Liu, D., Weinberg, C.R. and Peddada, S.D.  A geometric approach to determine association and coherence of the activation times of cell-cycling genes under differing experimental conditions. Bioinformatics, 20(16): 2521-8, 2004.]  
  37. Weinberg, C.R.  Barker meets Simpson.  Invited Commentary, American Journal of Epidemiology161(1): 33-35, 2005. [Abstract Weinberg, C.R.  Barker meets Simpson.  Invited Commentary, American Journal of Epidemiology, 161(1): 33-35, 2005.]  
  38. Sallmén, M, Weinberg, CR, Baird, DD, Lindbohm, M-L, Wilcox, AJ.  Has human fertility declined over time?  Why we may never know.  Epidemiology, 16(4): 494-9, 2005. [Abstract Sallmén, M, Weinberg, CR, Baird, DD, Lindbohm, M-L, Wilcox, AJ.  Has human fertility declined over time?  Why we may never know.  Epidemiology, 16(4): 494-9, 2005.]  
  39. McChesney, R., Wilcox, A.J., O’Connor J.F., Weinberg, C.R., Baird, D.D., Schlatterer, J.P., McConnaughey, D.R., Birken, S., and Canfield R.E.  Urinary analytes of beta-hCG:  Longitudinal patterns during early pregnancy.  Human Reproduction, 20(4): 928-35, 2005. [Abstract McChesney, R., Wilcox, A.J., O’Connor J.F., Weinberg, C.R., Baird, D.D., Schlatterer, J.P., McConnaughey, D.R., Birken, S., and Canfield R.E.  Urinary analytes of beta-hCG:  Longitudinal patterns during early pregnancy.  Human Reproduction, 20(4): 928-35, 2005.]  
  40. Mitchell, L.E., Weinberg, C.R..  Evaluation of maternal and offspring genetic effects on disease risk using a family-based approach:  The “pent” design. American Journal of Epidemiology, 162(7): 676-85, 2005. [Abstract Mitchell, L.E., Weinberg, C.R..  Evaluation of maternal and offspring genetic effects on disease risk using a family-based approach:  The “pent” design. American Journal of Epidemiology, 162(7): 676-85, 2005.]  
  41. Sarkar, K., Weinberg, C.R., Oddis, C.V., Medsger, T.A., Plotz, P.H., Reveille, J.D., Arnett, F.C., Targoff, I.N., Genth, E., Love, L.A., Miller, F.W.  Seasonal influence in the onset of serologic groups of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 52(8): 2433-8, 2005. [Abstract Sarkar, K., Weinberg, C.R., Oddis, C.V., Medsger, T.A., Plotz, P.H., Reveille, J.D., Arnett, F.C., Targoff, I.N., Genth, E., Love, L.A., Miller, F.W.  Seasonal influence in the onset of serologic groups of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 52(8): 2433-8, 2005.]  
  42. Kistner, E. and Weinberg, C.R.  A method for identifying genes related to a quantitative trait, incorporating multiple siblings and missing parents.  Genetic Epidemiology, 29(2): 155-65, 2005. [Abstract Kistner, E. and Weinberg, C.R.  A method for identifying genes related to a quantitative trait, incorporating multiple siblings and missing parents.  Genetic Epidemiology, 29(2): 155-65, 2005.]  
  43. Infante-Rivard, C., Weinberg, C.R.  Parent-of-origin transmission of thrombophilic alleles to intrauterine-growth-restricted newborns and transmission-ratio distortion in unaffected newborns. American Journal of Epidemiology, 162(9): 891-7. 2005. [Abstract Infante-Rivard, C., Weinberg, C.R.  Parent-of-origin transmission of thrombophilic alleles to intrauterine-growth-restricted newborns and transmission-ratio distortion in unaffected newborns. American Journal of Epidemiology, 162(9): 891-7. 2005.]  
  44. Weinberg, C.R. and Umbach, D.M.  A hybrid design for studying genetic influences on risk of diseases with onset in early life.  American Journal of Human Genetics, 77(4): 627-36, 2005. [Abstract Weinberg, C.R. and Umbach, D.M.  A hybrid design for studying genetic influences on risk of diseases with onset in early life.  American Journal of Human Genetics, 77(4): 627-36, 2005.]  
  45. Infante-Rivard, C., Weinberg, C.R. Guiguet, M.  Xenobiotic-metabolizing genes and small-for-gestational-age births: interaction with maternal smoking.  Epidemiology, 17(1): 38-46, 2006. [Abstract Infante-Rivard, C., Weinberg, C.R. Guiguet, M.  Xenobiotic-metabolizing genes and small-for-gestational-age births: interaction with maternal smoking.  Epidemiology, 17(1): 38-46, 2006.]  
  46. Krewski D, Lubin JH, Zielinski JM, Alavanja M, Catalan V, Field W, Klotz JB, Letourneau EG, Lynch CF, Lyon JL, Sandler DP, Schoenberg JB, Steck DJ, Stolwijk JA, Weinberg CR, Wilcox HB.  A combined analysis of North American Case-control studies of residential radon and lung cancer. J Tox Env Health, 69(7): 533-97, 2006. [Abstract Krewski D, Lubin JH, Zielinski JM, Alavanja M, Catalan V, Field W, Klotz JB, Letourneau EG, Lynch CF, Lyon JL, Sandler DP, Schoenberg JB, Steck DJ, Stolwijk JA, Weinberg CR, Wilcox HB.  A combined analysis of North American Case-control studies of residential radon and lung cancer. J Tox Env Health, 69(7): 533-97, 2006.]  
  47. Sandler, D.P., Weinberg, C.R., Shore, D.L., Archer, V.E., Bishop-Stone, M., Lyon, J.L., Rothney-Kozlak, L., Shepherd, M., Stolwijk, J.A.J. Indoor radon and lung cancer risk in Connecticut and Utah. J Tox Env Health, A 69(7):633-54, 2006 [Abstract Sandler, D.P., Weinberg, C.R., Shore, D.L., Archer, V.E., Bishop-Stone, M., Lyon, J.L., Rothney-Kozlak, L., Shepherd, M., Stolwijk, J.A.J. Indoor radon and lung cancer risk in Connecticut and Utah. J Tox Env Health, A 69(7):633-54, 2006]  
  48. Kistner, E.O., Infante-Rivard C., Weinberg, C.R.  A method for using incomplete triads to test maternally mediated genetic effects and parent-of-origin effects in relation to a quantitative trait. American Journal of Epidemiology, 163(3): 255-61, 2006. [Abstract Kistner, E.O., Infante-Rivard C., Weinberg, C.R.  A method for using incomplete triads to test maternally mediated genetic effects and parent-of-origin effects in relation to a quantitative trait. American Journal of Epidemiology, 163(3): 255-61, 2006.]  
