
The Trans-NIH Metabolomics Core (TNMC) is a shared research resource that performs metabolomics analysis (and related small molecule research) for investigators at all Institutes and Centers across the NIH Intramural Research Program. The TNMC is administered at NIEHS with participating laboratories at NIEHS, NIA, and NIAID. The TNMC was established in 2023 and continues to grow in the offerings provided, expertise, and participatory labs.

Participating Laboratories


Metabolomics measures the small molecules – endogenous and exogenous – that underpin biological changes in response to diet, behavior, exposure, disease, and more.

Currently, the TNMC offers two general types of metabolomics approaches – targeted and untargeted – covering different aspects of metabolism and to varying degrees of analytical measurement. Each offering has unique requirements, deliverables, and costs – please review the information for each offering carefully.

The specific metabolomics assays offered, by site, are:

National Institute on Aging (NIA)

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID)

  • Bile Acids – Quantification of primary and secondary bile acids, including conjugated and free forms.
  • Short Chain Fatty Acids – Quantification of short-chain fatty acids (consult prior to sample collection).
  • Targeted Lipidomics – Relative quantitation of a broad panel of >1700 individual glycerolipid, sphingolipid, and sterol lipids.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

  • Untargeted Metabolomics – Measurement of the relative changes of all detectable chemicals/metabolites in a specimen as part of a global metabolic profile.


  • Cost varies across assays but is highly competitive with academic laboratories and commercial services. For example, the untargeted metabolomics assay from NIEHS costs $120 per sample. Cost will be discussed and agreed upon prior to starting the project.
  • Different NIH Institutes/Centers handle Investigator costs for Trans-NIH core facilities using different mechanisms, so we recommend that you inquire with your Lab/Branch Chief or Scientific Director.

Typical Order of Operations

  1. Submit a project request form (information below) or email general inquiry.
    • All projects require a form to be submitted prior to consideration.
  2. The TNMC team will review the request and discuss feasibility.
  3. The TNMC team will send an introductory email to all persons including the TNMC participating laboratory that is deemed best suited to handle the project request.
  4. The TNMC participating laboratory will determine all further steps which nearly always include a consultation via video conference, guidance on sample handling and/or preparation, etc.
    • Note: The participating laboratory may determine after consultation that they cannot provide the requested analysis. The TNMC will assist in finding alternative options within TNMC in this scenario.
  5. At completion of the project, the TNMC participating laboratory will correspond with TNMC administrators for usage fees.

Project Request

Please complete the project request form. Following a brief review and discussion among the TNMC participants, the TNMC Coordinator will contact you about the requested project.


  • Questions about the operation of the TNMC or general inquiry should be routed to the Trans-NIH Metabolomics Core email.
  • Technical questions about specific offerings should be routed to the contact information listed at the bottom of each offerings page.


TNMC Administrative

Michael B. Fessler, M.D.
Michael B. Fessler, M.D.
Acting Clinical Director and Chair - Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC);
Chief, Immunity, Inflammation, and Disease Laboratory and Principal Investigator
Tel 984-287-4081
[email protected]
P.O. Box 12233
Mail Drop D2-01
Durham, NC 27709
Alan K. Jarmusch, Ph.D.
Alan K. Jarmusch, Ph.D.
Director, Metabolomics Core Facility (MCF)
Tel 984-287-4523
[email protected]
111 Tw Alexander Dr
David P Rall Building
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

TNMC Participating Laboratories and Cores

NIA Participating Laboratory

Ruin Moaddel, Ph.D.
Ruin Moaddel, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist
Tel 410-558-8294
[email protected]

NIAID Participating Laboratory

Benji Schwarz, Ph.D.
Benji Schwarz, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist
Tel 406-363-9285
[email protected]

NIEHS Participating Laboratory

Alan K. Jarmusch, Ph.D.
Alan K. Jarmusch, Ph.D.
Director, Metabolomics Core Facility (MCF)
Tel 984-287-4523
[email protected]
111 Tw Alexander Dr
David P Rall Building
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709