Women's Health Awareness Transforming Communities by Enhancing Women's Health

Environmental Health Podcasts Series

  • January is National Radon Action Month

    January 2021

    Transcript (61KB)
    National Radon Action Month January

    You might not think of radon, a naturally occurring gas, as a women’s health issue. But in many ways, it is exactly that. Listen to an expert describe radon and the issues surrounding it. Learn where it is found, the health effects of radon exposure, and how to protect your home and family against this potential deadly exposure.

    Rose Hoban interviews featured guest Phillip Gibson, North Carolina Radon Program Coordinator, Division of Health Service Regulation, Radiation Protection Section, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

    North Carolina residents: please complete a brief questionnaire to receive a free radon test kit for your home.

Vaccine Confidence: A Call to Action to Create Change in Communities of Color Series

The COVID-19 pandemic changed life as we knew it. In addition to the health implications, the COVID-19 pandemic forced researchers to explore methodologies for reaching out to communities of color and relaying life-saving information about the COVID-19 vaccinations. Dr. Joan Packenham and her research team developed virtual, community-based focus groups to assess the local community’s thoughts, concerns, attitudes and beliefs regarding immunizations and the upcoming COVID-19 vaccines.

From the data collected in the focus groups, podcasts have been developed with relevant subject matter experts to increase vaccination health literacy.

  • Jared Peele Vaccine Rap

    Transcript (62KB)

    This song is dedicated to the memory of Jared Peele.

    Understanding and Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy: Lessons Learned from the Women's Health Awareness (WHA) Engagement with Communities of Color

    Jared Peele

    The Vaccine Confidence theme song “Tell Me the Truth” was written and performed by late hip-hop artist Jared Peele for NIEHS. Peele, a social justice activist, was born and raised in Halifax County, North Carolina. Aware of the health inequities and disparities surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic in his community, he wanted to raise awareness about the vaccine to help build trust between his community and the medical community.

    Jared strongly believed that rap would appeal to a younger demographic and provide a creative way to express the thoughts and beliefs about the COVID-19 vaccine as well as share, accurate vaccination health information.

    His music to address the disparity between minorities and the medical communities will live on forever.

  • The Black Church Rises: Uplifting Communities of Color During the Pandemic

    Transcript (125KB)

    Reverend Dr. D. Gregory Ceres

    Reverend Dr. D. Gregory Ceres

    During the coronavirus pandemic, places of worship had to rethink and retool how they connected with members outside of the physical building. As a result, Reverend Dr. D. Gregory Ceres, Pastor of Peace Missionary Baptist Church in Durham, North Carolina, worked diligently with other clergy members to teach their communities about relevant health issues as it relates to faith, and embrace the new role of the church. Along with educating communities on health issues, local clergy members also provided vaccine and testing accessibility with free public health sponsored pop-up community health centers. Keeping communities of color safe, informed, and providing credible information are just some of the Black Church’s duties, that are essential on providing a safe space for holistic healing.

  • Keeping COVID Out of the Classrooms

    Transcript (119KB)

    Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail

    Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail

    Amid widespread concern for how educational institutions could continue to provide quality education while remaining safe and healthy, Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail, President of St. Augustine's University in Raleigh, North Carolina, focused on keeping her college community healthy and informed amid the coronavirus pandemic. As President, Dr. McPhail’s ability to create an engaging atmosphere for her students while handling the death of her husband and COVID-19 pandemic within a college community was astonishing. Dr. McPhail prioritized her community’s safety by promoting health literacy practices and engaging the student body to work together to accomplish a common goal. Dr. McPhail shared her personal losses and how faith in her religion and students pushed the university to “just excel and soar high.”

  • Tell Me the Truth

    Transcript (124KB)

    Ms. Patricia Peele

    Ms. Patricia Peele

    During this podcast, you’ll learn how Ms. Patricia Peele, a Health Education and Outreach Coordinator at Rural Health Group Incorporated based in Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, used her 30 years of outreach experience to make creative PR campaigns to reduce vaccine hesitancy in rural Northeastern North Carolina. By partnering with local organizations, Ms. Peele helped to educate community residents on the benefits of vaccinations and share credible vaccination information. Thorough her efforts, Ms. Peele empowered her community to create healthy choices and enable other communities to understand the importance of vaccinations.

  • Doctor's Orders: Analyzing the Present and Future of COVID-19

    Transcript (136KB)

    Dr. David Wohl

    Dr. David Wohl

    During this podcast, Dr. David Wohl, an infectious disease specialist at UNC Chapel Hill, provided a medical perspective to the ongoing vaccine hesitancy conversation. His medical expertise and outreach experience provided useful information about combatting vaccine hesitancy and addressing the mistrust within minority communities. Dr. Wohl also discussed the benefits of vaccinations, the possibility of COVID-19 becoming a recurring infection, and being boosted for life.