  49. Liu, D., Peddada, S.D., Li, L., Weinberg, C.R. Phase analysis of circadian-related genes in two tissues. BMC Bioinformatics, 2006 Feb 23, 7: 87. [Abstract Liu, D., Peddada, S.D., Li, L., Weinberg, C.R. Phase analysis of circadian-related genes in two tissues. BMC Bioinformatics, 2006 Feb 23, 7: 87.]  
  50. Basso, O., Wilcox, A.J. and Weinberg, C.R. Birth weight and mortality:  Causality or confounding? American Journal of Epidemiology, 164(4): 303-11, 2006 [Abstract Basso, O., Wilcox, A.J. and Weinberg, C.R. Birth weight and mortality:  Causality or confounding? American Journal of Epidemiology, 164(4): 303-11, 2006]  
  51. Howards, P., Hertz-Picciotto, I., Weinberg, C.R. and Poole, C.  Misclassification of gestational age in the study of spontaneous abortion. American Journal of Epidemiology, 164(11): 1126-36, 2006. [Abstract Howards, P., Hertz-Picciotto, I., Weinberg, C.R. and Poole, C.  Misclassification of gestational age in the study of spontaneous abortion. American Journal of Epidemiology, 164(11): 1126-36, 2006.]  
  52. Basso, O., Rassmussen, S., Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J., Irgens, L.M., Skjaerven, R. Trends in fetal and infant survival following preeclampsia. Journal of the American Medical Association, 296(11): 1357-62, 2006. [Abstract Basso, O., Rassmussen, S., Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J., Irgens, L.M., Skjaerven, R. Trends in fetal and infant survival following preeclampsia. Journal of the American Medical Association, 296(11): 1357-62, 2006.]  
  53. Promislow, J.H.E., Baird, D.D., Wilcox, A.J., Weinberg, C.R. Bleeding following pregnancy loss prior to six weeks gestation. In press, Human Reproduction, 2007. [Abstract Promislow, J.H.E., Baird, D.D., Wilcox, A.J., Weinberg, C.R. Bleeding following pregnancy loss prior to six weeks gestation. In press, Human Reproduction, 2007.]  
  54. Rampersaud, E., Morris, R.W., Weinberg, C.R., Speer, M.C. and Martin, E.R.  Power calculations for likelihood ratio tests for genetic risks, maternal effects and parent-of-origin (POO) effects in the presence of missing parental genotypes when unaffected siblings are available. Genetic Epidemiology, 31(1): 18-30, 2007. [Abstract Rampersaud, E., Morris, R.W., Weinberg, C.R., Speer, M.C. and Martin, E.R.  Power calculations for likelihood ratio tests for genetic risks, maternal effects and parent-of-origin (POO) effects in the presence of missing parental genotypes when unaffected siblings are available. Genetic Epidemiology, 31(1): 18-30, 2007.]  
  55. Shi, M., Christensen, K., Weinberg, C.R., Romitti, P., Bathum, L., Lozada, A., Murray, J.C.  Comprehensive gene environment interaction analysis of 16 genes involved in detoxification pathways in the causes of orofacial clefts. American Journal of Human Genetics 80(1): 76-90, 2007. [Abstract Shi, M., Christensen, K., Weinberg, C.R., Romitti, P., Bathum, L., Lozada, A., Murray, J.C.  Comprehensive gene environment interaction analysis of 16 genes involved in detoxification pathways in the causes of orofacial clefts. American Journal of Human Genetics 80(1): 76-90, 2007.]  
  56. Infante-Rivard, C., Vermunt, J.K., Weinberg, C.R. Excess transmission of the NQ01 C609T allele in families of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.  In press, American Journal of Epidemiology, 2007.
  57. Weinberg, C.R., Shore, D., Umbach, D.M., and Sandler, D.P. Using risk-based sampling to enrich cohorts for endpoints, genes and exposures.  In press, American Journal of Epidemiology, 2007.  
  58. Vegosen, L.J., Weinberg, C.R., O'Hanlon, T.P., Targoff, I.T., Miller, F.W., Rider, L.G. Seasonal birth patterns in subgroups of myositis suggest a role for early environmental exposures in etiology. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 8: 2719-2729, 2007. [Abstract Vegosen, L.J., Weinberg, C.R., O'Hanlon, T.P., Targoff, I.T., Miller, F.W., Rider, L.G. Seasonal birth patterns in subgroups of myositis suggest a role for early environmental exposures in etiology. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 8: 2719-2729, 2007.]  
  59. Jukic, A.M.Z., Weinberg, C.W., Baird, D.D., Wilcox, A.J. Life-study and reproductive factors associated with follicular phase length. Journal of women's health (2002) 16(9):1340-1347, 2007. [Abstract Jukic, A.M.Z., Weinberg, C.W., Baird, D.D., Wilcox, A.J. Life-study and reproductive factors associated with follicular phase length. Journal of women's health (2002) 16(9):1340-1347, 2007.]  
  60. Jukic, A.M.Z., Weinberg, C.W., Wilcox, A.J., McConnaughey, D.R., Hornsby, P.P., Baird, D.D. Accuracy of reporting of menstrual cycle length. American journal of epidemiology 167(1):25-33, 2008. [Abstract Jukic, A.M.Z., Weinberg, C.W., Wilcox, A.J., McConnaughey, D.R., Hornsby, P.P., Baird, D.D. Accuracy of reporting of menstrual cycle length. American journal of epidemiology 167(1):25-33, 2008.]  
  61. Nepomnaschy, P.A., Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J., Baird, D.D. Urinary hCG patterns during the week following implantation. Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 23(2):271-277, 2008. [Abstract Nepomnaschy, P.A., Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J., Baird, D.D. Urinary hCG patterns during the week following implantation. Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 23(2):271-277, 2008.]  
  62. Shi, M., Umbach, D.M., Vermeulen, S.H., Weinberg, C.R. Making the most of case-mother/control-mother studies. American journal of epidemiology 168(5):541-547, 2008. [Abstract Shi, M., Umbach, D.M., Vermeulen, S.H., Weinberg, C.R. Making the most of case-mother/control-mother studies. American journal of epidemiology 168(5):541-547, 2008.]
