Technology Profile

DERBI Screenshot
Left: Screenshot of the phthalates overview from DERBI in English. Right: A sample screenshot showing how a participant’s individual results are reported in context with the total cohort data. The numbers correspond to the study visit when the samples were taken.

The Northeastern University Puerto Rico Testsite for Exploring Contamination Threats (PROTECT) SRP Center and its partners at the Silent Spring Institute developed a mobile app to report individual research results back to study participants. The app was designed specifically for PROTECT and was adapted from the Silent Spring Institute's computer-based Digital Exposure Report-Back Interface (DERBI) .App developers incorporated suggestions from PROTECT's Community Advisory Committee and Stakeholder Committee, which is composed of PROTECT participants. The DERBI app is available to study participants in both English and Spanish.

Technology A mobile app for PROTECT participants, allowing them to access results and information from their participation in the study. Participants receive unique identification codes to access individualized reports, which compare their results with aggregate study results and U.S. averages.
Innovation The mobile app was adapted from the earlier computer-based DERBI tool and designed specifically for PROTECT participants. DERBI automates the production of personalized reports for sharing exposure and biomonitoring data with study participants.
Contaminant and Media PROTECT is using the tool to provide biomonitoring data on a variety of chemicals, including phthalates, phenols, and pesticides.
Principal Investigator Phil Brown, Ph.D., Carmen Milagros Velez Vega, Ph.D.
Institution Northeastern University
Grant Number P42ES017198
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