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New GEH Podcast and Webinar Recordings Available

NIEHS GEH Podcast: Wildfires and Indigenous Populations

In this new three-part podcast from GEH, we hear from experts in Canada, the United States, and Australia about the health effects of wildfires and emergency management, indigenous fire practices to mitigate wildfire intensity, and the compounding effect climate change has on the future of wildfires.

To listen to this podcast, visit NIEHS Wildfires and Indigenous Populations Podcast.

CUGH 2021 - Addressing Critical Gaps in Global Helath and Development

Closing the Gap Between Knowledge and Practice: Implementation Science Priorities for Health Adaptation for Climate Change

NIEHS recently planned and hosted a satellite session entitled "Closing the Gap Between Knowledge and Practice: Implementation Science Priorities for Health Adaptation for Climate Change" at the Consortium of Universities in Global Health (CUGH) virtual annual meeting.

Details of the session can be found in this month's GEH@NIEHS article and a recording can be viewed at CUGH 201 - Session 1282 .