  63. Boyles, A.L., Wilcox, A.J., Taylor, J.A., Shi, M., Weinberg, C.R., Meyer, K., Fredriksen Å, Ueland, P.M., Johansen, A.M., Drevon, C.A., Jugessur, A., Trung, T.N., Gjessing, H.K., Vollset, S.E., Murray, J.C., Christensen, K., Lie, R.T. Oral facial clefts and gene polymorphisms in metabolism of folate/one-carbon and vitamin A: a pathway-wide association study. Genetic Epidemiology 33(3):247-255, 2009. [Abstract Boyles, A.L., Wilcox, A.J., Taylor, J.A., Shi, M., Weinberg, C.R., Meyer, K., Fredriksen Å, Ueland, P.M., Johansen, A.M., Drevon, C.A., Jugessur, A., Trung, T.N., Gjessing, H.K., Vollset, S.E., Murray, J.C., Christensen, K., Lie, R.T. Oral facial clefts and gene polymorphisms in metabolism of folate/one-carbon and vitamin A: a pathway-wide association study. Genetic Epidemiology 33(3):247-255, 2009.]
  64. Shi, M., Umbach D.M., Weinberg C.R. Using case-parent triads to estimate relative risks associated with a candidate haplotype. Annals of human genetics, 73(Pt 3):346-359, 2009. [Abstract Shi, M., Umbach D.M., Weinberg C.R. Using case-parent triads to estimate relative risks associated with a candidate haplotype. Annals of human genetics, 73(Pt 3):346-359, 2009.]  
  65. Nepomnaschy, P.A., Baird, D.D., Weinberg, C.R., Hoppin, J.A., Longnecker, M.P., Wilcox, A.J. Within-person variability in urinary bisphenol A concentrations: Measurement from specimens after long-term frozen storage. Environmental research 109(6):734-737, 2009. [Abstract Nepomnaschy, P.A., Baird, D.D., Weinberg, C.R., Hoppin, J.A., Longnecker, M.P., Wilcox, A.J. Within-person variability in urinary bisphenol A concentrations: Measurement from specimens after long-term frozen storage. Environmental research 109(6):734-737, 2009.]  
  66. Baird, D.D., Saldana, T.M., Nepomnaschy, P.A., Hoppin, J.A., Longnecker, M.P., Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J. Within-person variability in urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations: Measurements from specimens after long-term frozen storage. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 20(2):169-175, 2010. [Abstract Baird, D.D., Saldana, T.M., Nepomnaschy, P.A., Hoppin, J.A., Longnecker, M.P., Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J. Within-person variability in urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations: Measurements from specimens after long-term frozen storage. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 20(2):169-175, 2010.]  
  67. Jukic, A.M.Z., Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J., Baird, D.D. Effects of early pregnancy loss on hormone levels in the subsequent menstrual cycle. Gynecological endocrinology 26(12):897-901, 2010. [Abstract Jukic, A.M.Z., Weinberg, C.R., Wilcox, A.J., Baird, D.D. Effects of early pregnancy loss on hormone levels in the subsequent menstrual cycle. Gynecological endocrinology 26(12):897-901, 2010.]  
  68. Wacholder, S., Han, S., Weinberg, C.R. Inference from a multiplicative model of joint genetic effects or ovarian cancer risk. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 103(2):82-83, 2011. [Abstract Wacholder, S., Han, S., Weinberg, C.R. Inference from a multiplicative model of joint genetic effects or ovarian cancer risk. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 103(2):82-83, 2011.]  
  69. Jukic, A.M.Z., Weinberg, C.R., Baird, D.D., Wilcox, A.J. The association of maternal factors with delayed implantation and the initial rise of urinary human chorionic gonadotropin. Human Reproduction 26(4):920-926, 2011. [Abstract Jukic, A.M.Z., Weinberg, C.R., Baird, D.D., Wilcox, A.J. The association of maternal factors with delayed implantation and the initial rise of urinary human chorionic gonadotropin. Human Reproduction 26(4):920-926, 2011.]  
  70. Shi, M., Umbach, D.M., Weinberg, C.R. Family based Gene-by-Environment Interaction Studies: Revelations and Remedies. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 22(3):400-407, 2011. [Abstract Shi, M., Umbach, D.M., Weinberg, C.R. Family based Gene-by-Environment Interaction Studies: Revelations and Remedies. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 22(3):400-407, 2011.]  
  71. Shi, M., London, S.J., Chiu, G.Y., Hancock, D.B., Zaykin, D., Weinberg, C.R. Using imputed genotypes for relative risk estimation in case-parent studies. American journal of epidemiology 173(5):553-559, 2011. [Abstract Shi, M., London, S.J., Chiu, G.Y., Hancock, D.B., Zaykin, D., Weinberg, C.R. Using imputed genotypes for relative risk estimation in case-parent studies. American journal of epidemiology 173(5):553-559, 2011.]
  72. Saha-Chaudhuri P, Umbach DM, Weinberg CR. Pooled Exposure Assessment for Matched Case-Control Studies. Epidemiology 22(5):704-712, 2011. [Abstract Saha-Chaudhuri P, Umbach DM, Weinberg CR. Pooled Exposure Assessment for Matched Case-Control Studies. Epidemiology 22(5):704-712, 2011.]
  73. Xu M, Weinberg CR, Umbach DM, Li L. coMOTIF: A method for Identifying Transcription Co-regulator Binding Sites in ChIP-seq Data. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 2011, 27(19):2625-2632. [Abstract Xu M, Weinberg CR, Umbach DM, Li L. coMOTIF: A method for Identifying Transcription Co-regulator Binding Sites in ChIP-seq Data. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 2011, 27(19):2625-2632.]  
  74. Wilcox AJ, Weinberg CR, Basso O. On the Pitfalls of Adjusting for Gestational Age at Birth. American journal of epidemiology, 2011, 174(9):1062-1068. [Abstract Wilcox AJ, Weinberg CR, Basso O. On the Pitfalls of Adjusting for Gestational Age at Birth. American journal of epidemiology, 2011, 174(9):1062-1068.]  
  75. Weinberg, C.R., Shi, M., Umbach, D.M. A sibling-augmented case-only approach for assessing multiplicative gene-environment interactions. American journal of epidemiology  174(10):1183-1189, 2011. [Abstract Weinberg, C.R., Shi, M., Umbach, D.M. A sibling-augmented case-only approach for assessing multiplicative gene-environment interactions. American journal of epidemiology  174(10):1183-1189, 2011.]  
  76. Shi M, Weinberg CR. How much are we missing in SNP-by-SNP analyses of genome-wide association studies?. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 22(6):845-847, 2011. [Abstract Shi M, Weinberg CR. How much are we missing in SNP-by-SNP analyses of genome-wide association studies?. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 22(6):845-847, 2011.]
