Office of Science Education & Diversity

High school students visit the NIEHS campus
Students from an area high school visit the NIEHS campus in Research Triangle Park, NC.

For K thru 12 students and teachers, as well as post-secondary science-based student groups/programs from surrounding colleges and universities:

  • Tour of the NIEHS Campus
  • An inside look at career options available in biomedical research
  • Overview of NIEHS research and much more!

As part of its education outreach efforts, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences offers educational tours/visits of the institute. The tours offer area K thru 12 and college/university students and teachers the opportunity to learn about a wide range of fascinating topics related to environmental health, along with an inside look at some of the career options available to those who are considering employment in biomedical research.

NIEHS building
A panoramic view of the NIEHS buildings in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Institute tours are conducted weekdays during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) and are reserved on a first-come first-served basis. Tour groups are limited to 36 participants. (Virtual tours can be any size.)

Campus Tour Group

Additional Resources:

Campus Visitors 2016

Photos courtesy of North Carolina Health Career Access Programs at UNC-Chapel Hill

Some of these students went on to become NIH Summer Interns at NIEHS

Hindu Society of North Carolina's Seniors Club
Hindu Society of North Carolina's Seniors Club enjoys visit to lab areas and talks with scientists.