Study Background
COVID-19 is ravaging communities across the world and is disproportionately affecting Black and African American communities in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Blacks and African Americans have an almost three times greater mortality rate than non-Hispanic Whites. To alleviate the irreversible health effects and spread of COVID-19, pharmaceutical companies in the United States and across the world are developing COVID-19 vaccines The purpose of this project is to understand attitudes about vaccinations across Black/African American populations in North Carolina to further understand environmental health disparities and promote health equity.
Eligibility Criteria
- Black/African American women and men, aged 18 and older
- Live in North Carolina
- Access to a stable internet connection and Zoom
- Able to understand and speak English or communicate using American Sign Language (ASL)
Principal Investigator
Joan P. Packenham, Ph.D.
Director, NIEHS Office of Human Research and Community Engagement (OHRCE);
Tel 984-287-4413
[email protected] -
P.O. Box 12233Mail Drop A2-02Durham, NC 27709