  77. Kim S, Sandler DP, Carswell G, De Roo LA, Parks CG, Cawthon R, Weinberg CR, Taylor JA. Telomere length in peripheral blood and breast cancer risk in a prospective case-cohort analysis: results from the Sister Study. Cancer causes & control 22(7):1061-6, 2011. [Abstract Kim S, Sandler DP, Carswell G, De Roo LA, Parks CG, Cawthon R, Weinberg CR, Taylor JA. Telomere length in peripheral blood and breast cancer risk in a prospective case-cohort analysis: results from the Sister Study. Cancer causes & control 22(7):1061-6, 2011.]
  78. Kim S, Sandler DP, Carswell G, Weinberg CR, Taylor JA. Reliability and short-term intra-individual variability of telomere length measurement using monochrome multiplexing quantitative PCR. PloS one 6(9):e25774, 2011. [Abstract Kim S, Sandler DP, Carswell G, Weinberg CR, Taylor JA. Reliability and short-term intra-individual variability of telomere length measurement using monochrome multiplexing quantitative PCR. PloS one 6(9):e25774, 2011.]
  79. Weinberg CR, Shi M, Umbach DM. Re.: "Genetic association and gene-environment interaction: a new method for overcoming the lack of exposure information in controls". American journal of epidemiology  173(11):1346-7, 2011. [Abstract Weinberg CR, Shi M, Umbach DM. Re.: "Genetic association and gene-environment interaction: a new method for overcoming the lack of exposure information in controls". American journal of epidemiology  173(11):1346-7, 2011.]
  80. Weinberg CR. An Editor Replies: Graphical scales and public health relevance. American journal of epidemiology  174(3):377-, 2011.
  81. Weinberg CR. Interaction and exposure modification: Are we asking the right questions? American journal of epidemiology 2012 175(7):602-5. [Abstract Weinberg CR. Interaction and exposure modification: Are we asking the right questions? American journal of epidemiology 2012 175(7):602-5.]
  82. Howards PP, Schisterman EF, Poole C, Kaufman JS, Weinberg CR. "Toward a clearer definition of confounding" revisited with directed acyclic graphs. American journal of epidemiology 176(6):506-11, 2012. [Abstract Howards PP, Schisterman EF, Poole C, Kaufman JS, Weinberg CR. "Toward a clearer definition of confounding" revisited with directed acyclic graphs. American journal of epidemiology 176(6):506-11, 2012.]
  83. Fei C , Deroo LA, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Fertility drugs and young-onset breast cancer: Results from the Two Sister Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 104(13):1021-7, 2012. [Abstract Fei C , Deroo LA, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Fertility drugs and young-onset breast cancer: Results from the Two Sister Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 104(13):1021-7, 2012.]
  84. Fei C, Weinberg C, Olsen J. Commentary: perfluorinated chemicals and time to pregnancy: a link based on reverse causation? Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 23(2):264-6, 2012. [Abstract Fei C, Weinberg C, Olsen J. Commentary: perfluorinated chemicals and time to pregnancy: a link based on reverse causation? Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 23(2):264-6, 2012.]
  85. Weinberg CR. Commentary: thoughts on assessing evidence for gene by environment interaction. International journal of epidemiology 41(3):705-7, 2012. [Abstract Weinberg CR. Commentary: thoughts on assessing evidence for gene by environment interaction. International journal of epidemiology 41(3):705-7, 2012.]
  86. Fei C, DeRoo LA, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Menopausal symptoms and the risk of young-onset breast cancer. European journal of cancer 49(4):798-804, 2012.
    [Abstract ( ]
  87. Shi M, Umbach DM, Weinberg CR. Case-sibling studies that acknowledge unstudied parents and enroll unmatched individuals. International journal of epidemiology 42(1):298-307, 2013. [Abstract Shi M, Umbach DM, Weinberg CR. Case-sibling studies that acknowledge unstudied parents and enroll unmatched individuals. International journal of epidemiology 42(1):298-307, 2013.]
  88. D'Aloisio AA, DeRoo LA., Baird DD, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP. Prenatal and infant exposures and age at menarche. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 24(2):277-284, 2013.  [Abstract D'Aloisio AA, DeRoo LA., Baird DD, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP. Prenatal and infant exposures and age at menarche. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 24(2):277-284, 2013. ]
  89. Lin D, Weinberg CR, Feng R, Hochner H, Chen J. A multi-locus likelihood method for assessing parent-or-origin effects using case-control mother-child pairs. Genetic Epidemiology 37(2):152-162, 2013. [Abstract Lin D, Weinberg CR, Feng R, Hochner H, Chen J. A multi-locus likelihood method for assessing parent-or-origin effects using case-control mother-child pairs. Genetic Epidemiology 37(2):152-162, 2013.]
  90. Xu Z, Bolick SCE, DeRoo LA, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. DNA methylation in blood is associated with breast cancer: A study in prospective samples from the Sister Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 105(10):694-700, 2013. [Abstract Xu Z, Bolick SCE, DeRoo LA, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. DNA methylation in blood is associated with breast cancer: A study in prospective samples from the Sister Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 105(10):694-700, 2013.]
  91. Jukic AMZ, Baird DD, Weinberg CR, McConnaughey DR, Wilcox AJ. Length of human pregnancy and contributors to its natural variation. Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 28(10):2848-2855, 2013. [Abstract Jukic AMZ, Baird DD, Weinberg CR, McConnaughey DR, Wilcox AJ. Length of human pregnancy and contributors to its natural variation. Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 28(10):2848-2855, 2013.]
  92. DeRoo LA, Bolick SCE, Xu Z, Umbach DM, Shore D, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Global DNA methylation and one-carbon metabolism gene polymorphisms and the risk of breast cancer in the Sister Study. Carcinogenesis 35(2):333-338, 2014. [Abstract DeRoo LA, Bolick SCE, Xu Z, Umbach DM, Shore D, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Global DNA methylation and one-carbon metabolism gene polymorphisms and the risk of breast cancer in the Sister Study. Carcinogenesis 35(2):333-338, 2014.]
  93. Dinse GE, Jusko TA, Ho LA, Annam K, Graubard BI, Hertz-Picciotto I, Miller FW, Gillespie BW, Weinberg CR. Accommodating measurements below a limit of detection: a novel application of cox regression. American journal of epidemiology 2014 179(8):1018-1024. [Abstract Dinse GE, Jusko TA, Ho LA, Annam K, Graubard BI, Hertz-Picciotto I, Miller FW, Gillespie BW, Weinberg CR. Accommodating measurements below a limit of detection: a novel application of cox regression. American journal of epidemiology 2014 179(8):1018-1024.]
