The Office of Environmental Science Cyberinfrastructure (OESC), leads planning and development of NIEHS Informatics and Information Technology (I&IT) strategy. I&IT initiatives are aligned with the institute’s overall strategic goals and mission.

I&IT plays a critical role in enabling scientific discovery, in facilitating scientific collaborations and team-based science, and in communicating findings to the broader community.

The NIEHS I&IT mission is to provide innovative and reliable cyberinfrastructure that advances environmental health science and promotes healthier lives.

The NIEHS I&IT vision is to empower and catalyze the translation of data to knowledge to action and improve public health through the application of transformative cyberinfrastructures.

To advance this mission and vision we are:

  • Collaborating with NIEHS Intramural and Extramural research communities to identify and provide essential cyberinfrastructure.
  • Guiding the institute’s I&IT strategy to achieve our scientific and administrative priorities.
  • Providing executive and managerial leadership for I&IT teams.

OESC Organization:


David C. Fargo, Ph.D.
David C. Fargo, Ph.D.
Director of Environmental Science Cyberinfrastructure
Tel 984-287-3880
[email protected]
P.O. Box 12233
Mail Drop B3-01
Durham, NC 27709