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Biostatistics & Computational Biology Branch

The following provides information on available fellowships and positions in the Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch and how to apply for them. Positions in other Laboratories and Branches may be viewed on the Career Opportunities webpage of that particular group.

Permanent Positions

Permanent positions include senior staff scientist, independent investigator, and other research positions.


Fellowship training is under the supervision of NIEHS senior scientists. Fellows choose two advisors—a primary research advisor and a career mentor—from among senior branch or division scientists. Fellows gain experience with interdisciplinary or multi-center collaborations, and by participating in career development activities.

Post Doctoral Fellowship Opportunities

For NIH/NIEHS wide Postdoctoral openings click this link: Postdoc Positions at the NIH.
Once at the NIH webpage type “NIEHS” in the keyword search field on this webpage for NIEHS specific opportunities.