  94. Weinberg C.R., Shi M., DeRoo L., Taylor J.A., Sandler D.P., Umbach D.M. Asymmetry in family history implicates nonstandard genetic mechanisms: application to the genetics of breast cancer. PLoS genetics 10(3):e1004174, 2014. [Abstract Weinberg C.R., Shi M., DeRoo L., Taylor J.A., Sandler D.P., Umbach D.M. Asymmetry in family history implicates nonstandard genetic mechanisms: application to the genetics of breast cancer. PLoS genetics 10(3):e1004174, 2014.]
  95. Shi M, Umbach DM, Weinberg CR. Disentangling pooled triad genotypes for association studies. Annals of human genetics 2014 78(5):345-356. [Abstract Shi M, Umbach DM, Weinberg CR. Disentangling pooled triad genotypes for association studies. Annals of human genetics 2014 78(5):345-356.]
  96. Godfrey AC, Xu Z, Weinberg CR, Getts RC, Wade PA, DeRoo LA, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Serum microRNA expression as an early marker for breast cancer risk in prospectively collected samples from the Sister Study cohort. Breast cancer research: BCR 2014 15(3):R42-.  [Abstract Godfrey AC, Xu Z, Weinberg CR, Getts RC, Wade PA, DeRoo LA, Sandler DP, Taylor JA. Serum microRNA expression as an early marker for breast cancer risk in prospectively collected samples from the Sister Study cohort. Breast cancer research: BCR 2014 15(3):R42-. ]
  97. Parks CG, Miller FW, Satoh M, Chan EK, Andruschenko Z, Birnbaum LS, Jusko TA, Kissling GE, Patel MD, Rose KM, Weinberg C, Zeldin DC, Sandler DP. Reproductive and hormonal risk factors for antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in a representative sample of U.S. women. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention: a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2014 23(11):2492-2502.  [Abstract Parks CG, Miller FW, Satoh M, Chan EK, Andruschenko Z, Birnbaum LS, Jusko TA, Kissling GE, Patel MD, Rose KM, Weinberg C, Zeldin DC, Sandler DP. Reproductive and hormonal risk factors for antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in a representative sample of U.S. women. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention: a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2014 23(11):2492-2502. ]
  98. Weinberg CR. Invited Commentary: Troubling Trends in Birth Weight. American Journal of Epidemiology 2015 183(1):24-25. [Abstract Weinberg CR. Invited Commentary: Troubling Trends in Birth Weight. American Journal of Epidemiology 2015 183(1):24-25.]
  99. O'Brien KM, Fei C, Sandler DP, Nichols HB, DeRoo LA, Weinberg CR. Hormone therapy and young-onset breast cancer. American journal of epidemiology 181(10):799-807, 2015. [Abstract O'Brien KM, Fei C, Sandler DP, Nichols HB, DeRoo LA, Weinberg CR. Hormone therapy and young-onset breast cancer. American journal of epidemiology 181(10):799-807, 2015.]
  100. Wise AS, Shi M, Weinberg CR. Learning about the X from our parents. Frontiers in genetics 2015 6():15-. [Abstract Wise AS, Shi M, Weinberg CR. Learning about the X from our parents. Frontiers in genetics 2015 6():15-.]
  101. Shi M, Umbach DM, Weinberg CR. Using parental phenotypes in case-parent studies. Frontiers in genetics 2015 6():221-. [Abstract Shi M, Umbach DM, Weinberg CR. Using parental phenotypes in case-parent studies. Frontiers in genetics 2015 6():221-.]
  102. Shi M, DeRoo LA, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Migraine and possible etiologic heterogeneity for hormone-receptor-negative breast cancer. Scientific reports 2015 5():14943-. [Abstract Shi M, DeRoo LA, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Migraine and possible etiologic heterogeneity for hormone-receptor-negative breast cancer. Scientific reports 2015 5():14943-.]
  103. O'Brien KM, Sun J, Sandler DP, DeRoo LA, Weinberg CR. Risk factors for young-onset invasive and in situ breast cancer. Cancer causes & control: CCC 2015 26(12):1771-1778. [Abstract O'Brien KM, Sun J, Sandler DP, DeRoo LA, Weinberg CR. Risk factors for young-onset invasive and in situ breast cancer. Cancer causes & control: CCC 2015 26(12):1771-1778.]
  104. Clarice Weinberg, Min Shi, Lisa DeRoo, Olga Basso, Rolv Skjaerven. Season and preterm birth in Norway: A cautionary tale. International journal of epidemiology, 44(3):1068-1078 2015. [Abstract Clarice Weinberg, Min Shi, Lisa DeRoo, Olga Basso, Rolv Skjaerven. Season and preterm birth in Norway: A cautionary tale. International journal of epidemiology, 44(3):1068-1078 2015.]
  105. Pearce N et al.. IARC monographs: 40 years of evaluating carcinogenic hazards to humans. Environmental health perspectives 2015 123(6):507-514. [Abstract Pearce N et al.. IARC monographs: 40 years of evaluating carcinogenic hazards to humans. Environmental health perspectives 2015 123(6):507-514.]
  106. Weinberg CR. Is bad luck the main cause of cancer? Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2015 107(7):-. [Abstract Weinberg CR. Is bad luck the main cause of cancer? Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2015 107(7):-.]
  107. Reding KW, Young MT, Szpiro AA, Han CJ, DeRoo LA, Weinberg CR, Kaufman JD, Sandler DP. Breast Cancer Risk in Relation to Ambient Air Pollution Exposure at Residences in the Sister Study Cohort. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention: a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2015 24(12):1907-1909. [Abstract Reding KW, Young MT, Szpiro AA, Han CJ, DeRoo LA, Weinberg CR, Kaufman JD, Sandler DP. Breast Cancer Risk in Relation to Ambient Air Pollution Exposure at Residences in the Sister Study Cohort. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention: a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 2015 24(12):1907-1909.]
  108. Jukic AMZ, McConnaughey DR, Weinberg CR, Wilcox AJ, Baird DD. Long-term Recall of Time to Pregnancy. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 2016 27(5):705-711. [Abstract Jukic AMZ, McConnaughey DR, Weinberg CR, Wilcox AJ, Baird DD. Long-term Recall of Time to Pregnancy. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 2016 27(5):705-711.]
  109. Chen L, Weinberg CR, Chen J. Using family members to augment genetic case-control studies of a life-threatening disease. Statistics in medicine 2016 35(16):2815-2830. [Abstract Chen L, Weinberg CR, Chen J. Using family members to augment genetic case-control studies of a life-threatening disease. Statistics in medicine 2016 35(16):2815-2830.]
  110. Lyles RH, Mitchell EM, Weinberg CR, Umbach DM, Schisterman EF. An efficient design strategy for logistic regression using outcome- and covariate-dependent pooling of biospecimens prior to assay. Biometrics 2016 72(3):965-975. [Abstract Lyles RH, Mitchell EM, Weinberg CR, Umbach DM, Schisterman EF. An efficient design strategy for logistic regression using outcome- and covariate-dependent pooling of biospecimens prior to assay. Biometrics 2016 72(3):965-975.]
  111. Dinse GE, Jusko TA , Whitt IZ , Co CA, Parks CG, Satoh M, Chan EKL, Rose KM, Walker NJ, Birnbaum LS, Zeldin DC, Weinberg CR , Miller FW. Associations Between Selected Xenobiotics and Antinuclear Antibodies in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004. Environmental health perspectives 2016 124(4):426-436. [Abstract Dinse GE, Jusko TA , Whitt IZ , Co CA, Parks CG, Satoh M, Chan EKL, Rose KM, Walker NJ, Birnbaum LS, Zeldin DC, Weinberg CR , Miller FW. Associations Between Selected Xenobiotics and Antinuclear Antibodies in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004. Environmental health perspectives 2016 124(4):426-436.]
  112. O’Brien KM*, Shi M*, Sandler DP, Taylor JA, Zaykin DV, Keller J, Wise AS, and Weinberg CR. A family-based, genome-wide association study of young-onset breast cancer: Germline variants and maternally-mediated effects. European Journal of Human Genetics, 2016; 24: 1316-1323. [Abstract O’Brien KM*, Shi M*, Sandler DP, Taylor JA, Zaykin DV, Keller J, Wise AS, and Weinberg CR. A family-based, genome-wide association study of young-onset breast cancer: Germline variants and maternally-mediated effects. European Journal of Human Genetics, 2016; 24: 1316-1323.]
  113. Jukic AM, Calafat AM, McConnaughey DR, Longnecker MP, Hoppin JA, Weinberg CR, Wilcox AJ, Baird DD. Urinary Concentrations of Phthalate Metabolites and Bisphenol A and Associations with Follicular-Phase Length, Luteal-Phase Length, Fecundability, and Early Pregnancy Loss. Environmental health perspectives 124(3):321-328, 2016. [Abstract Jukic AM, Calafat AM, McConnaughey DR, Longnecker MP, Hoppin JA, Weinberg CR, Wilcox AJ, Baird DD. Urinary Concentrations of Phthalate Metabolites and Bisphenol A and Associations with Follicular-Phase Length, Luteal-Phase Length, Fecundability, and Early Pregnancy Loss. Environmental health perspectives 124(3):321-328, 2016.]
  114. O'Brien KM, Upson K, Cook NR, Weinberg CR. Environmental Chemicals in Urine and Blood: Improving Methods for Creatinine and Lipid Adjustment. Environmental health perspectives 2016 124(2):220-227. [Abstract O'Brien KM, Upson K, Cook NR, Weinberg CR. Environmental Chemicals in Urine and Blood: Improving Methods for Creatinine and Lipid Adjustment. Environmental health perspectives 2016 124(2):220-227.]
  115. Gonzalez N, O’Brien KM, D’Aloisio AA, Sandler DP§, and Weinberg CR§. Talc use, douching and risk of ovarian cancer. Epidemiology, 2016; 27: 797-802. [Abstract Gonzalez N, O’Brien KM, D’Aloisio AA, Sandler DP§, and Weinberg CR§. Talc use, douching and risk of ovarian cancer. Epidemiology, 2016; 27: 797-802.]
  116. Park YM, O'Brien KM, Zhao S, Weinberg CR, Baird DD, Sandler DP. Gestational diabetes mellitus may be associated with increased risk of breast cancer. British journal of cancer 2017 ():-.  [Abstract Park YM, O'Brien KM, Zhao S, Weinberg CR, Baird DD, Sandler DP. Gestational diabetes mellitus may be associated with increased risk of breast cancer. British journal of cancer 2017 ():-. ]
  117. Anders C, Sandler DP, Weinburg CR, Houck K, Chunduri M, Hodgson ME, Sabatino S, White MC, Rodriguez JL, Nichols HB. Age- and treatment-related associations with health behavior change among breast cancer survivors. Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland) 2017 33():-.  [Abstract Anders C, Sandler DP, Weinburg CR, Houck K, Chunduri M, Hodgson ME, Sabatino S, White MC, Rodriguez JL, Nichols HB. Age- and treatment-related associations with health behavior change among breast cancer survivors. Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland) 2017 33():-. ]
  118. Park YM, White AJ, Nichols HB, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP. The association between metabolic health, obesity phenotype and the risk of breast cancer. International journal of cancer 2017 ():-. [Abstract Park YM, White AJ, Nichols HB, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP. The association between metabolic health, obesity phenotype and the risk of breast cancer. International journal of cancer 2017 ():-.]
  119. Weinberg CR. Invited Commentary: Can Issues With Reproducibility in Science Be Blamed on Hypothesis Testing? American Journal of Epidemiology 2017 186(6):636-638. [Abstract Weinberg CR. Invited Commentary: Can Issues With Reproducibility in Science Be Blamed on Hypothesis Testing? American Journal of Epidemiology 2017 186(6):636-638.]
  120. Kleeberger C, Shore D, Genter E, Sandler DP, and Weinberg CR. The Effects of Long-term Frozen Storage on Commonly-measured Serum Analyte Levels. Epidemiology, 29(3): 448-52, 2018. [Abstract Kleeberger C, Shore D, Genter E, Sandler DP, and Weinberg CR. The Effects of Long-term Frozen Storage on Commonly-measured Serum Analyte Levels. Epidemiology, 29(3): 448-52, 2018.]
  121. Shi M, Umbach DM, Wise AS, Weinberg CR. Simulating Autosomal Genotypes with Realistic Linkage Disequilibrium and a Spiked-in Genetic Effect. BMC Bioinformatics, 19(1):2, 2018. [Abstract Shi M, Umbach DM, Wise AS, Weinberg CR. Simulating Autosomal Genotypes with Realistic Linkage Disequilibrium and a Spiked-in Genetic Effect. BMC Bioinformatics, 19(1):2, 2018.]
  122. O’Brien KM, Sandler DP, Xu X, Kinyamu HK, Taylor JA, Weinberg CR. Vitamin D, DNA Methylation, and Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Research 20(1):70, 2018, *co-senior authors. [Abstract O’Brien KM, Sandler DP, Xu X, Kinyamu HK, Taylor JA, Weinberg CR. Vitamin D, DNA Methylation, and Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Research 20(1):70, 2018, *co-senior authors.]
  123. Wang C, Chen R, Shi M, Cai J, Shi J, Yang C, Li H, Lin Z, Meng X, Liu C, Niu Y, Xia Y, Zhao Z, Kan H, Weinberg CR. 2018. Possible Mediation by Methylation in Acute Inflammation Following Personal Exposure to Fine Particulate Air Pollution. American Journal of Epidemiology 187(3):484-493. [Abstract Wang C, Chen R, Shi M, Cai J, Shi J, Yang C, Li H, Lin Z, Meng X, Liu C, Niu Y, Xia Y, Zhao Z, Kan H, Weinberg CR. 2018. Possible Mediation by Methylation in Acute Inflammation Following Personal Exposure to Fine Particulate Air Pollution. American Journal of Epidemiology 187(3):484-493.]
  124. Weinberg CR, Shi M, O'Brien K, Umbach DM. Adjustment for urinary creatinine or serum lipids for analytes assayed in pooled specimens. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 2019 30(5):768-779. [Abstract Weinberg CR, Shi M, O'Brien K, Umbach DM. Adjustment for urinary creatinine or serum lipids for analytes assayed in pooled specimens. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 2019 30(5):768-779.]
  125. Yong-Moon MP, White AJ, Jackson CL, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP. 2019. Association of Exposure to Artificial Light at Night While Sleeping With Risk of Obesity in Women. JAMA Internal Medicine. Aug 1;179(8):1061-1071. Intramural Paper of the Month; Division of Intramural Research Paper of the Year for 2019. [Abstract Yong-Moon MP, White AJ, Jackson CL, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP. 2019. Association of Exposure to Artificial Light at Night While Sleeping With Risk of Obesity in Women. JAMA Internal Medicine. Aug 1;179(8):1061-1071. Intramural Paper of the Month; Division of Intramural Research Paper of the Year for 2019.] [Full Text Yong-Moon MP, White AJ, Jackson CL, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP. 2019. Association of Exposure to Artificial Light at Night While Sleeping With Risk of Obesity in Women. JAMA Internal Medicine. Aug 1;179(8):1061-1071. Intramural Paper of the Month; Division of Intramural Research Paper of the Year for 2019.]
  126. O'Brien KM, White AJ, Sandler DP, Jackson BP, Karagas MR, Weinberg CR. Do Post-breast Cancer Diagnosis Toenail Trace Element Concentrations Reflect Prediagnostic Concentrations? Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 2019 30(1):112-119. [Abstract O'Brien KM, White AJ, Sandler DP, Jackson BP, Karagas MR, Weinberg CR. Do Post-breast Cancer Diagnosis Toenail Trace Element Concentrations Reflect Prediagnostic Concentrations? Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 2019 30(1):112-119.]
  127. Shi M, O'Brien KM, Weinberg CR. 2020. Interactions between a Polygenic Risk Score and Non-genetic Risk Factors in Young-Onset Breast Cancer. Scientific Reports; doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-60032-3 [Online 24 February 2020]. [Abstract Shi M, O'Brien KM, Weinberg CR. 2020. Interactions between a Polygenic Risk Score and Non-genetic Risk Factors in Young-Onset Breast Cancer. Scientific Reports; doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-60032-3 [Online 24 February 2020].]
  128. Andrew AS, O'Brien KM, Jackson BP, Sandler DP, Kaye WE, Wagner L, Stommel EW, Horton DK, Mehta P, Weinberg CR. 2020. Keratinous biomarker of mercury exposure associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis risk in a nationwide U.S. study. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener; doi: 10.1080/21678421.2020.1753777 [Online 24 April 2020]. [Abstract Andrew AS, O'Brien KM, Jackson BP, Sandler DP, Kaye WE, Wagner L, Stommel EW, Horton DK, Mehta P, Weinberg CR. 2020. Keratinous biomarker of mercury exposure associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis risk in a nationwide U.S. study. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener; doi: 10.1080/21678421.2020.1753777 [Online 24 April 2020].]
  129. Kapoor PM, Mavaddat N, Choudhury PP, Wilcox AN, Lindström S, Behrens S, Michailidou K, Dennis J, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Jung A, Abu-Ful Z, Ahearn T, Andrulis IL, Anton-Culver H, Arndt V, Aronson KJ, Auer PL, Freeman LEB, Becher H, Beckmann MW, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Benitez J, Bernstein L, Bojesen SE, Brauch H, Brenner H, Brüning T, Cai Q, Campa D, Canzian F, Carracedo A, Carter BD, Castelao JE, Chanock SJ, Chatterjee N, Chenevix-Trench G, Clarke CL, Couch FJ, Cox A, Cross SS, Czene K, Dai JY, Earp HS, Ekici AB, Eliassen AH, Eriksson M, Evans DG, Fasching PA, Figueroa J, Fritschi L, Gabrielson M, Gago-Dominguez M, Gao C, Gapstur SM, Gaudet MM, Giles GG, González-Neira A, Guénel P, Haeberle L, Haiman CA, Håkansson N, Hall P, Hamann U, Hatse S, Heyworth J, Holleczek B, Hoover RN, Hopper JL, Howell A, Hunter DJ; ABCTB Investigators; kConFab/AOCS Investigators, John EM, Jones ME, Kaaks R, Keeman R, Kitahara CM, Ko YD, Koutros S, Kurian AW, Lambrechts D, Marchand LL, Lee E, Lejbkowicz F, Linet M, Lissowska J, Llaneza A, MacInnis RJ, Martinez ME, Maurer T, McLean C, Neuhausen SL, Newman WG, Norman A, O'Brien KM, Olshan AF, Olson JE, Olsson H, Orr N, Perou CM, Pita G, Polley EC, Prentice RL, Rennert G, Rennert HS, Ruddy KJ, Sandler DP, Saunders C, Schoemaker MJ, Schöttker B, Schumacher F, Scott C, Scott RJ, Shu XO, Smeets A, Southey MC, Spinelli JJ, Stone J, Swerdlow AJ, Tamimi RM, Taylor JA, Troester MA, Vachon CM, van Veen EM, Wang X, Weinberg CR, Weltens C, Willett W, Winham SJ, Wolk A, Yang XR, Zheng W, Ziogas A, Dunning AM, Pharoah PDP, Schmidt MK, Kraft P, Easton DF, Milne RL, García-Closas M, Chang-Claude J. 2020. Combined associations of a polygenic risk score and classical risk factors with breast cancer risk. J Natl Cancer Inst; doi: 10.1093/jnci/djaa056 [Online 2 May 2020]. [Abstract Kapoor PM, Mavaddat N, Choudhury PP, Wilcox AN, Lindström S, Behrens S, Michailidou K, Dennis J, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Jung A, Abu-Ful Z, Ahearn T, Andrulis IL, Anton-Culver H, Arndt V, Aronson KJ, Auer PL, Freeman LEB, Becher H, Beckmann MW, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Benitez J, Bernstein L, Bojesen SE, Brauch H, Brenner H, Brüning T, Cai Q, Campa D, Canzian F, Carracedo A, Carter BD, Castelao JE, Chanock SJ, Chatterjee N, Chenevix-Trench G, Clarke CL, Couch FJ, Cox A, Cross SS, Czene K, Dai JY, Earp HS, Ekici AB, Eliassen AH, Eriksson M, Evans DG, Fasching PA, Figueroa J, Fritschi L, Gabrielson M, Gago-Dominguez M, Gao C, Gapstur SM, Gaudet MM, Giles GG, González-Neira A, Guénel P, Haeberle L, Haiman CA, Håkansson N, Hall P, Hamann U, Hatse S, Heyworth J, Holleczek B, Hoover RN, Hopper JL, Howell A, Hunter DJ; ABCTB Investigators; kConFab/AOCS Investigators, John EM, Jones ME, Kaaks R, Keeman R, Kitahara CM, Ko YD, Koutros S, Kurian AW, Lambrechts D, Marchand LL, Lee E, Lejbkowicz F, Linet M, Lissowska J, Llaneza A, MacInnis RJ, Martinez ME, Maurer T, McLean C, Neuhausen SL, Newman WG, Norman A, O'Brien KM, Olshan AF, Olson JE, Olsson H, Orr N, Perou CM, Pita G, Polley EC, Prentice RL, Rennert G, Rennert HS, Ruddy KJ, Sandler DP, Saunders C, Schoemaker MJ, Schöttker B, Schumacher F, Scott C, Scott RJ, Shu XO, Smeets A, Southey MC, Spinelli JJ, Stone J, Swerdlow AJ, Tamimi RM, Taylor JA, Troester MA, Vachon CM, van Veen EM, Wang X, Weinberg CR, Weltens C, Willett W, Winham SJ, Wolk A, Yang XR, Zheng W, Ziogas A, Dunning AM, Pharoah PDP, Schmidt MK, Kraft P, Easton DF, Milne RL, García-Closas M, Chang-Claude J. 2020. Combined associations of a polygenic risk score and classical risk factors with breast cancer risk. J Natl Cancer Inst; doi: 10.1093/jnci/djaa056 [Online 2 May 2020].]
  130. Weinberg CR. 2020. Fertility, Season and a Legitimate Role for P-values. Hum Reprod 35(3):488-489. [Abstract Weinberg CR. 2020. Fertility, Season and a Legitimate Role for P-values. Hum Reprod 35(3):488-489.]
  131. Weinberg CR. 2020. Editorial: Making the best use of test kits for COVID-19. Am J Epidemiol 189(5):363-364. [Abstract Weinberg CR. 2020. Editorial: Making the best use of test kits for COVID-19. Am J Epidemiol 189(5):363-364.]
  132. Jia M, Wu Z, Vogtmann E, O'Brien KM, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Gierach GL. 2020. The association between periodontal disease and breast cancer in a prospective cohort study. Cancer Prevention Research (Philadelphia, PA); doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-20-0018 [Online 29 July 2020]. [Abstract Jia M, Wu Z, Vogtmann E, O'Brien KM, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Gierach GL. 2020. The association between periodontal disease and breast cancer in a prospective cohort study. Cancer Prevention Research (Philadelphia, PA); doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-20-0018 [Online 29 July 2020].]
  133. White AJ, O'Brien KM, Niehoff NM, Jackson BP, Karagas MR, Weinberg CR, Keil AP. 2020. Toenail metal concentrations and age at menopause: A prospective study. Environ Epidemiol 4(4):e0104. [Abstract White AJ, O'Brien KM, Niehoff NM, Jackson BP, Karagas MR, Weinberg CR, Keil AP. 2020. Toenail metal concentrations and age at menopause: A prospective study. Environ Epidemiol 4(4):e0104.]
  134. Von Holle A, O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, Janicek R, Weinberg CR. 2021. Association between serum iron biomarkers and breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 30(2):422-425. [Abstract Von Holle A, O'Brien KM, Sandler DP, Janicek R, Weinberg CR. 2021. Association between serum iron biomarkers and breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 30(2):422-425.]
  135. O'Brien KM, Tworoger SS, Harris HR, Trabert B, Weinberg CR, Fortner RT, D'Aloisio AA, Kaunitz AM, Wentzensen N, Sandler DP. Genital powder use and risk of uterine cancer: A pooled analysis of prospective studies. Int J Cancer. 2021 Jun 1;148(11):2692-2701. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33470. Epub 2021 Feb 1. PMID: 33433939; PMCID: PMC8106926. [Abstract O'Brien KM, Tworoger SS, Harris HR, Trabert B, Weinberg CR, Fortner RT, D'Aloisio AA, Kaunitz AM, Wentzensen N, Sandler DP. Genital powder use and risk of uterine cancer: A pooled analysis of prospective studies. Int J Cancer. 2021 Jun 1;148(11):2692-2701. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33470. Epub 2021 Feb 1. PMID: 33433939; PMCID: PMC8106926.]
  136. O'Brien KM, White AJ, Jackson BP, Karagas MR, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. 2021. Toenail-Based Metal Concentrations and Young-Onset Breast Cancer. Am J Epidemiol. 188(4):34-43. [Abstract O'Brien KM, White AJ, Jackson BP, Karagas MR, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. 2021. Toenail-Based Metal Concentrations and Young-Onset Breast Cancer. Am J Epidemiol. 188(4):34-43.]
  137. Diaz-Santana MV, O'Brien KM, Park YM, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Persistence of risk for type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care. 2022;45(4):864-870. doi:10.2337/dc21-1430. [Abstract Diaz-Santana MV, O'Brien KM, Park YM, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Persistence of risk for type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care. 2022;45(4):864-870. doi:10.2337/dc21-1430.]